Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1301: The First Year of the Great Selection


Ye Yang didn't have time to pay too much attention at this time and was contacting the moon base.

In order to grow blue gold rice, he established many bases on the moon, which housed a large number of his employees.

He is now very worried about the safety of these people.


The news came back.

"everything is normal."

Confirmation came from the tower: "Every base is normal."

Ye Yang frowned.

If according to what Ericis said, the damage of lunar radiation is extremely high, and as long as it is exposed, the brain will basically be permanently damaged.

Is he lying?

But he had no intention of lying to himself.

After all, his loss was nothing more than having everyone hide in their homes from the moonlight tonight.

"Perhaps the human constitution of modern civilization is just immune to this kind of radiation?"

"But what he said is that all intelligent creatures, at least in the previous rounds of civilization, are not spared."


After a while, reports came in from around the world.

Also walking on the street, there are some people who have nothing to do, and some people who just seem to have lost all their consciousness.

Became a zombie.


Ye Yang nodded.

There must be a reason for this difference.

"Moreover, compared with other countries, the probability of becoming a zombie on the streets in China is much smaller."

Ye Yang thought, his brain spinning rapidly.

Soon, he thought of some key points.

"Maybe it's a problem with Blue Gold Rice."

He said that blue gold rice itself is a product of the special radiation of the moon.

In recent days, the cultivation and sale of blue gold rice has not stopped.

As long as you have eaten blue gold rice, it is equivalent to taking a precaution in advance, and your body has adapted to this kind of radiation.

The fact that all staff on the moon are safe and sound can completely support his guess.


After several days of investigation and evidence analysis.

Found it to be true.

"Huh...this is the question I'm most worried about. I didn't expect that I found the answer by mistake before the question arose."

Ye Yang breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that modern civilization is not only the most special civilization, but also the luckiest civilization.

"Disseminate this news to stop the panic in various countries. Tell them that within a year, the development scale of Blue Gold Rice will reach the level of supplying the world, so they don't have to panic."

Ye Yang said.


The head of publicity nodded.

Human civilization is a whole. If you want to stop the solar storm, you must build Optimus Prime everywhere on the earth. If most people are not given a chance to survive, their destructive power will be greater than several Kiwanis.

After all, the number of people alone has reached several billion.

"It seems that there is no need to worry about the sudden change of the moon."

Ye Yang thought: "In view of the situation mentioned by the prophet, we need to notify other giants and monarchs to build breathing masks and shelters as soon as possible."

For special situations.

Qingtian and Qianlong both have their own bases, which can completely withstand large-scale environmental changes.

Now we only need to add some more centralized bases in cities and suburbs, which is basically enough.


Three days later, all plans were laid out.

During this period, various strange changes occurred one after another, and things happened suddenly, but there was insufficient preparation.

Each time resulted in massive human attrition.

In just three days since the Great Selection began, the total number of human losses would be greater than the previous sum total.

The number of people dropped sharply by more than one billion.

In addition, those who previously participated in the Prophet's Cult, the Extreme Association, and committed crimes against humanity were exiled by Ye Yang to a specially prepared defensive space.

Basically everyone is dead these days.

The total human population has dropped sharply to 6 billion from 8 billion last year.

"Even with such sufficient preparation and such a short time, it was cut by a quarter."

Ye Yang shook his head, feeling the cruelty of the screening.

The previous rounds of civilization must have been very desperate in the end.


At the Magic City Yunding Mountain Base, Ye Yang personally supervised the construction of several bases and allowed his relatives and friends to live in them.

ensure safety.

If a person like him who leads everyone to fight against the ultimate catastrophe and plays a decisive role, including his relatives and friends, can't be saved, then he is useless as a leader.

"This will pass."

Ye Yang looked at the worried faces of the girls and comforted them with a smile.

"We believe you!"

The girls all said that Ye Yang has created too many miracles along the way. No matter how terrible the disaster is, as long as Ye Yang is around, it can always be over!


In the following year, he would still control the Lieyang III mecha and travel around the world.

Some major disasters, where important facilities are destroyed, require mecha teams to rescue them.

The communication between the moon and the earth has not been cut off, and blue gold rice will be sent to the earth in batches from time to time.

In the increasing solar storms, Umbrella satellites will be shot down from time to time. Basic facilities such as satellite manufacturing plants, food processing plants, food bases, and drinking water protection must ensure operation.

The elderly and children were hiding in the base.

Young and middle-aged men and women wear breathing masks and risk their lives to ensure the most basic operation of human civilization.

Everyone, in this apocalypse, seems weak and great, humble and heroic.

It is a miracle that the basic operation of society can be guaranteed until today...

Everyone has faith in their hearts and struggles hard.

The number of people who are psychologically fragile and commit suicide is also increasing day by day.

There is no good news every day.

News of the collapse or total destruction of a base somewhere comes from time to time.

The communication network has long been paralyzed, and only high-level people like Ye Yang who can grasp satellite signals can accurately grasp real-time intelligence.

The total human population has continued to decline sharply in the apocalyptic disaster.

"Is it extreme cold again..."

Ye Yang looked at the entire city in front of him that was frozen by ice.

Everything was covered with thick frost, and the real-time temperature outside had reached the extreme cold of minus ninety degrees.

The entire city was completely paralyzed, and everyone hid in the base.

Waiting for the severe cold to pass.

Fortunately, such super severe cold generally does not last too long. People will rush to wear special protective clothing to work when the temperature rises to minus forty or fifty degrees.

But this time won't be long.

Because the temperature will soon reverse and rise to 100 degrees above zero.

Various problems that were completely unexpected before occurred one after another, and the news of the base's destruction came like water...

In this way, a whole year passed.

The special New Year's bell rang, and everyone was in their respective bases, watching the only satellite display screen.

Ye Yang stood in front of the screen: "Everyone, this is the most special New Year for all of us...

According to quantum computer calculations, the geomagnetic reversal disaster will last about four years... Congratulations on our successful survival of the first year!"

(Second update)

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