
Wang Silin's heart trembled, but after weighing the pros and cons, he had no choice but to nod:"Okay, 10%!"

"Oh my god! Wang Silin actually agreed!"

"From now on, Ye Xiaozi will be a super rich woman with a net worth of hundreds of billions!"

"The reason why she couldn’t rank first on the school beauty list before was because she was born into a common family. After today, the voting for the first place on the school beauty list will probably change, right?"

"That's right, Li Wanrou's family has only hundreds of billions of assets, right? Now all of them combined are not as much as Ye Xiaozi alone... This is really unbelievable!"

"A billionaire was born right before my eyes. Damn! I'm so jealous!"


Even the second generation of all kinds of people were extremely jealous at this time.

Hundreds of billions!

How many people in China can have such assets?

Baoli High School is the strongest private aristocratic high school in Shanghai, where all kinds of second generation gather. I am afraid that the number of families with assets exceeding 100 billion is too many to count.

"So envious……"

"Jealousy from the rich second generation!!!"


The audience was filled with envy and jealousy.

Ye Yang nodded slightly. Wang Silin's performance today was quite decent, and his purpose of establishing his authority should have been achieved.

At least in the future, no one in Baoli High School would dare to bully Ye Xiaozi anymore.

"So, let's stop here for today."

Ye Yang nodded slightly.

Wang Silin was as if pardoned. He quickly wiped the cold sweat from his temples and walked off the stage.

Principal Li Lili only then realized how stupid he had done.

Now, he completely understood why Wang Silin wanted to kick him to death just now...

It turned out that Mr. Wang came here purely to apologize to Ye Yang.

He actually put up such a big stage and made others lose face.……

"It's over. This time, Wang Silin has been offended."

Li Lili was trembling in his heart.

But before Ye Yang stepped down, he smiled and patted his shoulder:"Well done, keep up the good work"


"I'm still trying my best……"

Li Lili screamed inwardly, he was afraid that he would be kicked out by the school board in a few days...

The key is that Ye Yang hid it too deeply.

No one could have imagined that this young guy was actually the actual controlling shareholder of Yida!

Everyone had a keen premonition that today's incident would cause a big uproar on the Internet.

This was indeed the case.

When Ye Yang brought Xiao Qingxuan back to the Yundingshan Villa.

Yu Momo and the maid group members had already gathered together and chattered.

"What are you looking at? Why are you so excited?"

Ye Yang asked doubtfully.

"Boss, you really have a special physique. You become popular every time you go out!"

Yu Momo said with a smile.

"Am I trending again?"

Ye Yang shrugged. He had been trending too frequently recently. He had taken it for granted and didn't feel anything at all.

He casually glanced at the popular headlines.

"The actual controlling shareholder of Yida has been exposed, and it turns out that we have already known the identity of this mysterious person!"

"Yida boss Wang Silin personally visited Baoli High School just to apologize to a young man!"

"China's richest man Wang Silin apologized and directly paid 100 billion in compensation!"


"The action is really fast.……"

Ye Yang also admired the speed of these headline reporters.

The Baoli incident just happened, and these people not only wrote the article, but also made the accompanying pictures and videos. They even made themselves popular... and the popularity is still rising.

After all, the identity of the actual controlling shareholder of Yida is too big!

The gimmick of hundreds of billions of compensation is too strong!

The name Wang Silin is too loud!

The mixture of many top names directly made him popular again!

Ye Yang curiously opened the comment area

"Holy shit! My long-lost biological father is trending again!"

"Isn't this Ye Shenhao? A few days ago, it was revealed that he had bet hundreds of billions against Jinyi Entertainment. Now he's apologizing for hundreds of billions again? I'm so impressed. In the eyes of these rich people, hundreds of billions are so worthless! Ahhhhhh!!!"

"It turns out that Ye Shenhao is the boss behind Yida. No wonder he is so rich. I envy him. He is already at the pinnacle of life at such a young age! Fuck!"

"The guy who said before that he wanted to dress up as a woman and marry Ye Shenhao, wait for me, I want to learn how to dress up as a woman too!"

"Hehe, I've been following him for a long time, but I didn't expect him to be so outstanding! Oh... I really want to give birth to a baby for him, but unfortunately, he will definitely not like me.……"

"Yida Holdings! The total assets are several hundred billion, right? He can be the richest man in China.……"


There were all kinds of comments flying around in the comment section, some were witty, some were envious, and most of them wanted to marry Ye Yang and have a baby.

"The silly netizens are so happy!"

Ye Yang said with a smile

"Haha, these comments are so funny."

Just now, Yu Momo and the maid group were reading the comments together.

After reading the comments for a while,

Yu Momo received another call.

"Boss, it's the advertising company calling."

Yu Momo said


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows:"Can you tell me the details?"

"Seeing your popularity, they proposed a promotional plan and would like to ask for your approval."

Yu Momo said.

Now Ye Yang is not only the owner of the advertising company, but also the publisher of this task.

The top management of the advertising company naturally attaches great importance to Ye Yang.

After all, it is the first time they have seen a ruthless person like Ye Yang who bought the advertising company just for an advertisement.

The plan was quickly printed out by fax.

Basically, it is to shoot a promotional short film with Ye Yang as the core, linking traditional martial arts with the recent hot events that happened to Ye Yang, so as to launch a promotion point for free national martial arts inheritance!

"This plan is quite creative, I approve it."

Ye Yang nodded:"If you want me to make a film, I will fully support it."

"I want to go filming with my boss!"

"I want one too!"

Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu volunteered.

After all, they are experts in Kung Fu.

Ye Yang scratched his forehead, thinking that what the two sisters said was a little strange.

"In that case, let's just leave it as it is."

Ye Yang said


Yu nodded silently and began to contact the person in charge there...

(Second update)

Thanks to my book friend Li Zhien's Man for the two mountain climbing invitations~

(Important notice: From now until the end of October, there will be a gift activity, tentatively scheduled as: one more chapter for every reward value of 100)

(I hope everyone will support it. This reward activity is very meaningful to the development of Xiaojiu's book. If it can eventually make the top ten of the list, Xiaojiu will update more than seven chapters every day for seven consecutive days a week, in addition to the gift updates.)

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