
As soon as he returned to the villa, the golden maids lined up to welcome him.

Ye Yang smiled slightly. It was really wonderful to have a large group of beautiful girls waiting to welcome him when he returned home!

"Have you eaten yet?"

Ye Yang asked

"Not yet, waiting for you to come back, boss.~"

"The chefs have already prepared the dinner."

The maids said


Ye Yang nodded slightly and waved his hand lightly:"There are cakes for you in the car, go and get them."

""Ah? Did the master buy us some cakes?" the maids asked in surprise.

"You did a good job during the day, so I'll reward you."

Ye Yang also smiled and nodded.

"Thanks master!"

""Master, you are the best!"

The maids all flew over and kissed Ye Yang unexpectedly on the face.

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head:"These are just appetizers, don't eat too much, the after-meal desserts that will be served later are the highlight."

"Okay, Master~"


Watching the maids searching for their favorite desserts in the car,

Ye Yang walked into the kitchen.

""Boss, why are you here in the kitchen?"

Several chefs were stunned and asked repeatedly.

"I haven't cooked for a long time. I'll try to make a dish tonight."

Ye Yang said with a smile

"Boss, are you dissatisfied with the food we cooked? We will change it right away.……"

Upon hearing this, the head chef said with great fear

"No, these girls helped me a lot today, so I cooked for them myself as a token of my appreciation."

Ye Yang shook his head and said sincerely

"So that's it."

The head chef nodded, and was very touched.

What kind of person is Ye Yang?

A super boss who spends millions on a meal. He actually cooks for him personally!

Isn't that too good!?

With such a good boss, he wanted to sign up for the maid team, but unfortunately he was a pure man.

With a turn of his eyes, the head chef also led a few state banquet chefs out of the kitchen first

"I warn you, no matter what the boss makes, you are not allowed to say anything!"

The head chef said repeatedly.

After all, they are all state banquet chefs, and their taste buds are too sensitive. If they eat defective food, they will subconsciously have a big reaction.

He is also giving a shot in advance.

"Don't worry, chef, we are not young kids who don't know the world."

Several chefs patted their chests and assured


In the kitchen, Ye Yang was holding a set of kitchen utensils worth millions of dollars. The moment he touched them, a familiar feeling came to his mind, as if he had used them countless times.

The knives flew, and all kinds of ingredients were turned into neat and perfect pieces under the knife shadows.

As Ye Yang cooked, cooking knowledge naturally came to his mind, as if it was his instinct.

"Wow, regardless of other things, the boss's knife skills are amazing!"

"Not only that, the boss is definitely a cooking expert, at least a master chef.……"

Several state banquet chefs were peeking from behind, and were all amazed at this moment.

Add ingredients and cook.

A pot of three-fresh soup is ready.

Most of the dishes have been prepared by the state banquet chefs.

I only make one dish, and it is enough to show my intention.

Ye Yang waved his hand:"You can serve the dishes now."


The chefs followed the rules and called out the names of the dishes.

In the hall, the girls were still greedily eating desserts.

"Stop eating, you won't be able to eat in a while."

Ye Yang waved his hand:"It's time to eat.""

"Good Master!"

The maids all came to the table obediently.

"This three-fresh soup is cooked by the boss himself!"

The chef solemnly brought the purple clay pot to the table and introduced it solemnly.

"Wow! Thank you! It smells so good.~"

"The master is so kind! He is unparalleled in the world!"

The maids were all very moved.

""That's enough. You guys are almost praising me to the sky."

Ye Yang smiled and waved his hand.


Guan Ruoyu tasted the three-fresh soup curiously, her eyes suddenly widened, and she looked at Ye Yang in surprise:"Master, this... is really made by you!?"

Ye Yang smiled and nodded

"Master, please don't get me wrong, this is really delicious, isn't it?"

Guan Ruoyu secretly glanced at the chefs and said weakly,"It feels better than what the chefs cook.……"


Several state banquet chefs were immediately annoyed.

They were truly state banquet chefs!

They understood praising Ye Yang, but saying that Ye Yang was better than them!?

That was too much! It simply ignored their achievements!

"Well, Ruoyu is right. I have to say, I think so too... Boss, you are too secretive!!!"

Xiao Xiaozhu squinted his eyes, enjoying the feeling of the fresh fragrance blooming on his tongue.


Looking at the reactions of the girls, the chefs were all confused.

If one person said this to please Ye Yang, then if everyone said this, could it be that……


The chef also took a spoonful and tasted it. He felt like he was struck by lightning.

"How is it?"

Several chefs looked at the chef's absent-minded expression and were a little confused.


The chef's eyes were reddened."I only know one person who can make this taste... That person is my master.""

"Your master!"

Several chefs opened their mouths wide, and it took them a long time to recover.

Who was the chef's master?

He was the recognized number one chef in China in the past hundred years!

Mr. Li Qinghe, who once cooked national meals for great men!

It's not an exaggeration to say that he is the master of contemporary Chinese cuisine!

In the Chinese cuisine world, Mr. Li has been deified for decades after his death!


After hearing this, several state banquet chefs tasted the three-fresh soup in their bowls.


Catering is an art. The more you master it, the more you can feel the infinite layers of the dishes.

And Ye Yang's three-fresh soup directly stunned several state banquet chefs.

"Grandmaster! This is definitely a master-level cooking skill!"

"We are convinced! We are completely convinced!"

Several chefs were just wondering if Guan Ruoyu was just blindly praising Ye Yang.

Now, they have become Ye Yang's most loyal and brainless fans.

"Ah!!! If I could afford to worship the boss as my master, I would kowtow to him right now!"


Several chefs sighed.

Yu Momo also looked at Ye Yang with shining eyes. He can play ball and cook. What else can't the master do?

This man is simply too dazzling and mysterious.

But the more this is the case, the more she loves him.

After all, most girls' love comes from admiration.

"As long as it tastes good, I'll just do some research on it."

Ye Yang also tasted the soup he made, secretly saying that the system is awesome!


All the chefs of the state banquet were in tears and laughter. The boss was too discouraging! Just do some research.

And become a master of cooking! ?

We also want to be as casual as you, boss!!!

(First update, there is one more update. I have something to do tomorrow, so I need to prepare today. I will update two chapters. In fact, it will be several hundred words less than three normal chapters...)

Thanks to the book friend Youjian Gucao for the two mooncakes and a reminder for the update!

Thanks to the book friend Beiluo Shimen for the mooncakes~

Thanks to the book friends Bianzhishiquan, 8616/1758, 1046/9634, 1108/9661, and Wushuzan~

Thanks to the book friend 1099/7335 for the reminder for the update!

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