Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 1,304 Finale (Part 1)


It takes great courage to face death.

It’s time to make your own choice.

Ye Yang thought of a lot.

He had many reasons not to go, but also many reasons to go.

But those are no longer important.

He turned on the system and performed the final operation.

He rushed into the crater...

This scene was broadcast live by the Space Fortress, and all of humanity was watching.

Even the dumbest people knew what Ye Yang’s decision and actions meant...

Many people’s eyes were moist at this moment.

“I want to replace him, but I don’t have the ability...”

Many people burst out with the most essential emotions in their hearts at this moment.

That emotion, like a torrent, resonated all over the world.

The face value of Ye Yang’s system page also skyrocketed at this moment...

He just exchanged the highest level of protection shield in the system mall, which consumes 10 million face value every second.

“Come on... This is the ultimate leap for mankind...”

He looked at the trigger device in front of him and pressed the button manually.


It didn’t explode immediately.

He immediately turned around and flew out...

However, before he flew far, a terrifying wave erupted behind him.


Ye Yang shouted.

Outside world.

From the perspective of the space fortress, after Ye Yang sank into the meteorite, before he could come out, the super fusion bomb exploded.

All the cracks of the entire meteorite finally connected together and exploded in the middle.

"Boom boom boom..."

Countless fragments flew out in all directions.

The terrifying energy almost filled every space nearby.

And Ye Yang's figure was still not captured.


Silence, the silence of all mankind.

So close to the super fusion bomb, facing that kind of explosion, it is estimated that no creature can survive...

"Could it be..."

"No, this is impossible!"


Many giants also frowned. This legend that weighed on their heads and made them breathless ended just like that! ?

People couldn't believe this scene, nor could they accept this ending.

However, all this happened just like that.

In the dark and silent background of the universe, the rubble continued to excite and was annihilated by photon weapons on the surface of the earth.

The remaining fragments exploded in space during the suicide collision between the four space fortresses and the Star Umbrella satellite.

Only a few rubbles hit the ground, causing terrible explosions and vibrations.

Some shelters were destroyed in this disaster.

But it is better than complete destruction...

This biggest crisis has finally come to an end.


Three days later, the space fortress floated there, and the picture remained silent. Everyone accepted the fact that Ye Yang had fallen in the danger of the final destruction meteorite.

Various crises subsided sharply.

Major base cities began to hold mourning ceremonies.

No matter what the giants think in their hearts, in the hearts of the two billion humans who survived today, Ye Yang is the well-deserved savior and the only god.

They can't show their thoughts now.

The mourning lasted for three months.

The memorial service became weak as the disaster completely left.

Humans walked out of the shelters one after another to welcome the sunshine of the new era.

Many people spontaneously organized memorials for Ye Yang around the world, and many organizations and sects were formed as a result.

Until another year later, the memorial became a tourist attraction.

Sect organizations became money-making machines.

The giants began to show their fangs.

Some giants completely changed their minds in this big screening, firmly opposed those who showed their fangs, and cracked down on those giants who wanted to swallow up Ye Yang's assets in turn.

But these are a minority after all.

The giants' fangs and trump cards were all revealed, and the factories under Ye Yang's name were swallowed up and the assets were embezzled.

The energy of space fortresses, Luanniao fighters, and photon weapons were all consumed in the meteorite war. The giants hid some captured former civilization mechas and spare nuclear bombs.

For a while, China could not organize a real deterrent.

The disaster of the world's destruction did not cause the collapse of human society.

But after Ye Yang's death, the bright red fangs of many giants did this.


After the disaster, everything collapsed and order was re-established.

Some monarchs and giants went crazy.

Blood and war boiled.

Wars broke out everywhere.

Industry completely collapsed, and the population dropped sharply again.

Prophet Elixis looked at all this and fell into deep silence.


And the beginning of all this.

Ye Yang himself was lying in the medical cabin of the space fortress, watching the scenes happening on the earth with a calm look...

The explosion that day was indeed very terrifying.

But the system's protective shield was also extremely strong, isolating 99.99% of the energy.

But the remaining energy also melted through the Lieyang III instantly, even the Hulk-level body, exhausted the life potential, and the cells continued to regenerate and die.

He escaped from death.

However, there were too many streams of light at that time, and when he escaped, he was no longer in human form, and the mecha on his body had melted through, and the tail flame could not be seen.

The moment he returned to the space fortress, he was dragged back to the medical cabin by AI.

Originally, he wanted to directly announce the fact that he was not dead.

But in a flash, he changed his mind.

He only sent the follow-up arrangements to some core confidants on Earth. Since that day, he lay in the medical cabin to repair his life potential.

Watch everything happen by the way.


He sighed. After a year, his life potential was basically fully restored. He was going to set off to clean up the mess in the next few days.

He gave the secondary launch rights of the photon weapon to Xiao Qingxuan and Yu Momo.

It was enough to ensure the protection of all the people he wanted to protect.

But he also told them not to use the remaining energy of the photon weapon until it was necessary.

After all, when fighting against meteorites, the two photon wells were overloaded and might not be able to withstand too high a frequency of firing.

"The big selection is not only about technology, but also the 'morality' of civilization."

Ye Yang realized some inspiration at the moment of life and death.

Only civilizations that have passed both technology and civilization morality can survive.

Human society was integrated and enforced his "morality" just because of his existence, thus showing a "civilized morality" that far exceeds what civilization itself should have.

So, if I am gone, will all this still be true?

He wanted to take a look.

But everything that happened on Earth over the past year.

It made him understand that modern civilization survived the Great Filter only because of his special existence, not because civilization itself should be a civilization mature enough to survive the Great Filter.

This made him a little uneasy...

(First update)

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