For the rest of the day, Ling Shen's live broadcast room was completely overwhelmed. Hundreds of thousands of people came in just to curse him.

Who could stand that?

The room manager banned him for a whole half day, almost forgetting to eat and sleep, but only banned 1% of the comments. The barrage of comments cursing him engulfed his live broadcast room.

Even if one has a good mental quality, facing such overwhelming accusations and insults for such a long time, it is completely unbearable. Not to mention Ling Shen, who is petty and can't stand what others say. He was directly scolded and went off the air in shame.

After going off the air, he realized that it was Luna, whom he had provoked before, who turned out to be a super anchor with more than 18 million fans!

""Shit! This is too unlucky!"

Ling Shen was stunned.

He had always been the one bullying others before, but now he had offended a real big shot, and he was a little confused.

"Oh no, I just asked my fans to doxx that person!"

Ling Shen's palms were sweating.

The other side's fans were also very cohesive, and their numbers were many times higher than his own.

Thinking of Ye Yang's words"You are gone", he became even more uneasy.

Genting Mountain Villa.

Ye Yang looked at Ling Shen's fans who wanted to insult him in the King's backstage, and smiled lightly:"Write them all down, I'll call Lao Ma later"

"Old Ma?"


"Who is Lao Ma?"

"Hiss... Imagine Ye Shenhao's identity, I'm afraid he is talking about one of the two Ma.……"

"Is it Ma Yun or Mark King?"

"It's probably Mark King. King of Glory is a game owned by Tencent. Maybe they want to ask Mark King to punish that idiot Ling Shen."

"Wow? So awesome?"

In the live broadcast room, fans were also discussing.

They had also been pitted by their teammates, or encountered cheating on the other side, which made them feel frustrated and angry, but they had no way to deal with these scumbags. It was useless to deduct credit points when they were scolded.

The most satisfying thing they had seen was to anger a super anchor. The anchor would contact the King of Glory customer service through a special channel and directly block the other party's account.

But they had never seen someone prepare a phone call to Mark King Ma like this.

"Okay, I've got it all down."

Guan Ruoyu said repeatedly.


Ye Yang nodded and dialed Mark King's number.

Soon the call was connected.

Mark King's voice was heard from the other end.

"Boss Ye!"

Now Tengxun is owned by Ye Yang. As the largest shareholder, Mark King must respect Ye Yang very much.

"Old Ma, I have something for you to do."

Ye Yang also got straight to the point without any nonsense.

"Damn, they really did it!"

The audience was all concentrating.

They had come in to pay respect to Ye Shenhao, but they hadn't expected the live broadcast to be so exciting. Now a call had even reached Mark King's phone!

""Boss Ye, you said, I will do my best to do what you ask."

Mark King's attitude was very correct.

A super boss who can do this is very good at judging the situation and naturally will not make any stupid choices.


Ye Yang also briefly described what happened today.

"What! How dare someone threaten you, Boss Ye! Don't worry, I will do my best to handle these matters. Please send me a list of the fans who insulted you. In the future, any product under Tencent will be closed forever!"

"Whether it's the King account, Penguin account, WeChat account, etc., all of them are blocked!"

Ma Kejin said in a very clear attitude.


Ye Yang nodded, and was very satisfied with Mark King's attitude.

"As for the anchor named Lingshen, I will contact the supervisor of Dousha and ask them to handle it and try to ban him on all platforms.

Mark King thought about it and added

"Sure, I'll wait for your news."

Ye Yang smiled and nodded.


After hanging up the phone,

Ye Yang looked at the heated discussion in the live broadcast room and said confidently:"The problem has been solved. No need to worry anymore."

"Ye Shenhao, was the old Ma you were talking about on the phone just now Mark King?"

"Yes, yes, we want to ask that too!"


Seeing that everyone was so concerned about this, Ye Yang generously admitted:"Yes, it is Mark King"

"Wow! Ye Shenhao is awesome!!!"

"It's so satisfying! Just find the boss and solve all the problems!"

"Ye Shenhao six six six!"


In the live broadcast room, the number 666 was also being swiped.

After all, Mark King's name was known to everyone.

Almost everyone who was online had a connection with Tengxun Company, and had contributed their wealth to Mark King to some extent. Naturally, they also remembered this super-rich man who had been the richest man in China.

Such a big man was like a legendary figure to them.

They only heard of him but never saw him, and he was far away.

But now Ye Yang directly called such a super big man to do something for him!!!

What a shock!

"It’s so powerful!"

"Now that Ling Shen is probably dead, dare to provoke Ye Shenhao"

"He deserves it! He has done so many bad things before, and he also threatened and intimidated, and entangled his fans to black people. This kind of scum has led countless children astray. It is simply justice for this scum to be banned!"

"that is!"


The live broadcast room was getting more and more lively.

As the topic of Ye Yang calling Mark King spread, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room was also increasing.

Ye Yang also started the third round of crazy fan increase.

While Ye Yang was crazy about increasing fans. Dousha's CEO Zheng Min received Mark King's call with trepidation.

Dousha has been acquired by Tengxun.

Now Mark King is his immediate superior.

Because Ye Yang is very low-key now, he has not exposed himself yet.���The identity of the largest shareholder of Xun.

Therefore, Dousha CEO Zheng Min still thinks Mark King is his immediate superior.

Mark King is also very angry.

The acquisition of Dousha was originally just a small matter. At the beginning, he spent tens of billions to almost complete it. Later, he never asked about this matter personally.

Unexpectedly, today a small anchor of this platform actually caused him a big trouble!

Who is Ye Yang?

Even Mark King felt trembling when he thought of Ye Yang.

Too mysterious, too powerful, such a super big man, he had to worship and respect him.

How dare these rubbish mess with Boss Ye!!!

(First update)

Thank you book friend Mengmeng Xiaokeai for the invitation to climb the mountain~

Thank you book friend for the urging talisman a few days before the New Year!

Thank you book friend Huaxin for the urging talisman! Thank you book friend

Lonely Boy for two likes

Thank you book friends for the urging talisman! Thank you book friend Mirror for the like!

Thank you book friend Aixi for the urging talisman!

Thank you book friend 2682/4309 for the inspiration capsule!

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