"If you dare not hang up, you will soon find out how many million fans there are!"

Ling Shen shouted


Ye Yang smiled and shook his head. There are so many ignorant people in this world...

However, this kind of threat seemed very childish to him. He continued to play and led the three lanes. In 15 minutes, he pushed down the three lanes of the opposite side.

His record was as high as 29 kills, 0 deaths and 5 assists.

Ling Shen's face turned pale, and he sent a message directly and frantically:"The opposite side, Luna is stubborn, you don't have to be stubborn like this, you have reached this level, haven't you heard of my name Ling Shen? If you don't hang up, I will make you all finished!"


Among Ye Yang's teammates, two of them had obviously heard of Ling Shen's bad reputation. It was rumored that he instigated his fans to force his opponent who had defeated him to commit suicide.


"We are really scared!"

"Listen to us, don't go against Ling Shen, this is the wise choice! Otherwise, you will regret it in a while.��"

The two teammates even deliberately made a few sarcastic remarks before they all hung up.


The remaining two teammates were also somewhat confused.

Ye Yang's eyes also flashed a hint of coldness.

It's not that he doesn't have a temper, on the contrary, he has a very bad temper.

Ling Shen's behavior obviously made him a little angry.

"You are gone."

Ye Yang typed these three words calmly.

"I'm gone?"

Ling Shen on the other side of the screen also sneered disdainfully:"I want to see what you are capable of! Remember, I am the only one who can bully you!"

"Too arrogant!"

"It makes me want to kill him!"

"That's right! They are just scumbags!"

In the live broadcast room, everyone was furious.

Two teammates were AFK. Two teammates were wandering around and not playing the game properly.

The situation instantly became one against five, and it got worse.

Ling Shen in the middle directly led four teammates to push forward

"No matter how awesome you are, can you fight five people alone? This will make you feel what despair is like!"

Ling Shen's cunning face was clearly revealed.

In front of the middle tower,

Luna stood alone.

One against five, her figure was proud.

"Is it really going to be one against five?……"

"Impossible, the other five players didn't use their skills, and after Ye Shenhao's teammates went AFK, they all got six pieces of equipment. In this game, no matter how awesome you are, you can't really fight five players at full health and full skills! What's more, there is a Han Xin who is disgusting but has good skills."

"Yes, it’s all because of this Ling Shen, he’s so fucking hateful!"


The live broadcast room was filled with resentment

"I can't stand it anymore, I'm going to go to the live broadcast room over there and curse this bastard to death!"

"Let's finish watching this game first."


A cold smile appeared on Ye Yang's lips. He marked out his first skill, combined his ultimate skill with his second skill, and floated among the five enemies along the line of soldiers. He seamlessly connected the brilliant moon, resurrection armor, and famous sword, not only did he not die, but he dodged countless skills, and took away all the archers and mages on the opposite side!

"Holy shit! I was shocked!"

"This is so cool! I'm excited……"

"It's really one against five! Ye Shenhao is awesome!"

"But Ye Shenhao was running out of health, and he was probably going to die. But he was already very strong if he could kill two of the five fully equipped players."


With another skill, Ye Yang used the small wild monster next to him to float away.

With the blood-sucking equipment, Ye Yang teased the remaining three people while brushing the wild monsters to recover blood.

After the blood was almost recovered,

Ye Yang used another skill and a big move to float back to the opponent's camp.

"Triple kill!"

"Quad kills!"

The dazzling operation caused more and more exclamations and comments in the live broadcast room, and gifts were thrown out crazily.

When only Han Xin was left on the scene, Ling Shen finally reacted.

But it was too late...

Luna floated back with the mark on her head.

The screen went black in an instant.



"Oh my god! It makes my blood boil!"

"I have nothing to say, this is awesome! If this wave was on the field, I'm afraid it would be called a god!"

"More than that, it is estimated that it will be included in the history of the King's game and used as a textbook……"

"It was so cool! Wasn't Ling Shen pretending to be awesome? Now, Ye Shenhao beat five of them and killed them all!"

"Strong, strong, strong, strong!!!!"


The gifts and messages in the live broadcast room finally reached their peak.

This wonderful one-on-five kill was simply too terrifying!


Ye Yang led the troops directly and stood in front of the opponent's fountain to return to the city.

"You wait! You are done!"

Ling Shen only had time to say one last harsh word before the crystal was pierced and exploded by the super soldier.


The game is over.

Ye Yang looked at the barrage and smiled faintly:"Regular operation, keep a low profile."

"Ye Shenhao! Do we need to blast that damn Ling Shen?"

"We have more people than them."

"You are still asking questions, I have already started to act!"

Ye Yang smiled, neither supporting nor stopping, after all, he had his own way of dealing with it:"Everyone, please be patient, within three days, there will be no such person as Ling Shen in the live broadcast industry, including his trash fans who are specifically designed to harm people."

"Holy shit! Is Ye Shenhao serious? Isn't this too strong?"

"I recorded this sentence on the screen! It’s so awesome!"

"So domineering! I like this kind of confidence!"

"This is to ban this Ling Shen directly... It's a bit arrogant, but it's his own fault."

"He is a relative of a Dousha executive. I think it will be difficult to accomplish this.……"

"Haha, difficulty? Let's wait and see!"


Discuss in Ye Yang's live studio���Time.

Lingshen Live Room

"Why did the popularity suddenly increase! ?"

Ling Shen, who was teaching fans how to organize to disgust Ye Yang, was stunned.

Originally, the backstage showed that there were only tens of thousands of people watching.

At this time, it suddenly increased to hundreds of thousands! And the trend did not decrease at all, it was still increasing!

"Did my brother-in-law give me some super recommendation? Am I going to be famous?"

Just when Ling Shen was dreaming, hundreds of thousands of people came in and instantly overwhelmed the entire Ling Shen live broadcast room.

Not surprisingly, they were all from Ye Yang's live broadcast room who couldn't stand Ling Shen's pretentiousness and came to greet his eight generations of ancestors.

Looking at his eight generations of ancestors flying all over the screen,

Ling Shen's mood instantly changed from ecstasy to worse than eating shit:"Damn! It turns out they are all here to scold me!"

(Second update)

Thanks to the book friend lonely boy for the three likes~~~

Thanks to my book friends Monkey, Sauron, Three Thousand Worlds, Sweet to Hurt, and Gu Yin for their praise~~~

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