Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,279: The lively New Year's Eve


Cultivate oneself, manage the family, govern the country and bring peace to the world.

It is the lifelong belief of the ancient gentlemen.

It is also the romance in the hearts of Chinese men.

Anyone who sees his hometown become glorious because of himself and returns home in glory will feel happy and excited from the depths of his blood.

Even though he has become a pillar of mankind now, he is still not immune to the customs.

“Let’s go to the village first!”

The great grandfather said.

He has the highest seniority in the village, and everyone cheered and responded.

All kinds of firecrackers rang.

Instantly, there was a strong New Year atmosphere.

Ye Yang was surrounded by stars and sat in the middle. He had experienced many big scenes, so this was naturally nothing.

However, being surrounded by relatives and family members in the middle is always different from being surrounded by outsiders outside.


All kinds of delicacies were passed up.

However, Ye Yang found that in addition to fine wines, there were still a few traditional rural dishes on each table.

"This is to remind our family members not to forget their roots."

The great grandfather knocked on the leaf cigarette and said in a deep voice: "It's a good thing to take off, but we must always be down-to-earth. Alas, I am really afraid that Ye Yang, you have helped us family members live a good life, but these people in the family can't teach children well.

If there are a few playboys in the future, then they will hurt your reputation in turn. Wouldn't that be repaying kindness with enmity? This kind of thing can happen in other families, but it is absolutely not allowed to happen in our Ye family!"

Ye Yang nodded, and the great grandfather was also well-intentioned.

He rose very quickly, and the Ye family followed him, and their wealth soared very quickly. When people have money, their mentality will inevitably change.

Even if he just got the system, there will be all kinds of fluctuations.

But he himself has a very bottom line, otherwise there are too many things he can do after he has money. There are only things you can't think of, and there are no things that don't exist in this world.

If you can still be a person after getting rich, you have surpassed the character of many people.

After all, everyone has a dark side of psychology.

This is also the reason why many wealthy people like to show off and why the second generation of rich people like to go out and slap others in the face.

He doesn't want to see this happen to his younger generation, but he hasn't heard of such a thing happening in the past two years.

Now it seems that it was the great grandfather who taught him well!

He saved him a lot of trouble.

Ye Xiu looked at Ye Yang who was surrounded in the center, and smiled self-deprecatingly in his heart. Thinking about the great grandfather's birthday, he, as the best of the younger generation, was thinking about competing with Ye Yang to see whose gift was more valuable.

Who would have thought that Ye Yang turned out to be a world-class top crocodile? Thinking about his own thoughts at that time, he couldn't help laughing.

Not to mention him at that time, even if the son of the Shadow Emperor of the United States... No, the Shadow Emperor came in person, he couldn't compare with him.

However, he had long been relieved about this matter.

There is no comparison at all, so naturally there is no desire to compare.

At night, everyone sang and danced, and there were bursts of firecrackers outside.

A large plate of celery and pork, sauerkraut and pork dumplings with beer peanuts, dipped in soy sauce and minced garlic.

More delicious than delicious food.

Smiles were on everyone's face.

Tonight was the happiest New Year that Ye Yang had had in all these years.

As for the Spring Festival Gala?

The old man and the old lady didn't like to watch it, so they just turned on the TV and put it next to them to listen.

"Hey, it's New Year's Day, let's go back with you, right?"

Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu drank a lot of beer and looked drunk.

"Boss, why don't we be promoted to boss's wife directly? Anyway, we are orphans and don't have our own home to go back to during the New Year, don't you think?"

Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You two are drunk, go to bed quickly."

"I'm not drunk~"

Xiao Qingxuan burped: "Three more bowls!"

"I'll accompany you to the end! I won't sleep until the boss is drunk, I'm the boss's little baby~"

Xiao Xiaozhu also said repeatedly.

When have they ever had such a lively and New Year's Day before?

Today, they were also a little upset by the atmosphere, otherwise, with their bodyguard instincts, they would not be drunk.


"I want a home~"

Xiao Qingxuan started a tune.

"Oh, you're singing out of tune! You sang the wrong lyrics!"

Xiao Xiaozhu took over the breath and sang freely: "I want a home~ a place that doesn't need to be gorgeous! When I'm tired, I'll think of it~

I want a home~ a place that doesn't need to be big! When I'm frightened... I won't be afraid... Who doesn't want a home? But some people don't have it..."

Ye Yang hugged the two girls and listened to them singing. The two girls sang very enthusiastically at the beginning, but they began to snore and fell asleep in the end...


He put the two on the bed, covered them with a quilt, and looked deep.

Now that the end of the world is approaching and the Tongji Society is still in chaos, he will definitely not choose to set the tone for family affairs at this time.


"Oh, I'm drunk, it's good to be drunk..."

As soon as he went out, he bumped into his sister.

"Oh~ Brother~"

Ye Xiaozi laughed: "Are both sisters asleep?"


Ye Yang looked at her strangely: "You haven't slept yet."

"I don't want to sleep."

Ye Xiaozi smiled: "The little brothers and sisters are so cute, it's like rubbing their faces for fun."


Ye Yang silently nodded Ye Xiaozi's forehead: "Okay, you have to get up tomorrow morning to pay New Year's greetings to your uncles, so go get some rest early."


Ye Xiaozi pouted: "You stinky old man, just be careful!"


Ye Yang was lying on the bed, looking at the moon outside the window. He was very happy tonight.

Although there is no too extravagant glitz, and there are no beauties like clouds, this kind of simple beauty often goes straight to the soul.

"If the Kiwanis Club wants to destroy all of this, it will have to destroy you first..."

Ye Yang's eyes were cold and sharp.

In order to protect the beauty of myself, and to protect the beauty of all families.

Even if the sun explodes, he still has to give humanity a glimmer of hope.

"The big screening... I want to see what you are like."

He said silently.

No matter how disgusting the Kiwanis Club is, it is still a civil strife among human beings, and everything is understandable.

But the Great Screening is the unknown, the unknown, and most frightening.

"It's definitely more than just a magnetic pole flip."

Ye Yang thought, no matter what, he had made all preparations as much as possible.

"Besides, after this new year, it should be time to officially fight the Kiwanis Club..."

(Second update)

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