Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,281 The end of the world does not exist

"I have made up my mind. This meeting is to tell you China's decision, not to wait for your vote."

Ye Yang said calmly: "And I advise you that now is the best time to admit it. If you delay it any longer, the trouble will only get bigger and bigger."

After that, he exited the video conference.

"This Ye Yang! Too crazy..."

Just as he was about to say something that once was catchy to teach young people, a giant shut up.

They are no longer on the same level as him. To put it at best, they are willing to hold a meeting with you to tell you about the decision and prepare you. Even if they give you face, are you still saying that they are crazy?

No one here has this qualification.

That has long been an existence that stands above the historical legends. Even if they are the giants of the world, they can only look up to them.

It's a pity that all this happened so fast, and it only took a few years together.

It was difficult for them to accept psychologically for a while.

"I think what Mr. Ye said makes sense. We will also start announcing this matter. I advise you to prepare early."

The leaders of the Balor Consortium and other Ye Yang's consortiums are all Lian Liandao.


The big guys present all rolled their eyes, good guys, you think we are fools, you are Ye Yang’s pawns!

Of course I will follow Ye Yang’s footsteps.

Does it make any difference whether you show up or not? ?


Just as these people were complaining, a voice came.

"I think so too. I agree with Mr. Ye's statement and will announce the data and truth simultaneously with him. You should make your own plans for the future."

The appearance of this voice shocked the entire audience.

Everyone looked over, it was Doyle Mason, the shadow emperor of the United States! ! !

Unlike Ye Yang, this one is a veteran in the giant world.

Before Ye Yang appeared, he was one of the top few in the world.

Moreover, it has been decades since some of the new family owners present who took over the consortium have grown up listening to the legend of Doyle Mason.

Now even this guy has taken a stand.

That basically represents the attitudes of the nine shadow emperors of the United States at the same time.

"Tsk, tsk, things are so unpredictable! The former enemy and the top person in the world can only obey now."

There is a strange way behind the small country that controls the yin and yang.

"I just made the choice that best suits our interests. Mr. Ye and I have always been in a cooperative relationship, but it's you. You can enter this meeting only because of the blessing of being our dog. If you don't want to hang out, Now, I don’t care if someone else manages it for me.”

Doyle Mason glanced at the speaker and exited the video conference without waiting for his response.

Even in a top-level meeting, status has its own status.

Ye Yang is now the center of attention and has the most say.

But Doyle and the shadow emperors of America are still at the same level as him after all. If they work together, they still have the ability to overturn the table.

Just like the two countries back then, although you are stronger than me, your right to speak is at the same level.

As for those minor characters who had to be let in just to make up the numbers, their power was completely incomparable to that of the most transcendent figures. Even if they were humiliated in person, they could only endure it.


The master behind the small country was gnashing his teeth. Now the world is about to change. Who is whose father? In a few days, we might all die together!

It's really hard for me to show off my words before I die.

"Okay, just go ahead and worry about it. We are a transcendent international consortium family that is free from the restrictions of one place and one corner. We have no control over your affairs.

Maybe then we can do some marketing, saying that we have devoted our entire fortune and invested trillions of dollars in the great cause of saving mankind, and we can also feel that countless ordinary people can make another huge sum of money. "

The Child family members stood up, smiled slightly, and left the video conference.


"You were not forced by Mr. Ye. If Mr. Ye hadn't forced you, you would have followed the European super rocket to the moon base to avoid disaster."

Some people are angry.

But it is clear that the trend is now set.

They had to prepare early.


Ye Yang came to Jiuzhou Military Industry Headquarters.

This place has been designated as the headquarters for responding to events related to geomagnetic reversal.

Many big guys have already arrived.

Seeing Ye Yang arriving, everyone was in awe.

"The situation is urgent now, to make a long story short."

Ye Yang said: "I have seen the response plan this time, and there are basically no major problems. But now we have to hurry up and make preliminary preparations as soon as possible to pave the way for the official announcement. Everything must be completed within five days."

"Yes! Admiral Ye!"

Everyone present was solemn.

Dong Anbang looked at Ye Yang's surprised look, solemnly handed Ye Yang a small box, and only said: "Special period."

With Ye Yang's achievements and status now, titles, labels and the like have no meaning anymore, just like before Naruto saved Konoha, his identity has always been a genin, but no one will treat him as a genin.

In matters related to geomagnetic reversal, he has the highest authority. Whether he has this title or not, everyone knows Ye Yang's identity.

This time the situation was urgent, so naturally there was no medal ceremony. After Ye Yang put away the military medals and medals brought by Dong Anbang, he began to discuss the specific operational measures.


In the following days, everyone felt something different.

Those who initially thought that the doomsday rumors were just nonsense also began to get nervous.

Everything was going on in an orderly manner...

Although there were occasional riots and chaos, the impact was not great.

"According to internal information, there will be a big announcement tomorrow. Wait, everything will have an explanation."



Six days after the meeting.

A press conference was held.

Ye Yang sat in front of the screen. This live broadcast was watched by countless people around the world.

As a top human being who truly transcended geographical restrictions and a recognized super boss in the world, holding a press conference at this moment would naturally attract the attention of most people.

"Mr. Ye, you are finally on air!"

"Is the end of the world true?!"

"Yes, I feel that everyone around me has gone crazy these days. It's so scary!"


The audience asked their inner questions eagerly.

"I think everyone is looking forward to watching this live broadcast."

Ye Yang said seriously: "I won't keep you in suspense. I will tell you a clear result first: the end of the world does not exist."

(Second update)

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