After dinner, the cake cart and dragon beard cakes also arrived.

After the delicious meal, the dessert made everyone fall on the bed with satisfaction.

After the state banquet chef left, the maids cleaned the villa and took a mixed bath with Ye Yang in the Yundingshan hot spring next to the villa.

Ye Yang took Yu Momo back to the master bedroom.

"It's another perfect day."

Ye Yang hugged Yu Momo's mature body, with a smile on his face.

After becoming a super rich man, every day is wonderful and perfect!

"What is the master thinking? So happy."

Yu Momo lay beside Ye Yang's ear, blowing fragrance, looking at his handsome face, her heart was also beating fast.

"How should I reward you later?"

Ye Yang turned his head and said with a wicked smile,"Did you forget what I said in the afternoon that I would reward you well in the evening?"

"Master, you are so bad!"

Yu Momo smiled and said,"But I like it very much!"


Ye Yang turned over and closed the quilt.

There was another uproar, wonderful beyond words.

The excitement gradually calmed down...

The next day.

Ye Yang got out of bed refreshed.

Yu Momo was still sleeping because of exhaustion.

Ye Yang touched her little face lovingly and turned to leave the bedroom.

Breakfast is ready.

"Master, your 100 billion bet a few days ago is becoming more and more popular, and your Douyin fans have exceeded 18 million!"


After breakfast, Ye Yang also looked at his phone with a smile and found that there were many more fan messages in the fan list.

"Ye Shenhao you are so handsome! When will you start broadcasting again? Yaoyao wants to help you brush rockets!"

"I really want to see your show start! /Expecting/Expecting"


"Why do they want me to start a live broadcast?"

Ye Yang shook his head. It seems that he can't easily show his beautiful face in the future. He only showed his face a little on the day of the competition.

So many people are thinking about him.

"Boss, these fans are looking forward to your live broadcast!"

Xiao Xiaozhu said with a smile

"Hey, Master, if you start broadcasting now, you will probably receive a lot of gifts!"

Guan Ruoyu was also fiddling with it.

"Well... you can try it."

Ye Yang nodded.


Guan Ruoyu, Xiao Xiaozhu and the other girls were all very surprised.

"Of course."

Ye Yang nodded:"Let's start it."

It just so happened that the system gave him a gaming skill, and he had never tried it before. It was just right for him to play games while broadcasting live today.

As a student majoring in software, he naturally liked to play games.

"You have started live streaming."

Ye Yang looked at the prompt and without thinking, he threw a few hundred Carnival and fried fish.

The girls around him saw this scene and they didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Others do live streaming to make money, but their boss is good at it, just spend some money first.

But what they don't know is that Ye Yang is actually making money by spending money!

"Ding! The system detected that you spent 1.2 million yuan on tips, and the reward was 36 million yuan in deposits"

"Holy shit! Ye Shenhao is live streaming again!"

"Come and support us!"

"Hundreds of gift boxes again, Ye Shenhao is so generous!"

The audience rushed in frantically.

In a blink of an eye, the number of online users reached hundreds of thousands.

Ye Yang nodded with satisfaction. That's right!

If there were no audience, the live broadcast would be so boring.

The number of online users continued to increase.

"Ye Shenhao, what are you going to broadcast today?"

"So handsome, lick the screen……"

"Congratulations to the anchor, you received the cute little cutie Carnival*10……"

"Congratulations to the anchor, you received the helicopter from the leader of the Sky Explosion Gang*5……"

The live broadcast room instantly became lively.

Gifts and comments also surged.

"Everyone wants to watch my live show, so let's just chat and play a few games today."

Ye Yang familiarly opened the King of Glory page.

"Do super rich people also play King of Glory?"

"I actually get to play a game with such a rich guy. What an honor!"

"Ha ha……"

Ye Yang looked at the barrage and directly opened the recharge interface.

His gaming talent was not that good.

After playing for several years, he was only a low-star king.

But now the system has given him the e-sports proficiency talent, so everything has changed.

Judging from yesterday's cooking talent and the previous sports talent.

As long as it is a talent given by the system.

Then it is the limit of human level.

In an ordinary king game, one against five is not a dream!

"Ye Shenhao is not even v8 yet... What a surprise"

"What do you know? This is called being low-key like a super rich man!"

"All right……"

Ye Yang glanced at the comments and gave a bitter smile. He had no spare money to recharge the game before, but now he can do it at will.

"Let's top up 1 million points first."

Ye Yang directly topped up 100,000 yuan and started a lottery for Honor Crystals. He had no luck, so he relied on non-Africans.

After hundreds of thousands of points, he finally got all the skins and heroes as he wished.

"Oh my god, this is so cool to watch!"

"I just like watching the anchor draw prizes, haha……"


The live broadcast room is full of envy.

The Honor Collection skins are nice, but they are really too expensive. We can only watch the anchor draw the lottery to satisfy our eyes.

"Next, you should see the power of V8!"

"Haha, krypton gold makes me stronger!"

The comments are all joking.


After spending some money,

Ye Yang also clicked on the ranking.

After entering, Ye Yang was also assigned to the first floor.

After thinking about it, he directly chose Luna.

Heroes have a limit.

If you want to show off, you have to choose a hero with a high operation limit.

"It's stable!"

After Ye Yang locked onto the hero, he smiled faintly.

"I thought Ye Shenhao was going to show off his generosity by using the rich woman Wu Zetian!"

"What level of boss is Ye Shenhao? He doesn't even bother to show off things worth tens of thousands of dollars, right?"

"Yeah, haha.……"

After entering the loading page, the audience also found something wrong.

"Hey, the ID of Han Xin on the other side looks so familiar……"

"It seems to be the ID of a streamer. I have seen him before. Wait, I will go to his live studio to confirm it."

"What anchor? He doesn't seem to be famous, I've never heard of him."

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and looked at Han Xin's ID..


He is not very famous, but the name is quite domineering...

(Second update)

Thanks to book friend Mengmeng for the mountain climbing invitation! Thanks to book friend Reading novels for liking~

Thanks to book friend Zhatianbang for the mountain climbing invitation!

Thanks to book friend Daily novels for liking~

(In the future live broadcast segments, I may select a few book friends who have given gifts to appear~)

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