"What did you say!?"

The nouveau riche was stunned.

"Sir, the most expensive item in our store is the Dragon Beard Cake. In ancient times, it was stipulated that only the emperor could enjoy Dragon Beard Cake. The ingredients and craftsmanship have reached the pinnacle of pastry."

"The price per pound is 666w Chinese Yuan. The balance in your card can only buy one or two taels... one or two taels of dragon beard crisps, emmm... maybe the size of a fingernail."

The shopping guide smiled sweetly.

With every word, the upstart boss's face turned paler.

"You are a fraud!"

The nouveau riche was a little angry.


The shopping guide sighed helplessly:"If you don't have the intention to buy, or don't have the ability to buy, go to the peripheral stores first, where the cakes are cheaper."

"You said I was poor!"

The nouveau riche was immediately unhappy:"I don't believe anyone can afford to eat pastries that cost more than 6 million per pound! It's ridiculous!"

Ye Yang, who was standing aside, looked at the nouveau riche's blushing face and thick neck, and shook his head in amusement. Seeing that the nouveau riche was pestering her, the shopping guide girl didn't intend to pay attention to him anymore, but turned to Ye Yang:"Sir, what do you need to buy?"

"Let's buy the dragon's beard cake you just mentioned."

Ye Yang said with a smile.

His experience during this period of time told him that the higher price of food is still reasonable. A meal of several million yuan and a fast food of dozens of yuan are indeed completely different experiences.

What's more, this price is not very expensive in his eyes, so it's better to buy it to try it out.

"No, you know the price, why do you still buy it?……"

The upstart on the side lost face in front of his lover, and now he also transferred his anger to Ye Yang:"You are just pretending to be rich!" Ye Yang ignored him.

This poor guy from a small place suddenly became arrogant after getting some money. He looked very arrogant, but in fact his total assets might only be tens of millions, not even as expensive as his car.

"How much do you want, sir?"

The young lady's eyes lit up.

Ye Yang is so handsome, well-dressed and sophisticated, and he is much more pleasing to the eye than a nouveau riche.

"Let's try 20 kilograms first."

Ye Yang said with a smile


The young lady was stunned.

Although she could meet many wealthy people when working in a top pastry shop, it was the first time she saw someone selling 20 kilograms of dragon beard cakes.


The upstart and his mistress were both petrified on the spot.

""Sir, did I hear you right?"

The young lady smiled bitterly and confirmed.

"Am I kidding?"

Ye Yang spread his hands and showed the Centurion Black Gold Card.

"I'm sorry, sir, I just lost my temper."

The young lady naturally knew Centurion Black Gold Card, and said with great respect:"But we only make ten kilograms of dragon beard cakes every day, so……"

"Ah... that's a pity, let's buy ten kilograms first."

Ye Yang smiled.

After all, there were so many maids in the villa, if they bought one less, they wouldn't even have a bite before they finished eating.

"OK, OK!"

The young lady quickly ran to the back to open the order

"A total of 66.6 million yuan, already paid by credit card"

"6660w? Shouldn't it be 6666w?"

The nouveau riche was confused.

Everyone present rolled their eyes at the nouveau riche. His cultural level was really appalling.

The lover's face also turned red. She quickly pulled the nouveau riche away:"Let's go, let's not embarrass ourselves by staying here.……"

"What are you laughing at? Why do I feel like you are taking me for an idiot? That’s 6666w! Math was my best subject back then!"

The nouveau riche didn’t react until he was dragged out of the store by his lover.

"Alas... this kind of person can also get rich, it's really drunk."

Yu Momo covered his face and complained helplessly

"Sir, the dragon beard cakes have been packed for you, and we will arrange a special car to deliver them to your residence."

The store manager who came from the office said politely

"Well, you guys see if there is anything else you want to buy, let's get 100 million together."

Ye Yang turned around and signaled Yu Momo and the others

""Okay, boss!"

The girls often followed Ye Yang and were very familiar with his ability to make money.

But the clerks and the store manager didn't think so."

Let's get 100 million!?

Listen, is this a human language?!"

Even in the top luxury pastry shops.

In addition to the signature dragon beard cake, other pastries are about 100,000 or 100,000 Chinese yuan per pound.

This is really meeting a super rich man!

After buying a lot of various pastries that he had never heard of before.

Ye Yang took the three girls out of the Perilla Garden.

"Ding, it was detected that the host spent 108,600,000 Chinese yuan to purchase desserts and snacks, and was rewarded with cooking skills!"

"With this skill, you will reach the peak level of human beings in any culinary field and cook the best delicacies in the world."

The system prompt sounded as expected.

"Cooking skills?"

Ye Yang's eyes lit up. He himself didn't know how to cook, and with his status and position, he didn't need to cook for himself.

But, after all, more skills are better!

"I can show off my skills when I go back."

Ye Yang was quite satisfied with this reward.

(The third update)

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