Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1293: Lieyang Mecha, Come

"It seems that we can only rely on people's will to save themselves."

Ye Yang groaned.

A few hours later.

A live broadcast, announced to the world.

"Is it airing again?"

"Is Project Qingtian also completed!?"

"No, our city is still under construction..."

"Perhaps there is some good news to announce!"


Soon, hundreds of millions of people from around the world rushed in to watch.

After all, in the past year or two, under the leadership of Ye Yang, the two major plans have been completed step by step. The Golden Age of Navigation has allowed everyone to make money and improve their lives.

Various extreme associations were destroyed by Ye Yang, and the Internet became harmonious and friendly.

All kinds of businesses that took advantage of the disaster to hype up the situation and try to make a profit were also attacked with the most severe means.

Living a more comfortable life in the last days than the normal life before, it was so satisfying that everyone respected Ye Yang from the bottom of their hearts.

"Today, I want to announce some bad news to everyone."

Ye Yang looked at the camera with a serious expression.

Everyone who saw this scene felt their hearts sink.

It seemed like he realized something was not good.

"According to the latest calculations, the complete degaussing of the earth may begin within three months. According to estimates, at the current construction speed, the fastest completion time of the Qingtian Project is seven months."

He said solemnly: "Now Project Qingtian is in urgent need of more support. I hope everyone can contribute to their own safety at this critical moment!"


This brief press conference left everyone silent for a moment.

No one doubted Ye Yang's words, and no one complained.

"I am willing to join Optimus Prime's construction work for free!"

"Yes! This is also for my family..."

"Mr. Ye was leading us before, but now we have to save ourselves."


"Go, go, go!"

Many people have stopped their current work and stopped their gold mining voyage. Some people donated money and some contributed their efforts.

Optimus Prime's construction speed increases day by day.



Ye Yang was originally worried that it would cause some restlessness, but obviously everything developed better than he expected.

"It's so smooth that it's a bit ridiculous."

he sighed.

Perhaps the news came too quickly this time, and the Kiwanis Club did not have time to organize the destruction and set the pace.

In the face of major issues of right and wrong, most people have made admirable choices.

No matter when, the most essential human emotions will not be distorted.

As long as we provide an environment that is barely bearable, everyone will choose to struggle. The key is to make people see hope and feel the future.

Instead of living in pure pain and anxiety.

For example, right now, there is a clear instruction to avoid disaster by speeding up Optimus Prime's operating efficiency.

Then, most people will make wise choices.


"Humanity is actually a great race in nature..."

Ye Yang sighed.

From the bottom of their hearts, most people pursue justice and positive energy. Once the objective facts are different, there will be some force majeure, forcing everyone to make a different choice.

Optimus Prime's construction speed soared to the extreme in just a few days.

However, whether it can be completed before the geomagnetism completely disappears still depends on luck.

Perhaps one day earlier or one day later can lead to completely different results.

If all the military power at his disposal could be invested in construction, everything would be different.

But now the Prophetic Cult controlled by the Tongji Association is frequently and massively attacking Optimus Prime and Deep Sea Bases in various places every day. As a result, some of the forces have to be allocated to take care of this aspect, and they are unable to devote all their efforts.

"If human beings could have less internal fighting and less dark and brutal and dirty competition for interests, this disaster could be easily overcome."

Ye Yang punched the table.

But this is the reality. It is obvious that everyone has the same goal, is honest with each other, and can solve the problem with each other's contribution.

In the end, everyone will be implicated in each other and dragged to death by a small disaster.

If it weren't for the emergence of the system, he would have created this strange existence.

It goes without saying that humans will never survive this geomagnetic reversal.

Just the fact that these giants, who control most of the world's assets and power, just want to run away on their own is enough to bring everything to destruction.

"Allowing people without structure to control resources will lead to this consequence."

He has been thinking about what caused this these days.

It is the current way of human growth that makes it relatively easier for profit-oriented people to obtain resources and money.

Rank based on ability to compete for profits, not ranking based on pattern ability.

As a result, those who stand in the position of a conglomerate giant and should be responsible for the obligations of this position do not have the structure and awareness that they should have in this position...

If humanity as a whole does not repair and correct itself, even if it survives this great screening, it will still fail in the next great screening without its own existence.

He knew that such correction and repair would be extremely difficult and complex.

But it's not impossible.


How to make the person who should sit in the chair sit in the chair that best suits him is the most profound question that humans need to think about if they want to exist permanently.

"Boss... the situation seems a little bad."

Yu Momo's words pulled him back from his distant thoughts.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Yang asked in confusion.

"The Prophet's attacks on the Optimus Prime Base and the Undersea Base have suddenly increased in frequency and scale."

Yu Momo handed the live broadcast to Ye Yang: "This time, it's not just armed humans, but also a large wave of black-eyed bio-humans, metal-modified humans, etc. The number is too large, and it's not comparable to before."

"The last fight."

Ye Yang's eyes were solemn.

If the previous distribution of power was followed, perhaps all the Optimus Primes could be built before the earth was completely demagnetized.

But now the Tongji Society has suddenly increased the pressure.

It will lead to the mobilization of more forces to resist their impact, and the completion date of the Optimus Project will be postponed again...

"Is it too late?"

He exhaled: "At this point, we have to use all the forces we can use, and I will go to the battlefield in person."

At this point, the top-level grand strategy has not changed much.

Try to reduce our forces to defend against the Tongji Society's attack and save more forces to build Optimus Prime.

For this, I will do everything.

"Liyang Mech, come!"

He stood on the top of the tall building and shouted.

The parts of Liyang No. 3 were like flowing lights in the sky, and instantly possessed the body.

He soared into the sky and went far away...

We have already made it this far, and this time must be gained no matter what!

For the survival of mankind, those who stand in the way will only die!

(Chapter 2)

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