Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,262: The Cunning Source of Destruction

It is cheaper to buy some black technology products individually, but if you want to buy blueprints or even production lines, even with his current face value of tens of millions, it is difficult to afford a few.

But now time is tight. Just buying the drawings and waiting for the production line to be established will be delayed for at least a year.

Therefore, Ye Yang plans to purchase the production line directly.

"Quantum computer production line, advanced base construction technology chain, giant magnetic field transformation construction technology..."

Ye Yang originally placed orders for many black technologies that he could not afford.

The industrial chain of black technology companies has increased a lot again.

If it were before, such a large-scale factory opening would definitely attract some attention and inquiries, but now no one dares to interfere too much with his actions.

No one can stop him.

“After the core needs are met, the information on these products will be made public.”

Ye Yang said.

If so much technology is released at once, it will inevitably cause too much shock.


After making up my mind.

Ye Yang put away the system interface.

"The Hurricane men are here."

Xiao Xiaozhu came to Huihui to report.

Ye Yang nodded and walked into the hall.

"Has the intelligence integration been completed?"

Ye Yang asked.

"Already done."

The Hurricane members nodded firmly: "We have dug up some base information about the source of destruction, and we are just waiting for your order to start a simultaneous strike."

"Well, without further ado, let's start now."

Ye Yang nodded.

"Ahem, but boss, the police and military forces of the United States want to act with us."

Hurricane members kept saying: "We haven't convinced them yet."

"It doesn't matter."

Ye Yang shook his head.

The benefits of the Black Source and the Fallen Source have been swallowed up by the hurricane, and other countries have long been jealous.

Although the United States is now afraid of aerospace aircraft carriers, it is still a superpower and cannot give up all the benefits to itself like the European Union and the Asian Union, which are composed of many countries.

He doesn't care either.

The layout of the Fountain of Destruction in Yellowstone Park left him frightened. The development of this organization was obviously more terrifying and larger than the other two Fountain organizations.

There was a vague premonition in his heart.

Now that we have enough information, we need to start attacking as soon as possible.

Otherwise, with this powerful source of destruction, anything could happen during the long nights and dreams.

Only a quick strike can catch them off guard.

Slow decision-making leading to accidents was not the result Ye Yang wanted to see.


The next moment, a scene that had played out before in Europe began to play out in the United States.

"What are you doing!?"

"Search permission, get out of the way!"


Various manhunts and battles started everywhere.

Occasionally, there will be flames rising from a certain city, making people frightened and uneasy.

Many videos were filmed and uploaded to the Internet, sparking intense discussion.


"Boss, many bases are empty, documents have been destroyed, and some bases have even laid traps... Fortunately, most of the first wave of people who rushed in were American forces who wanted to take credit. Our losses are still acceptable. "

At this point, although the hurricane steward's face was sad, Ye Yang could still see a flash of schadenfreude on his face.


Ye Yang nodded.

He knew it wasn't that simple.

It is difficult to use the same method a second time on these source organizations.

The adaptability of these source organizations cannot be underestimated.

"However, we also have more information about it, but it is estimated that the fight against the source of destruction will enter a state of protracted war."

said the head of the Hurricane.

"If this continues, it is estimated that the United States will start to disagree again."

said the hurricane chief.

Ye Yang frowned.

They care very much about the direction of public opinion.

The current tug of war with the Source of Destruction will cause many subsequent impacts, market turbulence, and escalation of conflicts. It is estimated that there will be many opposition voices by then.

"These are not things we have to worry about."

Ye Yang spread his hands indifferently.


The hurricane manager nodded.

"Be clear, we are just mercenaries invited by the United States to clean up these Fountainhead organizations. Any negative impact it has is a matter that the people who invited us have to deal with. If they can't deal with it, the worst they can do is replace us."

Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth: "Of course, I mean, if he can find someone else to solve this trouble."

Everyone in the hall burst into laughter.


"How could there be such a big loss!"

The seven-star general's beard was so angry that he was so angry. The losses this time were indeed huge. Before the source of destruction evacuated, he left various traps, bombs, sulfuric acid, chemical gases in many bases...

The losses suffered were huge!

"Damn it, I didn't get the money, but I lost a lot of people."

"Did Ye Yang know about this from the beginning? Otherwise, he didn't let other countries participate in the encirclement and suppression campaign before. How could he agree to let us participate this time?"

"This kid is so bad!"


Many people around him said angrily.

"It's not like...this time is an opportunity we fought hard for. I didn't plan to take us to play..."

someone added.



The few people who scolded Ye Yang fell silent.


For the next month, Ye Yang's newly exchanged industrial chain was fully invested in production.

He also continued to travel in America with Liu Qianqian and the Xiao sisters.

Hurricane also continued to pursue the source of destruction based on various clues, and there were gains every day, but there would also be some losses.


Somewhere in America, the headquarters of the source of destruction.

"We reacted fast enough and ran fast enough. How come this hurricane has such a keen nose that it can always track us down based on clues."

"Maybe they are all born in the Year of the Dog."


"At their rate of destruction, it will be difficult for us to hold on any longer."

"Well, do you want to execute the ultimate order?"

"Block all activities, everyone enters a silent state, and changes the location of the base. When the ultimate day comes, we will re-enter the world."

"It can be considered. After all, now is a special era..."

"Yes... The ultimate era is coming soon. We can't fall in the last ray of light before the darkness falls..."


The president of the source of destruction nodded: "I will report to the higher-ups right away."


"Boss, the information collection and analysis model built with quantum computers has been completed."

An AI scientist reported.

Ye Yang's eyes lit up.

The reason why he has been calm and relaxed for the past month and can travel around is that he is waiting for the birth of this data model! ! !

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