Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1298 Where to go? End everything


Almost instantly, two extremely terrifying energies represented the limits of force that two civilizations had reached during the Great Selection spanning hundreds of thousands of years...

Between the sea and the sky, they suddenly collide! ! ! !

People from half the world witnessed the birth of the second sun.

This is a game of pure energy, this is the glory of the collision of civilizations! ! !

The world seemed to be on fire.

The sea is roaring, the earth in the distance is melting, and the islands are instantly annihilated into dust...

This is the final chapter of the funeral song of pre-civilization and the ultimate brilliant sound of modern civilization.

Everything is drowned in light.

The powerful pulse wave instantly annihilated the sea, looking down from the battle fortress.

Over the Pacific Ocean, the atmosphere was completely pushed away, and there were no clouds in that area.

You can clearly see the super whirlpool there.

The scope is so large that it has long been difficult to measure. These staff members only know that the geographical changes of the earth that can be seen from space must be on the level of moving mountains and reclamation and changing the direction of the human world.

Some people looked to the horizon, but were instantly blinded by the extreme light that shone across the atmosphere.

Unknown how many species perished in this explosion, and billions and tens of billions of marine life were torn to pieces.

Thousands of meters of ocean were torn apart, exposing the underlying rocks.

Let that place that never sees the light of day be shrouded in sunlight for the first time.

The huge waves set off were tens of thousands of meters high.

The waves poured down, and the aftermath and ripples hundreds or thousands of miles away turned into an endless tsunami disaster. Huge waves tens of meters high swallowed some small countries, islands and coastal cities.


Countless people were in panic and had no idea what was happening.

And everyone who knew the inside story was shocked to the extreme.

"Is this the ultimate power of civilization?"

"It's just incredible."

"This kind of power..."


Everyone was shocked.

Everyone felt the infinite power.

Once it breaks out over land, it is really unimaginable how terrifying the destructive power will be.

At least within a radius of hundreds of kilometers, everything would be destroyed.

"It's really scary."

"Such confrontations have occurred on land where humans live, ten or eight times. There is no need to resist the geomagnetic reversal, and human civilization has been destroyed by war."

"That's right."

"I didn't expect that both sides would hide weapons of this level. It's simply unheard of and unseen."

"It's unimaginable... this blow may have knocked the earth a few millimeters..."

"Then you think the earth is too weak."

"I really can't imagine how we could resist this kind of weapon without Ye Yang's trump card."

"The key is that even if it can be intercepted on the ocean every time, the damage caused will still be great. This impact seems to have broken two or three submarine submersible pillars, and the three major bases were also damaged, resulting in loss of personnel. Very big.”

"I don't know. This level of energy shouldn't be emitted casually, right?"

"If we could have a wave of attacks, I guess the Tongji Association would have threatened modern civilization by this. There must be huge restrictions."

"Alas, many people from the Prophetic Cult have started clamoring on the Internet again, saying that their attacks are unlimited and they can destroy any place at will. Let us surrender quickly."

"Haha... Listening to his pretense, if you have the ability, let him hit him a few more times!?"


There are various discussions on the Internet.

An island in Antarctica.

The prophet looked at the result report and his face turned completely gloomy.

He never expected that Ye Yang could actually use his deepest hidden final trump card.

"How on earth did he do it, hiding it so deeply."

Ye Yang did not use this mysterious weapon wantonly before, but used it very restrainedly. He only used it for a moment when dealing with the Destruction Source Headquarters and rescuing the hostages. Therefore, although he had some guesses about Ye Yang's trump card, But I still don't think that thing is comparable to Genjing.

But at this moment, he knew that he had made a wrong bet.

The opponent's trump card is definitely not weaker than your own in terms of power, and it seems to be more mobile than your own.

In the final first-round confrontation, it can be said that he lost by a few points.

But that doesn't mean he completely lost.

After all, if there were no restrictions on their use, no one would hide their trump cards. In other words, cards that have no restrictions on their use cannot be called trump cards.

"Genui can still fire twice, but I don't know how many times he can use the weapon he holds in his hand."

Prophet Alexis frowned.

The remaining number of launches almost determines the success or failure of both parties, and the psychological game before the number is exhausted can also be used.


Ye Yang looked at the images sent back by the Xing Umbrella satellite cluster.

The photon silo has been accumulating energy.

But after all, it is not like the source well, which has accumulated geothermal energy intermittently for hundreds of years, and time is incomparable.

The blow just now had consumed 40% of the energy accumulated over the past few years.

In other words, weakening the energy to 30% each time is only enough to launch two more times.


Ye Yang looked at the island image in the satellite image and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

This is enough.

"I have been looking for you for two years, but I can't find your location at all. I didn't expect that you are hiding here."

As long as the other party shows up, the outcome will be clear.

What psychological game, what future launch times, all are meaningless.

The darkness that dies when it sees the light, if it doesn't bite him to death the moment it shows its fangs, then it is destined to die.

"It's over."

He pressed the bracelet and stepped downstairs directly.

Inside the bracelet, the nanoparticles extended outward and instantly condensed into Lieyang No. 3.

Lieyang No. 3 had been completely upgraded to Lieyang No. 3 Upgraded a few days ago, and there was no need to summon it outside. Usually, the nanoparticles were hidden in the bracelet and followed Ye Yang closely.

There would be no time difference.

"Boss, are you going!?"

"End everything."

Ye Yang moved the button in his hand again.

In the Hurricane Headquarters Base.

The photon well was fully activated again.

The terrifying light energy cannon reached an island in Antarctica at sub-light speed in an instant.

"Boom boom boom..."

The light instantly poured into the source well, shattering it completely! ! !

Sub-light speed, 100,000 kilometers per second, beyond the scope of any human understanding today.

Ye Yang pressed the button, and 0.2 seconds later, the source well 14,000 to 15,000 kilometers away was completely destroyed.

No one could possibly react...

(First update)

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