
Ye Yang opened his eyes. This was the first time he woke up on a cruise ship.

The fatigue in the first half of the night and the comfortable feeling of floating on the sea in the second half of the night made him feel an indescribable wonderful feeling.

"Get up, I'll take you back to school."

Ye Yang patted Li Wanrou's hips, who was lying on his body with her saliva flowing out, and said with a smile


It was the first time that Li Wanrou fought with someone, and she encountered a man as strong as Ye Yang. She felt terrible.

After having a nutritious breakfast,

Ye Yang said to Yu Momo who had just woken up,"Take the maids back to the villa. You don't have to wait for me."

"Okay, Master~"

Yu Momo smiled and told Ye Yang to rest assured.


Xiao Qingxuan drove a Lamborghini with Ye Xiaozi.

Ye Yang and Li Wanrou drove the Ferrari LaFerrari that was given to Ye Xiaozi.

The two supercars sped along the road.

Soon they arrived at Baoli High School.

Today's Baoli High School was completely different from before.

From a distance, there were blockades and some black standard Bentleys blocking the road. Along the way, you could see some men in black and bodyguards shuttling through the roadblocks.

"What a grand ceremony."

Li Wanrou looked at the scene in surprise and said


Several bodyguards in Luka stretched out their hands.


Ye Yang lowered the window and frowned.

"Show your Baoli High School student ID card. No outsiders can enter Baoli High School today."

Several bodyguards said firmly.

"Hmm? Are you Baoli's bodyguards?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and asked

"No. Why are you talking so much nonsense, student ID card!"

Several bodyguards frowned and stretched out their hands.

"Then who gave you the right to block the road here?"

Seeing the attitude of these bodyguards, Ye Yang frowned and said coldly

"You little kid, you won't understand even if I tell you."

Several bodyguards were very arrogant:"Today, Baoli is going to have a big shot! When the name of this big shot is mentioned, even your parents will be in awe. I advise you to be honest and accept the inspection."

They could see that Ye Yang was driving a luxury car, but they only regarded Ye Yang as an ordinary rich second generation.

Compared with Wang Silin, who was once the richest man in China, there was naturally many levels behind him.

"Big shot? Tell me about it?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

Several security guards sneered, but they themselves were of low status and could only pretend to be powerful because of Wang Silin's tiger skin. They did not dare to offend Ye Yang, a rich second-generation who drove a luxury car, so they had to explain reluctantly.

"I'm afraid I might scare you if I tell you this, but have you heard of China's richest man, Wang Silin?"

"In the past."

Li Wanrou added


Several security guards looked embarrassed:"He was once the richest man!"

"Oh, him, I thought he was some big shot."

Ye Yang rolled his eyes and waved his hand:"Let us in, he came here just to see me."


Several security guards looked at Ye Yang like he was an idiot.

"This guy looks handsome, but he has some brain problems"

"That's right, he's the richest man in China, why would you come just to see him? It's funny!"

"Haha, maybe you think of yourself as the new generation of China's richest man? Haha……"

Several security guards couldn't help but sneer.

As Wang Silin's bodyguard, he had seen countless rich second-generations, but this was the first time he had seen someone so arrogant.

"You don't believe it?"

Ye Yang frowned.

"Okay, stop dreaming, hurry up and take out your student ID card!"

Several security guards were a little impatient:"Boss Wang will be here soon! If you delay his important business, you will be in trouble."

"that is……"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows:"He hasn't come yet? That's great, I'll wait for him here."

After saying that, he sat back in the car and waited calmly for Wang Silin to come and invite him in.

"Brother Ye Yang...why did Wang Silin come here suddenly? Is he here to question you about what happened last time?……"

Li Wanrou asked quietly

"Raise an army to hold him accountable? Haha……"

Ye Yang couldn't help but laugh out loud:"No, no, no, he came to apologize to Xiao Zi."

"Apologize! ?"

Li Wanrou widened her eyes and said in disbelief:"Is it true? That's Wang Silin!"

Wang Taihao is just a nephew of Wang Silin, so she dared to protect Ye Xiaozi in front of him.

Speaking of which, compared with Wang Silin, the family behind her is still very weak.

In her eyes, Wang Silin is a super giant in the business world. No matter how powerful Ye Yang is, it is already great that he didn't ask for punishment for beating his nephew.

And he even came all the way to apologize for his nephew!?

This... is simply too challenging to her cognition!!!

"You will know in a moment."

Ye Yang pinched her surprised face.

"Brother Ye Yang bullies people again……"

Li Wanrou pouted, but still obediently moved her head closer.


The scene in the car made several bodyguards vomit blood with envy.

Is it possible to abuse dogs like this?

I just stopped your car, why do you have to abuse us like this?!!

"What should we do?"

Several bodyguards looked at each other.

"After all, they are rich second generation, so we should not interfere. Our task is to check the student ID and then let them go, and prevent suspicious people from entering. Since they don't want to go in, it's okay to let them stay here."


After discussing with the bodyguards, they continued to check the following vehicles and pedestrians.

About ten minutes later, a fleet of Bentleys drove over.

"Mr. Wang is here!"

"Come and welcome Mr. Wang!"

Several bodyguards stood straight as if they had been injected with chicken blood.


Bentley car/very imposing, two cars running side by side, directly stopped by Ye Yang's Ferrari LaFerrari

"What happened?"

Wang Silin, who was in the center of the team, frowned and said,"Go ask"


The secretary got out of the car and asked the security guard.

After the security guard explained, the secretary also knocked on the door of the Ferrari LaFerrari.

The window was lowered.

The secretary happened to meet Ye Yang's sharp eyes.

"Gulu... Ye, Mr. Ye! Why is it you!!!"

This shout stunned the security guard who was gloating over the misfortune...

(Second update)

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