Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,268: The Ultimate Pulse of Lieyang III


The leading purple mecha released missiles all over its body, and after firing its laser cannon, it slashed over with its high-energy particle light blade.

The laser cannon is too fast to dodge.

Ye Yang opened the energy shield to dissolve the laser beam, then dodged and leaped to avoid the loading missile.

"Gravity field!"

He waved his hand.

Directly suppressed by the gravity field.


The purple mecha instantly withstood tens of meters of pressure. However, the mecha was small in size and extremely powerful, so it would not fall like an ordinary airplane. In a daze, it stabilized its figure again.

But, just in this trance.

Ye Yang has already reached him!

"not good!"

Ye Yang's instantaneous burst speed was many times faster than that of a generation of mechas. The opponent didn't even have time to open the protective shield, and was quickly passed by Ye Yang, holding a light-blade knife, and slashed him directly! ! !

A ray of light remained on the chest of the purple mecha, and then he cut it into two parts. The photon incision was smooth and neat, the flesh and blood were charred, and no blood spilled out at all. He lost power and fell into two parts...

"I was stunned instantly..."

The speed was too fast, leaving an afterimage in mid-air.

No one could see clearly what was happening.

It wasn't until it fell into the sky that I realized that the purple mecha on my side had been instantly killed in just one encounter! ! !

This shocking feeling made them feel unreal...

As expected, shouldn't it be Ye Yang who was set on fire in an instant? ?

Thoughts flashed through.

Above the sky, Ye Yang had instantly approached the mecha behind him.


Although they cursed angrily, all the follow-up mechas deployed their energy shields!

Obviously, Ye Yang's instantaneous purple mecha and terrifying burst speed made them feel deep fear.

"Do you think you can save your life by opening the energy shield!?"

Ye Yang sneered, and the high-energy particle beams around him instantly rioted!

"Be careful, he wants to use that trick!!!"

The people below shouted wildly, trying to alert their own mechas above, but unfortunately, they could not be heard above.

The high-energy particles rioted, and even electronic communications were directly interfered with and collapsed!

Because of the energy disorder, thunder surged in the sky and electricity was naturally generated.

"Siege him!"

Everyone obviously felt that Ye Yang's move was not easy, and they all gathered around him, preparing to shoot him down before he finished accumulating power.

"Boom boom boom!"



Various attacks landed on Ye Yang's energy shield, causing waves.

Although the energy shield of Lieyang No. 3 is extremely powerful.

But faced with the siege of this mecha attack, there were still more than a dozen, and there was some pressure.

Before, only missile-level firepower could threaten him, but the missiles were very large, making it difficult to hit him too many at the same time. The pressure on his energy shield at the same time was not that great.

But now, although these mechas have different models, they are products of the same era after all.

Ye Yang looked at the report of the mecha AI.

Now, the energy his energy shield withstands is extremely large, reaching 49% of the upper limit! ! !

Another 1% would reach half of the endurance limit!

So thrilling! ! !

Ye Yang looked at the many mechas in the distance and thought deeply.

In other words, if there were twenty or thirty first- and second-generation mechas attacking them, he would not be able to resist head-on.

If that happens, it's basically impossible to release this ultimate move.

"It seems that we are still not invincible after all!"

Ye Yang sighed.

If his thoughts were known to the Kiwanis Club members, they would probably burst into tears. Why do you want to be invincible?

Although much remains of pre-civilizations survive.

But tens of thousands of years have passed. Even if the metal used to make the mecha was very strong, it cannot withstand the erosion of such a long period of time.

Even if special preservation techniques were used in the storage rooms, today most of them are simply unusable.

They dismantled other mechas and put several of them together to build a new one.

For such a long time, there were so many dozen fights, and all the capabilities of the Kiwanis Club were used. I don’t know how much it cost! ! !

This is the limit of their current capabilities.

Even if you kill them, you won't be able to get more out of them, even if it's just one fight.


The lightning around him became more and more violent.

Energy is gathering.

It was frightening to watch.

"Is this the God of Thunder?"

"Oh my god, it's so shocking..."

In the distance, the American people watching the battle couldn't recognize it and exclaimed.

It's just a pity that none of them can say shit.

The energy Ye Yang gathered this time was not comparable to what he had just now.

The pattern of the Pulse Wave ultimate is the same, but the higher the energy level used, the greater the damage range and damage capability.

Finally, at some point.

All the energy exploded instantly with Ye Yang as the center.

The entire sky seemed to be covered.

Terrifying pulses, wrapped in countless thunderbolts, struck in all directions.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

At this moment, it seemed that the creation energy exploded again.

The entire sky, with Ye Yang as the center, within a radius of two kilometers, was covered with thunder.

At this moment, it was much brighter than during the day.

Everyone on the ground couldn't help but cover their eyes.

When the strong stimulation finally dissipated.

People dared to open their eyes, and they looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

In the sky, all the energy shields were broken, and only the energy shield of Ye Yang, the core, was still protecting him.

The three mechas closest to him were actually directly shattered by the shock and pulse just now! ! !

The fragments fell like a rain of fire all over the sky.

Beautiful and shocking.

Ye Yang looked at the screen. The pulse just now directly consumed 18% of the energy of Lieyang No. 3! ! !

He did not delay any more and attacked directly.

What he had just hit was an information gap.

If these mechas were scattered, they would not have achieved the effect just now.

But these mechas were too impatient and wanted to kill him instantly. They gathered together, which just gave him the best attack position.

If he could not kill a few more mechas in this wave, it would be troublesome for these mechas to rebuild the energy shields later.

Without saying a word, he rushed out with a cold look in his eyes...

The particle blade in his hand directly pierced into the body of the dark green mecha closest to him.

After all, this upgraded mecha posed the greatest threat to him. Now that they had no energy shield, he had to kill them first.


The sharpness and cutting ability of the third generation energy blade were several times stronger than the previous two generations.

It was as smooth as a kitchen knife cutting tofu.

It directly stabbed the opponent to the bone!

However, a sudden change occurred. In Ye Yang's perception, the guy whose heart was stabbed by him was not dead...

(First update)

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