Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,290 Is his true form a thousand-layer pancake?


A few days later, a piece of news went viral online.

"The biggest scam in history! Undersea bases can only guarantee the survival of one tenth of humanity!"

"Ye Yang, is he the greatest hero or the greatest liar in human history!?"

"The Qianlong Plan, the biggest scam! Stop working for this liar for free!"

"Humans, wake up! Are you still listening to this biggest rumor?"


All kinds of eye-catching headlines are everywhere on the Internet, and they are extremely popular.

Fires around the world.

Even limiting traffic cannot prevent its explosive traffic.

After all, there are now hundreds of millions of followers of the Prophetic Cult. Even if they are organized and support each other, a video can explode in all aspects of data.

The heat comes with it.

"Is what is said here true or false!?"

"Although I don't want to believe it, there is enough internal information and information in it, and it doesn't look like it's fake."

"It's true. I think the evidence is too detailed. Even if it is fake, it would be difficult to make it so true."

"Is Ye Shenhao really deceiving us!?"

"He is really just building an undersea base for the Chinese people. Are we just his free workers!?"

"We were all fooled! This liar!"

"It's so hateful! I want to kill him!"

"The military power they hold in their hands is too strong. You are afraid that you will be smashed to pieces before you can even get in front of them, and you will even kill them. What you said is so funny."

"Yes, then what should we do?"

"The only way now is for us to stop working directly. After all, the world is going to be destroyed, and there is no plan to save us. What are we doing for them in vain!? Let them build it themselves!"

"That's right!"

"I'm so angry! If this is true, I will use my ship to attack those undersea bases. If you have lied to me for so long, no one can think of it!"

There was a lot of anger on the Internet, and various discussions arose one after another.

For a time, it can be said that the crowd was furious.


Ye Yang raised the corner of his mouth: "It took them so long to get the data. This efficiency is not very high."

Yes, he himself wanted the Tongji Association to get the data of the Qianlong Project, but if it was too easy for the other party to get it, it would arouse the other party's suspicion.

After doing a little bit of core confidentiality and exposing some intentional flaws, it took the other party only a month to obtain this data.

"Okay, the plan works. Let's start with the next step."

Ye Yang started broadcasting directly.

"Ye Shenhao, is it really what is said on the Internet? I don't believe it! I just believe you! You are not such a person!"


"Ye Yang! You liar! I'm going to tie a bomb and blow you up!"

"Your lies have been exposed and you still come out to cheat!? It's really ridiculous, and you come out to confuse people with your lies again! Do you want to trick everyone into continuing to be used by you!?"


Ye Yang smiled and said directly: "I can responsibly tell everyone that the data on the Internet is wrong, and I will publish the real internal core data to the outside world."


"This!? Have we been deceived by rumors again?"

"I have long told you not to follow the trend. Mr. Ye's credibility was not established in the past few days. In the past few years, no one should give him a thumbs up for what he has done internationally!? You are too easily led away. !”

"I don't believe it! He must have temporarily created a false data to deceive us!"

"Oh, you don't believe the core data given by the public data, but you believe the data from unknown sources!? Is your brain okay!? Just go and eat plums!"


The debate started again in the live broadcast room.

Ye Yang looked calmly and continued: "However, there is one thing these people with ulterior motives are right about. That is... the Qianlong Project plus the Star Umbrella Project cannot protect all mankind. It can only save about two billion people. , but these rumors say that it can only protect one tenth of the people on earth, which is a fallacy. "

"Two billion? Doesn't that mean that three-quarters of the people in the world cannot enter the shelter!? What is the difference between that and what is said in this rumor!? You refuted the rumor and clarified the loneliness!"

"That's right! This is simply too scary, I'm really convinced!"

"Looking at Mr. Ye's attitude, it's obvious that he has something to say. Are you too hasty to complain!? Either you are brainless, or you are one of those people with ulterior motives!"

"That's right, who are the people in this comment section!"

"Haha, those of you who are talking to Ye Yang are the ones with no mental illness, right!? Only 2 billion people will enter this refuge by then!

If Chinese people are given priority, they will directly occupy three-quarters of the quota, leaving 6 billion people to grab the 500 million quota. Who can enter and who cannot! ? At that time, we will be abandoned outside to die. Do you understand or not? ? "


There was another riot in the live broadcast room.

But all this was within Ye Yang's plan, and he was not moved at all.

Just smiled slightly: "Don't get excited, everyone. Although the Star Umbrella plus the Qianlong Project can only save two billion people, I didn't say that these are the only two plans I prepared!?"


As soon as this was said, everyone was stunned.

In the live broadcast room, everyone who came to cause trouble, believed Ye Yang or did not believe Ye Yang, was silent.

This wave is truly an unexpected operation.

At the Tongji Club headquarters, all the councillors stood up while watching the live broadcast.

"Is he hiding something again? How many hands does he have?"

"Is he one level higher than us this time? Is his body actually a thousand-layer cake? Layer after layer, it's impossible to dismantle it completely!"

"No way, no way!"

"Is this still a human!?"

"It's the Optimus Primes found these days!!! That's really his back-up!"


Many councillors who reacted were pale. This time, Ye Yang was several levels higher than them.

For the first time, the prophet's face showed some subtle changes.

If it was a normal fight, no one would be able to withstand his three axes, because he woke up two thousand years ago, and it can be said that he had experienced the entire human civilization and had a thorough understanding of human nature.

If it weren't for Ye Yang, he could easily meet his requirements.

The problem now is not that his methods are not powerful enough, but that this opponent really seems to be cheating!

With the current level of human civilization, how could it be possible to support the implementation of such three grand plans at the same time! ?

Moreover, it can be kept secret to the level that Tongji will not find out at all.

This is beyond his understanding of human beings.

He is now increasingly suspicious that the Heart of Ultimate Wisdom has fallen into Ye Yang's hands. Otherwise, there is no way to explain what is happening now...

(First update)

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