Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,297 Source Well and Photon Well

"This, this is!?"

"I never thought that there would be such a thing hidden underground at the Kiwanis Club headquarters."

"I can't believe it."


The congressmen were frightened and stuttered.

In fact, they have been at the Kiwanis Club headquarters for so many years and have never known any information about the underground. This has hollowed out the entire headquarters, forming an extremely deep pit.

There is no bottom at all.

It's like a dark abyss, with no idea where the end point is.

At the bottom, there seemed to be some light.

The light is getting brighter and brighter.

It seemed like lava, slowly rising up.

"This source well is also one of the trump cards of the former civilization."

Said the prophet Alexis.

There were more than one source well like this at first, but after he woke up, he found that the other source wells were no longer functioning.

Only this source well maintains some activity.

It is the ultimate achievement of the pre-civilization technological chain in terms of force.

After thousands of years of recovery, hundreds of years of energy recharging.

Now, it has finally returned to its peak state.

However, because Genjing's relevant knowledge is too complex, although he is an elite in the pre-civilization era, it is impossible to maintain it alone.

According to his estimate, this source well could only be launched two to three times.

Belongs to the ultimate trump card.

Now, the game between the two parties has entered the final stage, and it is time to show this trump card.

"Prophet, this is..."

all the MPs asked.

"This is called Yuanjing, and it is the representative of the ultimate destructive power."

Alexis took out a scepter and inserted it into the groove in front of the prophet's chair.

"Rumble, rumble, rumble..."

It was as if the magma underground was roaring.

Everything around shook.

Inside the source well, endless light shines.

Everyone can feel the infinite energy gushing out from inside the source well.

"How terrible!"

"Who is more powerful, this kind of power or nuclear bombs?"

The nuclear bomb is the ultimate achievement of modern civilization.

The Source Well is the ultimate violent achievement of pre-civilization.

Who is better? !

"A nuclear bomb is definitely incomparable to Genjing."

Alexis said with certainty.

"You will soon understand."

"This blow will kill the final enemy. Destroy all their hopes."

Alexis said calmly.

Seeing the firm look in the prophet's eyes, everyone felt relieved and even had infinite hope in their hearts.

next moment.

A ray of light flashed in front of them, incredibly fast. In the blink of an eye, it flew from the endless abyss to the horizon and disappeared.

No one could see what it was, only that it was huge.

at the same time.

On the rooftop of the Magic City Observatory.

Ye Yang was thinking about the future when a huge alarm sounded from the observatory.

"what happened?"

Ye Yang asked.

"The Star Umbrella has detected that there was sudden super-standard energy rising on an isolated desert island in Antarctica. It is rushing towards Asia at extremely fast speeds. It is predicted that the energy level threat far exceeds that of a nuclear bomb strike."

"The nuclear countermeasures systems of various countries responded and sounded the alarm."

"This energy moves extremely fast, reaching hundreds of kilometers per second. The time is too short and the speed is too fast. It is impossible to intercept it, and it is impossible to predict its route and target."

Antarctica and the Chinese Demon City are relatively far away.

Ye Yang looked at his route map.

"finally come."

Ye Yang had long felt that the pre-civilization would not be that simple. If the prophet only held some biochemical soldiers, it would be difficult to achieve his ultimate goal of reviving the pre-civilization.

Now this extremely fast-moving energy strike also proved his guess.

This kind of ultra-high-speed strike with energy far exceeding that of conventional nuclear bombs cannot be intercepted or calculated. It comes suddenly. Even if the target is the Nantianmen Space Fortress, there is a high probability of success.


An island in Antarctica is probably less than 15,000 kilometers away from the Magic City, which is a one-hundred-and-fifty-second strike.

More than a minute had passed since it was detected and the Hurricane senior management finished telling himself the fact.

In other words, if this shot is not aimed at yourself, but at other targets within a distance of less than 6,000 kilometers, the target will not even be able to report, and the target will have died.

I don’t know how I died until I died.

After all, one hundred kilometers per second is no different from teleportation.

No trace can be seen with the naked eye. From a visual perspective, everything around him suddenly evaporates, that's all.


It is impossible for the four major battle fortresses to respond effectively to such irregular, ultra-high-speed mobile strikes.

Several path interceptions were made without success.

"When things have developed to this point, it's a matter of who has the stronger trump card."

Ye Yang understood that now was the time to play for the trump cards.

Otherwise, all your efforts will be in vain.

"It seems that my decision was right."

He looked towards the sky.

The biggest trump card in his hand is the photon weapon!

He has never told anyone about all the information about photon weapons.

Only some of the top hurricane officials and some construction AI who are forced to be loyal by the system are aware of its existence.

Forced loyalty is similar to physical brainwashing. It consumes face value and cannot be carried out on a large scale.

This is his deepest secret and trump card.

Even in the most critical moment of the past few months, when several Optimus Primes were knocked down one after another, he did not reveal it.

Just to bet whether the prophet still has a trump card.

It is stupid to reveal your trump card first in the ultimate game.

Now that the opponent's trump card has finally been exposed, he can rest assured.


He took out a transmitter from his arms.

This transmitter is connected to the island where the Hurricane headquarters is located. On the island, a photon silo stands.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this is the base with the highest level of protection in the world.

The Beitianmen Fortress is monitoring this place around the clock.

The most elite legion of Hurricane is stationed on the periphery. Inside the base, there are mechas, various advanced weapons and AI warriors.

At this moment, the photon silo has been fully activated as never before.

Since its construction, the photon silo has been accumulating photon energy. The Star Umbrella satellites are also equipped with super-efficient solar panels, connected here. Part of the energy in the terrifying solar storms in recent years has been absorbed and stored here.

A huge amount of particle energy has been stored for a long time. Once released, it is enough to turn any target into hell on earth.

And this terrifying energy is ready for Ye Yang at any time.


Ye Yang looked at the monitoring route and prepared to intercept this attack on the sea. After the unknown attack of Tongji Society, he flew over the Coral Sea and came to the northern Pacific Ocean, and pressed the full-strength button.

The photon silo erupted instantly.

The high-energy particle beam with a speed reaching sub-light speed escaped from hell like an angry dragon, turning into a terrifying energy wave, roaring towards the northern Pacific Ocean...

(Second update)

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