Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,270 The End of the Source of Destruction

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

The swords of both sides collided in mid-air.

A bright light burst out.

In the sky, it was like two streams of light, interlacing and striking each other.

The people below were stunned. This scene, for ordinary people, was no different from a battle between gods!

But anyone with a discerning eye could see that the dark green stream of light was obviously at a disadvantage.

In a few seconds, the two exchanged more than a dozen moves.

The opponent's second-generation mecha left many broken marks.

There was no damage on Ye Yang's mecha.

"How is this possible?"

The sword master of Tongji Society felt incredible.

He was one of the strongest eight warriors in Tongji Society in the past one or two thousand years!

Tongji Society had the means to preserve consciousness at the earliest time, but it could not keep consciousness forever, and the cost was very high.

So, only those who made the greatest contribution or had the strongest force in the history of Tongji Society had the opportunity to preserve their will, and their will had been in a dormant state.

Until recently, the mecha was bestowed by the prophet, and the legendary eight warriors were awakened one by one.

Abandoning the original body, the will entered this nearly immortal combat experiment.

Originally, I thought I could be invincible, at least in a one-on-one situation, unless I met one of the other eight swordsmen.

He is a super warrior who has survived from hundreds of years ago. He has mastered the strongest fighting skills, controls a terrible body born for fighting, and controls the most advanced mecha left by the previous civilization.

Who else can fight?

Even after he heard about Ye Yang's existence, he sneered and thought it was ridiculous.

He is just an ordinary person living in a peaceful era. No matter how strong he is, how can he compare with him, the ultimate warrior, the ancient swordsman who exists for fighting and fighting all his life?

It was not until he really faced Ye Yang today that he knew how terrible Ye Yang was.

Strength and speed completely crushed him.

Skills are only higher than his.

The reason why he can survive for more than ten moves is that the other party is not familiar with his ancient swordsmanship that has been lost for hundreds of years.

But he knew that he was doomed to fail, and he probably couldn't even survive twenty moves.

Before he died, he sent all of Ye Yang's combat data and mecha data back to Tongji Society.

This is precious information.

Warn the organization that Ye Yang's body is stronger than the so-called Black Eyed Berserker's body, and it is many levels stronger! ! !

He is absolutely invincible in the world. In a one-on-one situation, no one can kill him.

The only chance is that the remaining seven sword masters control the strongest mecha and attack him by surprise. Maybe there is a chance of success...

After holding on until all the information was sent back to Tongji Society headquarters, he finally couldn't resist Ye Yang's increasingly fierce sword moves.


After a powerful upward strike, there was a gap in front of his chest. Ye Yang's other lightsaber directly penetrated the chest of the green mecha, and a fierce downward slash split it in half from the middle.

A 360-degree turn of the lightsaber cut like a spiral, ending all the vitality of the mecha.

Ye Yang looked at the Tongji Sword Master falling down.

After dealing with so many enemies, it was the first time that he felt some minor troubles in the battle.

"I felt a determination that did not belong to this era in his attack."

The Xiao sisters who came later also watched the whole battle from a distance and commented on the opponent's attack methods.

They used to be considered as the existence of roaming the international battlefield and had seen all kinds of monsters and demons.

It should be said that they were well-informed, but this person made them feel unfamiliar.

"Yes, indeed."

Ye Yang nodded. He had also communicated with many opponents. Modern fighting and ancient sword masters really gave people different feelings: "Information about him can only be revealed when Tongji is broken in the future."

The Xiao sisters nodded.

"The most important thing now is to get rid of all these people as soon as possible."

Ye Yang looked at the team of the source of destruction below with a cold look.

These people began to collapse and run away.

The helicopter formation that had not yet supported them in the distance also began to flee in all directions.

Obviously, Tongji's decision to let the mecha retreat was the last straw that broke the camel's back for the source of destruction.

Even their master had run away, and they were still here as sandbags. Isn't that a big brain disease?

"Hurricane and the armed forces of the United States have arrived, let them deal with it."

The Xiao sisters laughed and said, "And I suggest that the people of Hurricane should also be withdrawn to the periphery."

Ye Yang thought about it and felt that what Xiao Qingxuan said made sense.

After all, the deal between him and the Shadow Emperor was that he would find out the information about the source of destruction, and the other party would cooperate with him to complete the hard work.

In this decisive battle, he definitely played a decisive role.

If the United States were to deal with just those dozen mechas, it would probably make them scalp numb and suffer heavy losses...

The rest of the finishing work should indeed be done by the United States.

"Let Hurricane input the information of the captured prisoners into the quantum computing model and find the location of the headquarters of the source of destruction as soon as possible."

Ye Yang said repeatedly.

The headquarters of the source of destruction is definitely a treasure trove!

After destroying the Black Source and the Corruption Source, we gained benefits that we couldn’t get by clearing out ordinary giants.

Wealth is only one of them. There are also many information, armaments, asset groups...

They are all very valuable.

These highlights must be first come first served. Even if the United States asks him for dividends from these core benefits, he will not give them.

However, some information can be shared.

After all, the Tongji Society wants to destroy the current civilized rules, and the United States is naturally in the target. Let the United States know the purpose of the Tongji Society and make it a powerful ally.


Ye Yang did not participate in the mopping-up battle of the sea, land and air. He only ordered the people of Hurricane to disperse on the periphery to avoid letting some rats run away and harming ordinary people.

And he himself came directly to the headquarters of the source of destruction.

The headquarters of the source of destruction is under a lake in the United States. It is called the Ghost Lake by the local people, just like the Bermuda Triangle.

No matter what kind of living person or machine enters this lake, it will disappear or malfunction inexplicably, so no one dares to explore it at all.

"In the desert of the west, this oasis lake suddenly appeared, which is quite a contrasting beauty."

Ye Yang looked at the headquarters of the source of destruction in front of him.

The entrance passage has been opened.

Because the siege against him this time was a last-ditch effort, the headquarters did not leave much strength at all. With the help of the Xiao sisters, Hurricane easily took down the headquarters fortress under the desolate western lake.

Ye Yang came to the general meeting room and met the president of the source of destruction.

The familiar mask and black robe.

He sat at the top, but he had no breath of life.

On the table in front of him, there was a bloody letter left, which was obviously left for Ye Yang...

(First update)

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