Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1269: A pack of wolves fighting a tiger or a tiger joining a flock of sheep?

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

The knife stabbed into the heart, and the mecha just trembled, and then swung the knife again and slashed back at him! ! !

Ye Yang retreated instantly.

His instant burst of energy was so fast that the other party didn't touch him.

He rushed directly in front of a purple mecha behind him, and slashed it with the photon blade, splitting it into two pieces from the middle.

However, Ye Yang had doubts in his heart, so he made a stab and cut open his mask.

His eyes narrowed.

I saw the true appearance of the operators inside these mechas.

"It's an experimental subject!?"

He felt a little surprised in his heart.

In recent days, many experimental laboratories that are the source of destruction have been discovered across the United States.

However, these experimental subjects were all failures.

He doesn't have his own mind, but he won't die unless he suffers huge damage. His vitality is extremely tenacious. Even if he loses half his head, he can still continue to fight.

But these mecha warriors fighting him at this time obviously have their own will.

This means that not all experimental subjects fail.

There is still some success rate.

These successful products were directly contributed to the Kiwanis Club to serve as their super soldiers.

"The experiments of pre-civilizations have achieved some progress and perfection in modern times."

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head. This felt like an inexplicable inheritance.

However, it is not just a good inheritance.

"Now that we have found the problem...then it's time to hunt!"

Ye Yang moved.

He is very familiar with the performance of Lieyang One and Two.

He had a rough idea of ​​when the energy shield would be restored.

He directly attacked the dark green mecha that he had just stabbed through the heart. He fought with his sword twice, and a sonic boom sounded in the sky.

However, his strength, speed, and skills are superior to those of his opponent.

The third sword was to cut it in half! ! !


Ye Yang waved his arm directly and cut it into eight pieces.

In this way, even with the vitality of the black-eyed experimental subjects, it is completely impossible to survive.

At the same time, the other two dark green mechas had restored their energy shields.

The other purple mechas also fled in all directions as if running for their lives.

It is difficult to kill them one by one.

It is really difficult to deal with more than a dozen of these mechas and annihilate them all!

Ye Yang sighed.

However, he stopped delaying and chased after him directly.

In just ten seconds, three purple mechas were chopped down into the sky again.

At this time, thirteen mechas came to surround Ye Yang.

Eight have fallen...

"Don't fight with him anymore. You can't defeat him. Get back quickly. Just run back as many fights as you can. Retreat!!!"

The effects of the ion pulse were finally over.

The Kiwanis' instructions finally reached the ears of the remaining mecha.

"Finally let us evacuate..."

Although these people were transformed, they all retained their consciousness.

And the actual situation is different from what Ye Yang imagined.

The body is transformed from a homeless man, but the will is imported from the dark warriors of the Kiwanis Club, so that the body can master a large amount of knowledge and combat skills in a short period of time.

After all, even if the homeless man has mastered a powerful body, he still doesn't know how to use it.


They had long been defeated by Ye Yang.

Ye Yang is really scary.

If you get too close to him, you will be affected by the pulse. It will be shattered directly.

Even the energy shield is completely useless.

There is no protection at all!

After losing the energy shield, with Ye Yang's terrifying fighting skills, even if they were the strongest warriors trained by the Source of Destruction in close combat, they would not be able to defeat them at all!

Not to mention, Ye Yang's speed and strength surpassed them several times.

He is simply a super monster. If they were to fight to the death, none of them would be able to escape today! ! !

The many mechas that were amnesty all began to escape in all directions.

"Run away now!?"

Ye Yang's eyes were cold and sharp.

There are now five mechas left, two green and three purple.

"The purple ones should be able to take down two more, and the green ones can take out one. But the second-generation threat is much greater than the first-generation one."

He thought for a moment and then chased a stream of green light...

"This, he was killed right now!?"

The source of destruction below and the American people watching the battle were dumbfounded.

Especially the members of the Fountain of Destruction are completely unacceptable.

How much they paid to form this encirclement and delay time!

After this battle, the source of destruction was almost completely destroyed.

As a result, the Kiwanis Club actually abandoned them and ran away! ?

Although they were cursing, they were not blind and could see the fighting process just now.

Ye Yang slaughtered their mechas more easily than an eagle catching chickens. It was simply a massacre.

Not even a minute after they met, eight of them were destroyed!

There are only thirteen in total!

I originally thought it was a situation of wolves fighting tigers, but I didn’t expect that in the end, it was tigers fighting among sheep.

They were all desperate, and many began to doubt their purpose here.

It seems everything is a foregone conclusion.

As long as the fighting spirit is lost, disintegration is natural.

The team quickly disintegrated, and many people wanted to evacuate quickly. The huge position was in chaos.

However, the outer position had completely collapsed at this time.

The Hurricane and the American forward team had arrived.

The Xiao sisters separated into two sides, and Xiao Xiaozhu, who brought Liu Qianqian, had completely destroyed the outer evacuation point.

Xiao Qingxuan, who had a relatively high single combat power, rushed directly to the sea and sank all the opponent's transport boats and sea support gunboats.

It was difficult to escape if you wanted to retreat...

The trend of the collapse of the source of destruction was set, and it was difficult to reverse.

In the sky.

Ye Yang's gravity field directly trapped the green mecha in front, causing its speed to drop sharply.

After catching up, it was a bombardment.

Even though the protective shield of the second-generation mecha was much stronger than the first-generation.

But under the bombardment of Ye Yang's various black technologies that surpassed the second-generation technology.

In less than a minute, the protective shield of the second-generation was blasted, and the two directly entered a close combat.


The one who can control this dark green mecha is the best among the best, even among the dark warriors of Tongji Society. In the Middle Ages, he could at least be called a swordsman in Europe.

This was the first time that Ye Yang saw a super master of Western swordsmanship who really fought for life and death.

His level was definitely not lower than Xiao Qingxuan, and it was his first time fighting with Western swordsmanship. He had no experience, and within three or five moves, he did not kill the opponent...

(Second update)

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