Soon, Jiading Advertising Company gave a specific date and detailed schedule.

As for Ye Yang's matter, they naturally did not dare to delay anything. They gathered almost all the top talents and rushed to work out the best advertising strategy overnight.

There were even many backup plans.

Some preliminary work had already been done.

The only thing left was Ye Yang to shoot the promotional video.

""Let's go."

The extended Bentley started.

Yu Momo drove, followed by two beautiful bodyguards.

Soon they arrived at the planned filming location in the Magic City.

"Is this the Qinghai Film and Television City in Shanghai?"

Ye Yang was in contact with a film and television city for the first time.

This kind of film and television base provides venues and scenes for filming movies and commercials.

Qinghai Film and Television City in Shanghai is the largest filming base in Shanghai.

Although it cannot be compared with the super filming bases in Hengdian, it is also first-class.

Occasionally, you can also see some first-line stars or big directors here.

"It looks good."

Ye Yang looked around and nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, boss, you can tell whether a film and television base is good or bad just by taking a look?"

Yu Momo was a little surprised.

"I said these actresses are all good-looking."

Ye Yang added.

Yu Momo and others rolled their eyes:"Boss, you are too direct!"

The entertainment industry is not short of beauties.

Just in a film and television base, there are countless long legs and slim waists walking around in various makeup.

However, the girls around Ye Yang now have excellent temperament and appearance. Ordinary young actors really can't compare with Yu Momo and Xiao Qingxuan.

Many girls are also very beautiful, and their temperament and appearance are not inferior to first-line big stars, but if they don't understand the unspoken rules, it is difficult for them to find their own opportunities and become famous.


Shortly after entering the film and television base, many people in dark blue uniforms began to clear the way.

"What's going on?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"I don't know, maybe some big star is here? This is quite a big event!"

Yu Momo rolled up her black hair and said uncertainly.


Soon, the road was cleared, and several luxury cars drove in, heading straight to the depths of the film and television base.

""Hiss, so arrogant!"

Yu Momo frowned.

There are parking lots around the film and television base. According to regulations, you cannot drive into the Qinghai Film and Television Base.

Ye Yang also follows the local customs and did not break this rule.

But the people in the car just now obviously ignored this rule, with a grand and arrogant

"Who is this, so arrogant!"

"It must be a big star who is acting like a big shot. What can we, the extras, say? Go get your lunch now!"


Although the actors in the surrounding film and television bases were very dissatisfied, they did not dare to say anything and could only disperse.

""Boss Ye!"

After the commotion here was over, a smart and capable intellectual woman in a suit and tie came forward and shook hands with Ye Yang respectfully.

"This is Li Xiaoli, the director of the film and television department of Jiading Advertising Company, and the organizer of this shoot."

Yu Momo and Ye Yang introduced


Ye Yang nodded slightly.

Although she had heard that the new owner of the company was young and promising, Li Xiaoli couldn't help but marvel at Ye Yang when she really saw him.

He looks like he's only in his twenties!

Normally, he's still a college graduate and a miserable intern in a company.

But he's already the actual controlling shareholder of Yida!

He's worth at least hundreds of billions!

And in order to shoot an advertisement, he directly bought his own Jiading Advertising Company!

Li Xiaoli has never seen such a big deal and such a big ambition in her life. She looked at Ye Yang with a soft look. Such a new boss is really enviable...

But when she saw the three young, beautiful and radiant girls standing next to Ye Yang, she put away those unrealistic fantasies in her heart.

""Boss Ye, please follow me. Our filming team and the location are ready. We will start filming right away when you come over."

Li Xiaoli said respectfully.


Ye Yang had no objection to this. Soon, several people came to the No. 1 shooting site under the leadership of Li Xiaoli.


As soon as he arrived at venue No. 1, Ye Yang felt something was wrong.

The people in front of him were all gathered together, as if they were arguing.

Looking carefully, the luxury cars that had just driven past arrogantly were also parked there.

""What's going on?"

Li Xiaoli ran up and asked.

She was a little flustered.

After all, this was the first thing that Jiading Company did for the new boss. If it failed, it would be too embarrassing.

"Boss, they want to take our place."

Li Xiaoli's subordinates all complained

"If you're any later, they'll kick you out."

"Yes, yes! Too arrogant!"



Li Xiaoli glared and looked at the other side with a bad look:"I want to see who is so bold as to snatch the reserved venue? Are there any rules?"

"Oh, the rules, isn’t it that in the entertainment industry, whoever is more famous has the most say?"

"It's just a small advertising company, how dare you be so arrogant?"

The other party's agent did not give in at all.

"Do you know who this owner in our car is?"

"Who is it?"

Li Xiaoli frowned:"No one is qualified to grab the venue we have reserved."

"Haha, you are so tactless! The person in the car is China's new traffic king, Mr. Lu Zhankun! We are not trying to steal your venue. This venue is indeed the best in Qinghai Film and Television City. It is only right that Mr. Zhankun should use it first!"

"Do you know how much money Lu Zhankun can make in one second! ? Can you afford to waste his time! ?"

"If you don't give up this place, Kun Kun's 200 million fans will not agree!"

The other party's agent responded like a machine gun.

"Haha, you are so arrogant."

Li Xiaoli laughed. If she was the only one here today, she might be a little afraid of Lu Zhankun, a new traffic star.

But who is here to film today?

Mr. Ye Yangye, the actual controlling shareholder of Yida!

"Haha, you really think you are a big shot."

Li Xiaoli sneered and mocked:"Our boss loses money by delaying for one second, you may never make it in your whole life!"

(First update)

Thanks to book friend ta is not that ta for the update reminder!

Thanks to book friends 2317/3881, Midnight Wind Chime, Hunju, Junzhao, Xiu Ye for the likes.

Thanks to my own gift of 666 package~

Thanks to book friend Blackwing Nest for the mountain climbing invitation!

Thanks to book friend Tiger Fang Thunder God King for the mountain climbing invitation!

Thanks to book friends 1095/4824 for the update reminder!

Thanks to book friends Lonely Boy, Chen Zhufeng, 1931/1297, like, Cigui for the likes. Thanks to book friends 1025/3319 for the mountain climbing invitation!

Thanks to book friend Ru Zhixiu is not as good as me for the likes~

Thanks to book friend Huo for the mountain climbing invitation!

Thanks to book friend Sagittarius, 3693/9774 for the likes~

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