Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,263 Scientific fortune telling?

Ye Yang went directly to the underground warehouse.

Quantum computers are hundreds of millions of times more powerful than previous general-purpose binary computers.

It can do things that today's computers simply can't imagine.

A problem that today's computers would not be able to solve in 10,000 years can be solved by a quantum computer in a fraction of a second.

Nowadays, people in computer games look a bit fake, and the characters of quantum computers are more real than real.

After unlocking the quantum computer production line.

You can do many things that you couldn't even imagine before.

However, quantum computers are very large. The current first-generation machines are three meters square in size. They have to meet the harsh operating environment, and each one costs hundreds of millions.

It is not yet available for large-scale civilian use.

“I channeled my consciousness along with the data model.”

In the three-dimensional electronic scene projected by the quantum computer, the AI ​​expert said.

"I will introduce the specific application of this data model below."

He began to demonstrate the operation: "This model is specially built for tracking members of the Fountain of Destruction. As long as you enter key information and import enough personal information of the Destruction members, you can deduce the information of the people who have had contact with him.

Then through the professional profiling ability of police officers, they can screen out the true identities of the people who have come into contact with him through the identity database, and then use the information of these people to locate their current location..."

With the narration of AI experts.

Ye Yang also broke into a cold sweat after hearing this.

Quantum computers are indeed terrifying.

This is almost catching up with the law of cause and effect weapons. To put it simply, they input the information of the members of the Fountain of Destruction that they have captured, and then use this algorithm to calculate the other members of the Fountain of Destruction organization step by step.

"Previous computers were unable to undertake such a huge computing task, but quantum computers make this algorithm possible."

The AI ​​expert smiled.

Ye Yang said: "Doesn't this mean that in the future, if a criminal gang only needs to catch one person, it will be equivalent to catching everyone?"

"Not only that, as long as you provide enough detailed and accurate personal information, even if you don't catch that person, you can still deduce the information about the entire gang."

The AI ​​expert said: "However, that requires quite detailed information."


Everyone present was sweating profusely.

This is no longer artificial intelligence, it is almost psychic and becoming a god...

People who can tell fortunes with their divine eyes generally don’t dare to brag about themselves so much.

"Well, this kind of thing cannot be abused."

Ye Yang patted the big guy in front of him.

The emergence of this thing may set off a terrible storm in the future.

But at least for now, it's a good thing.

The source of destruction is too cunning. If it is consumed as much as it is now, it will be impossible to defeat it within three to five years.

Moreover, the actions of destroying the source have decreased sharply recently. It seems that everyone has entered a state of silence and is completely hidden. If they are really silent, it may not be possible to remove them at all within ten or twenty years.

"Are you ready for all the information I asked you to prepare?"

Ye Yang turned to the person in charge of the hurricane on the side.

The person in charge of the hurricane nodded and took out a hard drive.

After reading the information, the quantum computer begins to run the data model.

In less than ten seconds, almost immediately after reading, a dense number of names poured out on the screen.

Most of this time is due to retrieving data from other databases, or through ordinary computers.

Otherwise, I am afraid that even one second will not be used.

"I'm going, so fast!?"

The person in charge of the hurricane information department on the side was a little shocked.

They racked their brains, looked for countless clues, and conducted various analyses, but they could not find a few members of the Fountain of Destruction.

This computer can calculate it directly in about ten seconds...

so much! ?

He looked at the names on the screen with some suspicion.

"Not everyone is, it's just a probability analysis. If the probability is more than 90%, it must be a member of the Source of Destruction. If it is less than 50%, it is basically an irrelevant person. However, These unrelated people have some contacts and interactions with the people you entered.”

AI experts explained in due course.


The person in charge of the hurricane glanced at the screen. Many of them had a matching degree of more than 90%, and some were less than 50%. On the contrary, there were not many...

"This is too much punishment!"

The person in charge of the hurricane was overjoyed.

Pass this information directly to your subordinates and let them take action immediately.

The calculation results given by quantum computers are possible speculations.

The longer the time elapses before the predicted result, the more inaccurate it will be.

After all, data is dead but people are alive. You can figure out where he is now, but you can't stop him from running somewhere else the next moment.

"Next, let's verify how accurate this scientific fortune telling is!"

The hurricane manager is looking forward to it.

Ye Yang sat there, watching the person in charge nervously waiting for news, and smiled slightly.

He has great trust in high technology and has no worries in his heart. He feels that success is a matter of course: "Sit down, drink a cup of coffee, and just wait for the news of victory."


The boss ordered, so he had no choice but to endure and sit down. However, he drank the coffee absentmindedly and did not add any sugar. It was so bitter that his tongue twitched.

"Ha ha……"

Soon, there was news.

The data given by the algorithm model had errors.

But the errors were not large. At the location it inferred, many destruction source molecules were really caught, and the explosion rate was very high.

The number of people caught on this day was more than what they caught this month combined! ! !

With this victory, everyone put their hearts at ease and began to steadily advance the capture process...

The members of the Hurricane jokingly called it the "quantum fortune-telling machine."

"Oh my god, it's paid out! Legendary treasures have been opened! This nest directly brought out hundreds of people! It's a big fat piece of meat!"

"It's the same here, but there are many black-haired monsters inside. It should be the former civilization laboratory that the boss mentioned."

"I found some mechanical organisms here. The attack power is stronger than the black-haired monsters, but they are very slow."


Various reports came one after another.

In the information report, the members of the Hurricane became more and more naughty. Obviously, the emergence of this technological plug-in has greatly reduced their pressure.

Let them fully release the anger that has been suppressed for a month.

"Sure enough, the source of destruction is different from the other two sources."

The senior executives of the Hurricane nearby were extremely happy, while Ye Yang fell into deep thought.

"Not only have they penetrated into the deepest layer, but they also have some other tasks, inheriting the unfinished experiments of the previous civilization, the Yellowstone earthquake generator and other trump card tasks."

Ye Yang narrowed his eyes: "What exactly makes them so special?"

(Second update)

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