Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1889: Optimus Prime Exposed


Ye Yang rubbed his brow.

I'm really worried about what's going to happen.

These are not just a few people. Hundreds of millions of believers are building ships and wreaking havoc. This is no joke.

Those who believe in such prophecies are all fools, but that does not mean that these fools are all poor.

Because in today's world, many rich people are also fools.

The dividends of the times, the solidification of classes, and the inheritance of assets. Some people are born to be both fools and rich people, and some people inexplicably become flying pigs when they stand in the wind. They are originally stupid and have no ability, but they are rich. .

Although most of the first generation of rich people relied on their own brains, objectively speaking, some of the rich people in this world are indeed pure idiots.

That's why the other party has the ability to build factories and ships.

"It's impossible to guard against it. If we send permanent military forces to garrison these undersea bases, the construction speed will be greatly slowed down. After all, we only have so many deep-sea aircraft carriers. The cost of building a deep-sea combat ship is comparable to that of building one for suicide destruction. Civilian ships are too big.”

Yu Mo kept saying.

"That still has to be stationed. The undersea base cannot be lost."

Ye Yang shook his head. There was no good way to deal with this situation.

You are not afraid of competing against smart people, but you are afraid of competing against a large number of idiots. These people are willing to do everything they can just to make you sick. Their purpose is neither their own interests nor the interests of others. They are simply stupid and out of human nature. Pure evil.

The key is that these guys are still gathered together.

"Just hire killers to do this kind of dirty work. Just drop the missiles when you find the den. Don't leave anyone alive. There is nothing to talk about with this kind of person, and it doesn't make sense."

Ye Yang said directly.


Yu nodded silently.

Although a decisive killing order was issued, Ye Yang knew that there were too many followers of the Prophet's Sect, scattered in various places, and it was impossible to blow them all up.


He stretched out. In the past month, he had arranged all his work.

Everything is on track and maintained in a stable state.

The destruction caused by the Kiwanis conspiracy was also part of the stable state, and there was not much he could do about it.

He also planned to take a short vacation for himself.

After sleeping for a day, I took the girls for a good day of fun.

Let the mood completely relax.

If the sky falls, you still have to live.

"Ye Yang, another photo has been trending on the Internet."

Qin Kelan said in surprise that it was the intermission time between her and Ye Yang's fitness. She was scrolling through her phone and saw a hot news item.

It was a photo. In his photo, a towering giant pillar rose into the sky.

Extremely shocking.

The pillar is at least one thousand meters high and fifty meters in diameter. It stands in the mountains and points to the sky.

Ye Yang nodded. He must have received the news about this kind of thing a long time ago and was not surprised.

That pillar is the final plan, the unit tool of Qingtian Plan.

Like the iron sword in the Undersea City, it is used to build a magnetic network on the ground.

The later this kind of plan is delayed, the better.

After all, they still have the rival Kiwanis Club.

Priority has always been given to building pillars in remote mountains and old forests, where few people have visited.

But now that the pillars in these places have been built and are starting to be built towards the edge of the city, it is inevitable that they will be seen and photographed.

The photo caused a stir online.

Many people marvel at this majestic creation.

As time goes by, more and more Pillars of Babel are photographed and circulated on the Internet.

"This is probably no accident. We have already photographed more than a dozen of them, and the speed is getting faster and faster. It is estimated that there will be several such pillars near every city in the future."

"What kind of big move is this? Can you explain it to me?"

"I don't know, but it should be similar to an undersea base, right?"

"Shocking news, someone broke the news that the Heavenly Pillar is not just the one thousand meters above the ground we see! The part actually buried underground is even more incredible!"

"Is it an underground base?"

"I don't know, maybe it's a shelter prepared for us?"

"If that's the case, that's really good."

"Mr. Ye really likes to work hard on big things. He is not like some people in the past. The thunder is loud and the rain is small, and the big talk is small."

“Full sense of security.”

Many netizens are having heated discussions. After the Qianlong Project and the Star Umbrella Project were announced on the same day, Ye Yang's prestige and credibility among the public have become extremely high. Everyone's mentality has become relatively optimistic and easier. Think on the bright side.

However, there cannot be only one voice in the world.

"Stop dreaming. Is there any point in being impressed here!? You don't know what these pillars are for and you blow them here. You can blow on anything! It's really uncomfortable to watch."

"If you don't like it, just keep your mouth shut! Just look at it and we'll be happy. It'll make you look smarter every day!"

"Ye Yang is the only one who has the ability to save the world now. You are still living in this world, or you can save the world and we will praise you! Otherwise, don't just spray shit here without working!"

"That's right!"

"Just make a high profile here! Just brag! I don't believe how many bases he can build in two years!? How many people can he protect!?"

"That's right, it's a shelter for the superiors, why are you ordinary people celebrating here!?"

"Haha, it's so funny. You're sold out and you're still counting money for them!"

"You're not seen in the construction of the submarine base, but you come out to pretend to be sober when we praise Ye Yang a little. You don't contribute to the self-help of mankind, but you want others to invite you to live in the underground city. What's owed to you is still due to you? Don't be a bitch!"


On the Internet, all kinds of verbal battles broke out.

Obviously, there are indeed enough believers in the Prophet Church.

Before, many of these people were so poor that they couldn't afford to buy mobile phones or surf the Internet, but now the wealthy Prophet Church members have provided financial support.

There are more and more discordant voices on the Internet.


"Should we take this opportunity to directly announce the Sky-building Plan?"

Yu Momo asked.

Ye Yang thought for a while and shook his head: "Wait a little longer, Tongji Club still has a card that hasn't been played. After they play it, it will be the best time to announce it."

Yu Momo nodded.


Ye Yang looked into the distance, his eyes calm.

The experiences during this period made his heart as deep as the sea. As long as he didn't want to, no one and nothing could move him...

(Second update)

PS: The main plot of this book is expected to be completed at the end of this month or the beginning of next month. I hope that all brothers and sisters who have gifts will vote!!!

After the completion, I will upload a few extra chapters from time to time. The new book has been saved, and it will be promoted in the extra chapters~

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