Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,291 The Prophet's Truth

"Actually, from the beginning, there were not two plans, but three."

Ye Yang said seriously: "In addition to the Star Umbrella Project, the Qianlong Project, and the Optimus Project, which are the photos of Optimus Prime that you have been so popular on the Internet recently, I will give you a positive response today."

"The combined force field composed of space, the ground, and the deep sea will eventually form the ultimate defense mechanism, which is enough to block most solar storms. Although some problems will still occur, it can basically ensure the safety of most human beings. This There is no doubt about it.”

Ye Yang smiled faintly: "So, don't easily believe the rumors on the Internet. People with ulterior motives are what everyone needs to guard against. They are the ones who least care about whether you can survive. They only care about their own. Benefit."

There is not much difference in the positive effects between the early announcement of the Qingtian Plan and the announcement at this time.

But if you wait for the other party to question you first, and then use this to weaken the other party's doubts and make the public wary of the Tongji Association, this will be the greatest additional effect.

"I see!"

"It seems we don't have to worry anymore."

"Mr. Ye is indeed the light of mankind! He is simply too strong! He thinks of everything!"

"Those little trolls just now, why don't you just lower your heads in shame and apologize to Mr. Ye!?"

"They probably ran away a long time ago."

"Anyway, I am a big fan of Mr. Ye. I have never doubted Mr. Ye. I am really foresight."

"I am an old fan who has been with Mr. Ye all the way. No one has been as long as me. Old fans will know as soon as they see my ID that what I say is true."

"Looking for daddy all over the Internet? I look familiar to you. You started to recognize Mr. Ye as your dad not long after Mr. Ye became famous through Douyin tips."

"Look! All my old fans know me!"


The announcement of the Qingtian Project instantly cleared up all the previous doubts, and most people felt at ease.

But the Kiwanis Club really has no drama left.

All the MPs lowered their heads.

Alexis sighed: "Now, we can only announce the final trump card."

"Do we still have a trump card?"

The Kiwanis Club members are all bright-eyed.

The Kiwanis Club has been passed down for a thousand or two thousand years, and these members may not know all the trump cards, such as the pre-civilized mechas, which are super equipment that only prophets know about.

"Release the ultimate truth to the world."

Alexis nodded and said calmly.


The next day, the Internet wave of doubts about Qianlong's plan had just been quelled.

There are new hot topics hitting the hot searches.


"Grand screening!?"

"Why does it feel like I'm writing a science fiction novel!?"

"One person writing this is science fiction, but it has been reprinted hundreds of millions of times. It doesn't feel like it's made up."

"And this time there is a lot of core data to support it, such as internal data on the exploration of pre-civilization ruins, evidence of the existence of pre-civilization, etc..."

"Yeah, it doesn't look fake."

"The prophet turned out to be a god who survived the previous civilization. He went through that terrible selection and came to save us!"

"Prophet!!! Save us quickly!!!"

"According to the prophet's description, the Great Screening is not only about solar storms, but also many other concurrent disasters. Solar storms are just an induced disaster!!!"

"That's right..."

"According to this description, even if the three major plans can prevent the solar storm, they cannot prevent subsequent disasters. Only the prophet knows how to crack it, and only by believing in him can we survive the apocalypse!"

"His request is that we restore the civilization model of the previous civilization and abolish the current civilization model."

"In other words, if you want to be led by him, you have to be an enemy of everything now!?"

"Who should you believe!?"

"Do you still have any doubts!? Anyway, I chose Ye Yang without thinking. Where did this sand devil prophet jump out from, buy a bunch of navy troops, and become a god right here? He knows nothing! How many predictions are there for himself? Do you think you are a boss because you created a disaster?”

"Can you create disasters!? Can you cause landslides and tsunamis? Isn't that a god in itself?"

"What a stupid thing. Mr. Ye is still building a base on the moon, hiding dragons under the sea, and flying starships in space. According to your comparison, Mr. Ye is at least at the level of the Lord of the Gods, right?"

"You have the ability to ask your prophet to knock down Mr. Ye's Nantianmen space fortress? He's still alive! I'm afraid one cannonball will send him to the west to see the Tathagata!"

"Haha, your level is too low to understand the existence of the prophet!"

"That's right! Your structure is too small, and your cognition has not reached that level at all! It's normal that you can't understand it. Anyway, I am planning to follow the prophet! After the end of the world, I survived, but you trash have long since become a cup of loess! "

"I'll go, it's so stupid... I can't stand spicy food!"


On the Internet, various voices appeared again, and various scoldings and wars occurred one after another.

This time, Ye Yang was also a little surprised.

He never imagined that a so-called prophet from the previous civilization would survive...

Unexpected, indeed unexpected.

"If he hadn't built a force that was destined to be in opposition to modern civilization, I would have really wanted to have a serious talk with him face to face."

Ye Yang sighed.

He also had too many doubts and questions about pre-civilizations.

There are so many questions to ask.

"In this way, some issues have become clear."

He gathered his thoughts.

The unreasonable teachings of the Kiwanis Club now make sense.

Although it sounds very outrageous, there is indeed an old pre-civilization that has lived for many thousands of years and is still alive today.

And also founded the Kiwanis Club.

In order to re-establish the civilized form of the Tongji Association, at the very beginning, he built his own godhead and the Tongji Association with concepts and technology that surpassed the cognition of ancient people.

Just like showing lighters to ancient people, when modern technology reaches ancient times, people will treat them as gods.

The prophet was a remnant of pre-civilization, and he could certainly easily create many things that ancient people found unbelievable, so he easily established the predecessor of the Kiwanis Club, which has continued until modern times.

In the past few hundred years, after the overall scientific and technological industrial level of mankind finally reached the standard, which was enough to build large-scale equipment such as earthquake generators, he used the excuse of subverting modern civilization to summon many members who had hatred for today's civilization and established the Five Sources Organization.

Produce various disaster generators around the world, piece together your own strength cards, and further take root in every corner of the world, develop strength, and prepare for the ultimate battle.

Everything was going well originally.

This perfect plan was broken by his own appearance, and then it developed to this point.

"What a big move..."

Ye Yang sighed.

(Second update)

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