"Boss Ma, how come you have time to call me today?"

Dousha's boss Zheng Min also put on a very humble attitude.

Mark King's acquisition of Dousha was handled by his subordinate Tengxun Interactive Entertainment's person in charge, who never showed up during the whole process.

Zheng Min and Mark King had never had a face-to-face communication.

Therefore, he was in awe of this boss. If a super boss of this level came to him, it must be a big deal!

"I want to ask you, is there a host named Lingshen on your platform?"

Mark King asked calmly.


Zheng Min was stunned.

Something that could make a super boss like Mark King come to his door must be a super big deal. He didn't expect that the other party would talk about his brother-in-law as soon as he opened his mouth...

His face turned pale. Could it be that the bastard had caused trouble for Mr. Ma?

What an idiot!

"Answer my question."

Mark King said impatiently.

His time is extremely precious.

"Of course, of course, there is this anchor."

Zheng Min said repeatedly

"I want you to completely ban him and not allow him to appear in the live broadcasting industry in the future. Tell the other live broadcasting platforms about this matter. Anyone who dares to take him in will be the enemy of our Tengxun Group."

Mark King said concisely and without beating around the bush.


Zheng Min was completely confused.

What on earth was going on? Mark

King was such a big shot, but he called just to ban a small anchor!


"Why, Mr. Ma?"

Zheng Min asked bitterly.

"He has offended someone he shouldn't have offended. Get this done to me right away. I want to see the ban notice before dinner."

Mark King said calmly.

"This... is it!"

Zheng Min nodded with a ruthless heart.

Mark King had said so much, and it was obvious that his brother-in-law had committed a terrible crime!

He could still tell the difference between the minor and the serious.

If he had any shielding in this matter, his position as the CEO of Shark would be over.


After that, Mark King hung up the phone directly, obviously too lazy to talk any more nonsense.

"Damn you bastard, it was my first time to receive a call from Mr. Ma, not only was I not praised, but I was also caused such a thing!!!"

Zheng Min put down the phone, shocked and angry.

After a long time, he finally came to his senses.

He called Ling Shen

"Hello? Brother-in-law, I was just looking for you!"

Ling Shen's unruly voice came

"Looking for me? What kind of trouble did you, a little bastard, cause me outside?"

Zheng Min's voice was cold, and he was almost cursing.

"What's the trouble? Don't you know my brother-in-law? It's just playing games, who can I offend... But today is really different, I encountered a tough guy. That guy has more than 10 million fans, I threatened him, but his fans responded and exploded."

Ling Shen's voice was also full of resentment:"I want to find you, brother-in-law, to check the background of that rubbish and deal him a wave!"

"What the hell are you investigating!"

Zheng Min was so angry that his head was about to smoke. Mark King's cold voice still echoed in his heart:"Do you know that you have provoked someone you shouldn't have provoked, and caused President Ma to call me personally and ban you!"

"Mr. Ma? Who is so awesome that he dares to ban me?"

Ling Shen said indifferently.

"Mr. Mark Kingma! You bastard, I really want to slap you in the face myself now!"

Zheng Min was almost mad.

"What? Mark King!? I have no grudge against him, why would he mess with me!?"

Ling Shen finally panicked.

"Okay, let me check whether you have offended this big anchor first.……"

Zheng Min sent people to check.

Ye Yang is now so famous that he has become a superstar on Douyin.

It is easy to find out. It would be better if he didn't ask.

This inquiry scared Zheng Min so much that he almost fell off the stool and collapsed under the table.

"I go……"

Zheng Min wanted to cry but had no tears. He was trembling all over.

"A super big shot!"

The assets that have been shown on the surface are hundreds of billions.

That's not even counting the hidden assets.

After all, if he dares to make a 100 billion bet and says that he only has a few hundred billion, no one will believe him.


After knowing Ye Yang's true identity,

Zheng Min calmed down completely.

The fact that a phone call could make President Ma determined to call him to ban Ling Shen, the weight and significance of this need not be elaborated. The hidden status and identity of Ye Shenhao must be extremely respected.

He is definitely not someone that a small live broadcast platform boss like him can afford to provoke.

In this case, then this brother-in-law must be an abandoned child.

In order to sever ties with him, his sister can only abandon him.

"What a pity, I haven't had enough fun with that woman."

Zheng Min shook his head and sighed.

He called Wang Ling again and told him everything.

Wang Ling was obviously scared by Ye Yang's background:"Brother-in-law, you have to protect me! Brother-in-law! If I am banned, I will let my sister divorce you!"

Zheng Min sneered, his voice calm:"Great, I couldn't ask for more."

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that even if we get divorced, your sister won't get a penny of my property."

"You!!! Zheng Min! Don't be so ruthless!"

Wang Ling was stunned.

Doesn't her brother-in-law usually dote on her sister?

He also relied on Zheng Min's love for his sister to dare to act so recklessly in Dousha.

""If you want to blame someone, blame yourself for being blind and provoking the wrong person!"

Zheng Min shouted angrily, and then hung up the phone.

Only Wang Ling was left on the other end of the phone, stunned.

Wang Ling slumped on the ground, his face pale:"It's over, it's completely over... Everything is over……"


, the announcement was publicized on all Dousha platforms.

【Dear users, hello, due to our negligence in management, the bad anchor Ling Shen appeared, who instigated fans to attack others. He conducted extremely bad events such as human flesh searches that violated social stability.

After discussion, the handling results are as follows:

From 12:00 today, the anchor 'Ling Shen' live broadcast room will be permanently banned.

'Ling Shen' himself will be banned. We have communicated this agreement with multiple live broadcast platforms to try our best to prevent such bad anchors from entering the live broadcast circle.

‘Ling Shen' himself and fans involved in cyber violence, human flesh search, defamation, and personal attacks are still being investigated.

Once the investigation is completed, Dousha platform will send all those involved to the local public security bureau for criminal prosecution. 】

As soon as this announcement came out, the entire live broadcast industry was boiling.

Ye Yang's live broadcast room.

Ye Yang, who had just played a few games, saw the live broadcast room enthusiastically discussing the Dousha announcement.

"It's quite fast."

Ye Yang muttered.

From the time he called Mark King until now, it has only been an hour.

This efficiency is amazing!

(Second update)

Thanks to the book friend Hand in Hand to Lan Xinghe for the two likes~

Thanks to the book friends Sauron, Three Thousand Worlds, and Lonely Grass in the Deep Stream for the likes~

Thanks to the book friend Like Loneliness for the update reminder!

Thanks to the book friend Girl, Don't Run Away for the mountain climbing invitation!

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