Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,292: Qianlong Completed


After he sorted everything out, he raised the corner of his mouth, even though the other party's announcement of all this caused him some trouble.

But there are also big problems with his logic.

The first is that the pre-civilization, as a destroyed civilization, has no experience at all. In other words, the Great Selection has proved that the pre-civilization was a failed civilization. How can such a remnant of a civilization say that he has the ability to lead the current civilization? What about success?

The second is that although he knows that what the other party says is true, as long as he does not make a statement or admit it, it is just a 'rumor' that only a small number of people believe.

The prophet cannot truly prove that he is a survivor of the civilization hundreds of thousands of years ago. As long as he appears, he can go directly and kill the opponent, so it doesn't make sense whether he proves it or not.

The negative impact this incident had on him was limited.


In the following days, although Tongji would shape the prophet more and more realistically.

But after all, they are just a group of mice who hide their heads and tails, and dare not really show their faces. Therefore, although more and more people are taught by the Prophet, they are still unable to affect the overall situation.

After allocating part of the force to deal with the Prophet's destruction of the three major plans.

Everything falls into a dynamic balance again.

Nearly a year passed quickly like this.

This day is the day when the Qianlong Project is officially completed.

On this day, celebrations are held all over the world.

After all, this is the first time that mankind has gathered the power of all mankind to carry out a mammoth project.

Anyone who participates in it feels proud and excited.

There are 10,081 submarine bases standing on the seabed around the world, some of which are already in operation.

The earth's magnetic field has declined rapidly in this year, and various associated disasters have increased.

Small-scale solar storms have begun to reach the Earth's surface.

But Star Umbrella has entered a state of comprehensive defense.

Nowadays, the Star Umbrella can withstand all storms of this magnitude. Occasionally, when the solar storm is strong, the Qianlong Base will be opened for magnetic replenishment.

"It's really not easy."

"Yes... but it is also a huge achievement, and the sense of accomplishment after it is completed is incomparable."

"If it weren't for the Star Umbrella floating in space and the Qianlong Base resisting on the bottom of the sea, the current civilization should have begun to collapse, right?"

"Thanks to Mr. Ye..."


There are very few people around the world who doubt Ye Yang. Only hundreds of millions of followers of the Prophet Cult are clamoring, but they will be besieged no matter where they appear.

Because people voluntarily organized support groups to protect Ye Yang.

Obviously there are more normal people, but the right to speak on the Internet is occupied by these garbage people. The biggest reason is the silence of normal people.

The silent majority has caused the chaos on the Internet.

Nowadays, most people have the courage to speak out and come together spontaneously to suppress those unhealthy tendencies.


Most people are not stupid and believe in the facts before them. The Star Umbrella and Hidden Dragon Project are truly protecting them.

If not for these two magnificent achievements.

Nowadays, the power supply in human society has basically been cut off. Let alone discussing things online, even air conditioners and electric ovens may not be usable, and we can only rely on batteries to maintain some basic electricity.

If not for the Star Umbrella and Qianlong already built.

Now some animals and plants have begun to gradually become extinct, and the environment has been completely destroyed.

Members of the Extreme Animal and Plant Protection Association and the Extreme Environmental Protection Association who had attacked Ye Yang were pulled out and whipped to death.

Look what you have protected! ?

If it weren't for Mr. Ye, how could you protect all this with your mouth? ?


"It seems that this is the maximum number of people we can get."

Kiwanis Headquarters.

The MPs were all talking.

Recently, the number of new believers in the Prophetic Cult has been extremely small.

"Well, the purpose of this stage is to accumulate as much power as possible. Now that this stage has reached its limit, it's time to move on to the next stage."

Alexis nodded.

Naturally, he is not so naive as to think that one sect can overthrow the existing form of civilization.

"How far has the three-form transformation process progressed?"

he asked.

"We are still 30 percent short of the target number."

Members report.


Alexis nodded: "Speed ​​up and complete the process as soon as possible."


The relevant responsible council members stepped back to monitor the progress.

Alexis looked into the distance again.

In fact, none of the paths of pre-civilization have matured. The time given to them from discovering the Great Selection Theory to facing the Great Selection Disaster was too short.

At the end of the last great screening disaster, none of the Black-Eyed Neozoic Project had succeeded.

After hundreds of years of perfection, today's new black-eyed body has reached perfection.

Similarly, the mechanical body project, biological blood technology chain, etc. have also been successfully developed...

"If these plans had been successful back then, I wonder if the outcome of the previous civilization would have been different?"

His eyes were full of vicissitudes, as if he remembered too many past events...

It must be a completely different ending.

He thought secretly.


Magic City, the largest observatory.

Bai Xiaojing has now become the director of the observatory.

This private observatory, which was once on the verge of bankruptcy, has now developed into one of the largest observatories in the world.

"How is it?"

Ye Yang asked about the observation results.

"Extremely pessimistic..."

Bai Xiaojing sighed, and after calculating various data, she looked worried: "The decline in geomagnetic intensity is faster than expected, and it is superimposed at a very fast speed. In the worst case, the Earth's magnetic field may be completely shut down within three months.

The complete shutdown time will last at least one year before the reverse magnetic pole will begin to strengthen."


Ye Yang frowned.

Plans can never keep up with the speed of change.

Everything is worse than expected.

"In three months, even if we work at full capacity, the Sky Plan cannot be completed."

Ye Yang frowned.

The Sky Plan has the heaviest task, at least one pillar must be placed around each city.

Metropolises like Beijing, Shanghai, and New York even need about eight pillars.

In this way, the number of Optimus Primes used to maintain cities around the world is huge.

Not to mention the stabilization devices in the deep mountains and old forests.

According to the original plan, they still have one year to build.

But in the previous year, the geomagnetic decay rate has been getting faster and faster, and time is getting more and more urgent.

Now, it has reached a critical value.

"At the current speed, it will take at least seven months to complete the Qingtian Project."

Ye Yang frowned...

(First update)

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