Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1300: Grand Screening, Officially Started

"Do we place our hope for the survival of civilization on an artificial intelligence that has super computing speed and masters all civilization information and science?"

Ye Yang concluded.

"You can say that."

Ericsis said: "If it had succeeded at that time, every day it survived during the screening would have been of great significance, but now it seems that it was a failure."

If that ultimate project succeeds, the probability of survival of the former civilization is extremely high.

There is no way he is the only one alive now.


Ye Yang nodded.

However, he had a different opinion in his heart, but he did not express it.


The whole sky was sparkling with ripples.

The whole world is filled with such ripples.

"It appears that the geomagnetic field has completely decayed."

Alexis said calmly: "You still haven't finished the work before the solar storm hits the ground..."

"It's just half a day late."

Ye Yang said lightly: "Half a day is nothing."

"Is it?"

Alexis shook his head: "The origin of the Great Screening is a mystery, but the triggering conditions for the first screening are related to the energy that civilization can mobilize. There have been more than two rounds of civilizations on the earth. We learn from the previous civilizations, This sums up the truth.”

"As long as the total energy of civilization reaches a certain level, the Great Screening will be triggered. The geomagnetic reversal is the prelude to every Great Screening."

"Civilizations that have not established defense mechanisms before solar storms have failed. Of course, we cannot prove that civilizations that have completed defense mechanisms before solar storms can succeed..."

"This is just speculation on our part - that the solar storm is a trigger that could set in motion some hidden disaster on Earth," Ericsis said.

"The geomagnetism disappears and the solar storm sweeps across. It's just a key, and it will open up many unexpected disasters."

Ericis said: "The moon will become very strange, and the strange radiation it emits will destroy the consciousness and logical thinking of intelligent life."

"Is that why there are black-eyed zombies... biochemical experiments?"

Ye Yang asked.


Ericsis said: "The original intention of this experiment is to allow pre-civilized creatures to perfectly adapt to the radiation environment, create a body that adapts to the environment, and transfer our will into it.

If successful, mortality rates would be significantly reduced. As for the improvement in physical strength and damage resistance, they are all incidental. "

"I see."

Ye Yang nodded, and some of the doubts in his heart were cleared up.

“In addition, in addition to regular small disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis, there will be some strange things that will happen.

I will tell you all these things, including the extreme changes in temperature, extreme cold and extreme heat coming in a short period of time. Sudden changes in air composition, sudden increase and extreme decrease in oxygen content..."

Alexis stated.

Ye Yang frowned. As soon as some doubts were resolved, a bunch of more questions followed.

"You don't seem hostile to me."

"I am willing to tell you everything...because you are special. Perhaps, it is indeed possible to survive the Great Selection. Modern civilization has no enmity with previous civilizations. Looking at the long history of time, you are our descendants. Over the past two thousand years, , I’m still hurting you. So, from my personal standpoint, I have no reason not to help you.”

Ericis said.

"If I can prove before I close my eyes that the big screening is not unsurvivable, it will be worth it."

"But you have also heard how terrifying these incredible changes can be to a civilization. It is basically impossible to survive these disasters."

Alexis shook his head: "Be prepared."


Ye Yang pondered for a moment, then said: "You said modern civilization is special, what is special about it?"

"According to our research, civilizations in the past dynasties will develop for at least 10,000 years before they reach the conditions for triggering the Great Selection. Moreover, the interval between civilizations in the past dynasties is almost half a million years, but the gap between pre-civilization and modern civilization , It’s far from time for this to happen.”

Ericsis said: "It has been less than seven thousand years since humans truly formed the concept of formal civilization. At least in terms of development speed, you are the fastest among all civilizations in the past. I hope to see good results. "

Ye Yang nodded.

As a remnant of a former civilization, Alexis was definitely right to prioritize the formation of the Kiwanis from the standpoint of the former civilization and to complete the unfinished regrets of the former civilization.

Now that the Kiwanis Club has failed, his position has changed to that of a relic of civilization who witnessed the Great Selection.

He didn't miss anything.

This is a battle of fundamental positions. Ye Yang appreciates him from the long river of history, but he will eventually execute him from the standpoint of modern civilization.

However, for now, let him witness the outcome of this big screening.

He was thinking...

That night, the news of Project Optimus Prime's completion was officially established.

Too much happened today.

Everyone was in a dream.

In just half a day.

They witnessed the collision of the two ultimate weapons of civilization, and soon they heard the announcement that the geomagnetism had completely disappeared and the solar storm was coming.

Almost at the same time, news of the collapse of the Kiwanis and the Prophetic Cult was announced.

At night, humans who were devastated by the solar storm found that the storm disappeared, mobile phone signals were restored, and the Qingtian Project was successfully completed.


In just one day.

Historic news came out one after another.

It was too fast, and people were too overwhelmed.

It seemed that everything was settled on this day.

Just when everyone thought that humans could continue their normal lives under the protection of the three major plans without suffering from the ravages of solar storms and the interference of Tongji Society and the Prophet Church.

Ye Yang released the core news again.

Everything has just begun.

In the next few years, human civilization will enter a real disaster test...

Countless unheard-of disasters will come.

Let everyone stay at home temporarily, don't move around, and wait for the next arrangement.


“No way! We finally built the three major plans and destroyed Tongji Society. How could this happen!?”

“The disaster has just begun!?”

“Destroy it! Hurry up...I’m tired!”


Everyone fell into panic and anxiety.

“Look! The color of the moon has changed...”

Someone discovered some changes.

"It turned"

"Blue moon..."

"It's a bit like the color of blue-gold rice."

"Don't go out of the house. The abnormal moon radiation will destroy the human brain!!!"

(First update)

1,300 chapters, 2.6 million words, Jiuyang is very emotional.

The pits are almost filled. I will take a day off tomorrow. The finale will be updated on the 31st. All the pits will be filled as much as possible. Please stay tuned.

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