Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,280: Announce or not?


New Year's Day.

Ye Yang and Ye Xiaozi walked through the streets and began to pay New Year greetings.

Although he has a high status, the seniority cannot be messed up. He can't let his uncle come to pay New Year's greetings to him, right?

He just walked around.

Then I received a call from Hurricane.

"Boss, it's begun."


Ye Yang nodded, and after saying goodbye to his parents and sister, he prepared to return to the Magic City.

"Leaving so early!?"

Su Shirley looked at her son with some reluctance.

"Xiaoyang must have something big going on. We need to prioritize our family, our country, and our world."

Ye Xuanting patted Su Shirley on the back and said.

"Well... don't work too late at work, and pay attention to your health."

Su Shirley instructed.

The Xiao sisters on the side chuckled, too hasty!

What kind of work can tire out the Hulk?


Soon, everyone returned to the Magic City.

The public opinion organizations and hurricanes under Ye Yang's name are already busy.

Early this morning, various posts and evidence about the end of the world were forwarded on the Internet.

What experts have revealed, secret conversations among members of Congress are circulating, secret data from scientific laboratories...

All kinds of news make everyone feel frightened.

"The geomagnetic reversal, the solar storm is coming, are we going to be destroyed!?"

"It's really scary. I asked you why there are always large-scale power outages in cities recently. It turns out it's because of this!"

"In addition, various disasters have recently occurred intensively. There have been rumors on the Internet for a long time. It is said that the end of the world is coming! It is indeed the case!"

"This...could it be someone with ulterior motives causing chaos?"

"It's possible that the world has been destroyed at every turn in recent years. In fact, it's just to make us panic, and then hoard supplies and dump their backlog of goods. Even if the end of the world is really the end of the world, it's just like the story of "Crying Wolf". Everyone thinks it's the end of the world. Fake."

"I don't think it's fake. This time is obviously different from the previous situation! These data are real experimental data!"

"There are also many very influential people who have come out to support this statement."

"And in the past year or two, various natural disasters have indeed suddenly increased. Various disasters have come one after another, including earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and typhoons, wildfires and regional super-high temperatures, abnormal snowstorms, frequent solar storms leading to large-scale power outages... …”

"It's terrifying to think about it! I have to believe it!"

"These rumors also say that the recent vigorous development of space technology is just so that when the end of the world comes, those with power and money can escape in spaceships and leave us to die! We were so stupid before. It’s so stupid to compliment others!”

"Your statement is a bit nonsense. I don't believe it anyway! I still believe Mr. Ye!"

"I believe in Mr. Ye, but I don't believe in those other financial giants and those capital giants. Who knows what they are thinking!?"

"That's right, that's right..."

There are various opinions on the Internet.

The discussion is extremely fierce, and forums and apps from all parties are hotly searched.

After all, this is something that no country wants to see. Exposing the end of the world in advance will inevitably lead to world chaos and human unrest!

But once something spreads, it becomes difficult to suppress it.

Too many people know this news.

The Kiwanis Club is also using huge power behind the scenes to propagandize, and their lurking members in Australia and Africa are coming out to speak out and spread this kind of rhetoric.

I can't hold it down at all!

Moreover, the more suppressed it is, the angrier and more unacceptable the people discussing it become.

At the end of the day, basically everyone knew about it.

Various unstable factors have begun to emerge. Zero-dollar shopping activities have begun to increase significantly in Europe and the United States. Supplies in supermarkets have been sold out in an instant.

Many people began to buy tools and wanted to build underground shelters for themselves.

Some excited people smashed their computers while at work, and then rushed to the street, drinking beer and cursing. Damn, I’m so tired. I’m going to die before I can make some money and enjoy life! ? This is not fair! ! !

The number of consumers in discos, bars and other places has increased significantly.

Various criminal activities are also occurring one after another.

As China has the best security, most people are still in the stage of talking and talking, and the influence of the Tongji Association cannot penetrate, so it is basically relatively safe.


It would not have been so fast in the first place, but the Tongji Association's various operations and propaganda behind the scenes accelerated this chaotic process at an extremely fast pace.

Their powers hidden in each layer began to work together.

Now all continents are in chaos.

Many mentally fragile people have jumped directly from the building because of this...


"what should we do?"

Nowadays, suppression is obviously unrealistic. There are some things that cannot be suppressed.

But in the end, it is not up to them to decide whether to announce the truth now. They must ask Ye Yang.

"Well...I already understand the situation."

Ye Yang nodded.

Based on his original idea, he would announce this idea on the day when Nantianmen takes off and completes the star umbrella, because that is the most suitable time to announce it.

Everyone's confidence in technology is unprecedentedly high, and he announced two other plans to tell everyone that he has the ability to save mankind from the apocalyptic disaster.

The turmoil caused at that time must be minimal.

However, other giants and monarchs of various countries disagreed with his opinion. In this matter, the consequences really need to be borne by everyone, so Ye Yang did not force it.

Projects that allow everyone to make money together can be done without the consent of others.

However, he will not force things that will cause everyone to suffer losses based on his own opinion. This is not in line with his principles.


"Their timidity has led to the Tongji Association taking the lead now."

Ye Yang frowned.

Now there is no choice but to admit it.

But it seems that the Tongji Association forced them to announce this matter. If the Tongji Association does not force them, then they may not announce this matter on the day of the end of the world.

This is fatal.


Soon, a top meeting of the human world was held.

All the giants and monarchs gathered together.

"I think we can delay it a little longer."

"Yes, the later we admit this kind of thing, the less trouble we need to deal with."

Some giants still said.

They didn't think about saving humanity at the beginning, so now they are guilty.

Moreover, the situation in their region is completely different from that in China.

China has an inherent advantage in facing major disasters.

Its cohesion and execution are recognized as the best in the world, and no other country can compare.

In addition, the control system of the Star Umbrella satellite is in Ye Yang's place.

Therefore, Ye Yang has the confidence to announce it, while these giants and monarchs are full of concerns and stare at each other...

(First update)

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