"Boss, dinner is ready."

Alice bowed slightly and respectfully invited Ye Yang and others to the table.

"Come on."

Ye Yang nodded slightly and waved his hand.

All the maids and the Xiao sisters sat down.

On the sea, the late summer breeze blew. In the golden hall, Ye Yang sat in the main seat and tasted the luxurious and expensive French food.

At a glance, all of them were top beauties.

Such a beautiful scenery can be said to be what most men pursue in their lives, right?

After eating and drinking, the girls walked on the deck with their white and smooth long legs and started playing.

"I think, how about everyone show off some talents to join in the fun?"


Which of the girls around Ye Yang is not versatile?

"I don't know anything else, let me show you a set of boxing!"

Xiao Qingxuan clasped her fists, and her body danced lightly, and the wind from her fists was fragrant.

While the girls were performing their talents, champagne, fine wine, expensive cakes and preserved fruits were also continuously supplied.

The cruise ship had already left the waters of the Linjiang Community and was drifting slowly on the Huangpu River.

Like the most ordinary sightseeing cruise ship, it sailed on the Huangpu River at night, cutting through the reflection of the bustling night of the Magic City on both sides of the river.

"so good……"

Ye Yang shook the wine glass in his hand, listened to the girls' light laughter, and looked at Li Wanrou who was singing on the stage, with a hint of drunkenness in his eyes.

With his current physical condition, he can control himself to be drunk or sober at will.

"This feeling of being tipsy is quite good."

Ye Yang drank the wine in his glass.

"Boss, come here!"


The maids all said in a loud voice

"Brother, isn't your singing very good? Sing a song with Sister Wanrou! I'll record a video for you, hehe!"

Ye Xiaozi smiled and raised the camera in his hand.


Ye Yang nodded. He also went on stage and walked to Li Wanrou's side.

The cruise ship spent so much money on decoration, so all the facilities are naturally top-notch and have everything you need.

The live karaoke facilities are also top-notch.

Even the interior of the 888 box of Tianse No. 1 that day could not compare to this one, and the area here is also very large.

Ye Yang also ordered a song suitable for male and female chorus,"A Little Sweet"》

"Pick an apple, wait for you to pass by the door, and deliver it to you to quench your thirst~"

"Like cola in summer, like cocoa in winter, you are the right role at the right time~"


"It's you who let me see a flower bloom in the dry desert~ It's you who made me want to write a love song for you every day~"


Ye Yang and Li Wanrou sang one sentence each, and their eyes met as they sang.

This light and sweet melody, coupled with the professional voices of both of them.

In the open-air platform of the entire cruise ship, everyone was staring at Ye Yang and Li Wanrou on the stage.

"This is such a perfect match!"

Ye Xiaozi was actively recording the video:"Oh my, this is not just a little sweet, this is so sweet!"

""What a talented man and beautiful woman!"

Alice Lilith and Charlie Paul looked at each other, with a hint of envy in their eyes.

On such a beautiful night, they were all intoxicated.

"I didn't expect the boss to be so rich and a first-rate singer! I'm so envious!"

Alice sighed, her eyes shining.

As long as she is a girl, whether she is Chinese or foreign, there is no one who doesn't like romance.

It can be said that the pursuit of beauty is the most essential desire of human beings.

Yu Momo pursed her lips, feeling a little disappointed.

Li Wanrou was born in a famous family, with excellent temperament and appearance. Standing there, she was like the most dazzling star in the starry sky.

Although she also graduated from a famous school and was even a famous figure in the financial industry, she was born too ordinary after all.

"Compared to such a perfect girl, I am still too ordinary.……"

Yu Momo felt a sense of crisis.

She knew very well that a man as outstanding as Ye Yang could not belong to any girl.

"I must work hard. Even if I can't be the most dazzling girl around him, I will never be the most mediocre one.……"

Yu looked around silently, and when he saw the envious looks on the other girls' faces, he smiled softly. It seemed that everyone had similar ideas.……

"It's great."

Xiao Xiaozhu murmured.

"I say, sister, do you like our boss?"

Xiao Qingxuan said to Xiao Xiaozhu with a wicked smile.

"Don't talk nonsense, we are just bodyguards……"

Xiao Xiaozhu's face suddenly turned red, and her pink lips pursed up.

"If you like me, just say it. Sister, you are so good and gentle, the boss will like you too."

Xiao Qingxuan sighed:"It's not the same for someone like me. I don't know what gentleness is. I only know how to fight and kill. The boss probably doesn't like me. Alas,……"

"Hey, you don't like the boss too, do you?"

Xiao Xiaozhu heard this, and there was a hint of mischief in his eyes.

"Yes, what girl would not like a man like this after spending a long time with him?"

Unexpectedly, Xiao Qingxuan admitted it generously as a matter of course.


Xiao Xiaozhu was speechless for a moment, but nodded with a smile:"That's true."

"Alas, it's a pity that the boss only uses us as bodyguards. If I have the chance, I must sleep with the boss!!!"

Xiao Qingxuan clenched her fists and said with great motivation

"……Um, I have Ten Fragrance Softening Powder and Ecstasy Incense, as well as some aphrodisiacs, do you need any?"

Xiao Xiaozhu said with a wicked smile.

"Forget it, I will conquer him with my own strength!"

Xiao Qingxuan pursed her lips and said


Amidst the laughter and joy, everyone was having a great time. In the blink of an eye, it was already night.

Some maids who liked to have a beauty sleep all���After finding a room to sleep,

Ye Yang and Li Wanrou sat by the swimming pool on the top floor of the cruise ship, looking at the sleepless night view of the Magic City.

Even in the middle of the night, the lights on both sides of the river were still bright and bustling.

"I didn't expect that you sing so well, Brother Ye……"

Li Wanrou looked at Ye Yang with shining eyes.

This man was too good.

She felt that she could not help but fall in love with him.

"Well, I'm also good at swimming, do you want to compete?"

Ye Yang looked at Li Wanrou with deep eyes, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Li Wanrou did not refuse. She changed into a bikini with a red face and went into the water with Ye Yang.

As they swam, their bodies swam together.

In the gentle water, the two of them intertwined with each other.

Surrounded by the medium of water, the two of them seemed to have completely become one. In this ultimate beauty and happiness, they enjoyed the most essential desire of human beings.

(First update)

(Thanks to book friends 4226/1754 for the update reminder!)

Thank you to book friends 1222/2912, 8572/7249, Wu Yu, Tian did not give me Da She Ji, 1931/1297, God of War, HG Mingbin, Tremble, I am a demon, Sui Feng, Ye Ci, 1952/3426, for the praise~ Thank you to book friend Ge Hao for the update reminder!

Thank you to book friend Xia Houkun for the update reminder!

Thank you to book friend Ling Chen for the update reminder!

Thank you to book friend Nan Zheng Bei Zhan for the inspiration capsule!

Thank you to book friend ta is not that ta for the update reminder!

Thank you to book friend Di Di Di Di for the update reminder!

Thanks to book friend Bian'an and Mo Se Cang Sang for the compliment~

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