"Oh? Who is your boss? You are so arrogant."

The agent retorted.

There are many idiots in China now. A traffic star is created with high value, and even makes more money than some CEOs of listed companies.

Therefore, these traffic stars who have no ability at all and rely on their looks to make a living gradually lose sight of their own positioning, and some of them start to act like big shots.

Lu Zhankun is one of them.

"What's going on?"

Seeing that Li Xiaoli's negotiations had no effect, Ye Yang frowned and walked forward.


Li Xiaoli's heart trembled.

But before she could explain anything, Lu Zhankun's agent jumped out and said,"You are their boss? Since you are also in the entertainment industry, has Lu Zhankun heard of it?"

"Lu Zhankun?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows:"I don't know him."

"You must be playing dumb! Our KunKun has 200 million fans in China! How is it possible that there are still people who don’t know KunKun!"

The agent said in disbelief

"200 million fans? 199 million is���"You are still an agent, you are just a traffic star, how many crazy fans do you have, don't you have any idea?"

Li Xiaoli directly criticized.

In the entertainment industry, except for those bosses who rely on traffic stars to make money and those stupid crazy fans who think their idols are known to the world, most people are not interested in these traffic stars.

Their advertising companies also hate these traffic stars.

Their acting skills are very poor, and they ask for a sky-high price for advertising fees.

They directly drive up the industry standard price.

They are the objects of hatred for these advertising companies.

"How dare you say that about KunKun! Do you know how hard he works!"

The female manager is also a beauty lover, and one of Lu ZhanKun's crazy fans. Who would be crazy enough to be a traffic star's manager?

This kind of traffic star is purely based on selling their looks.

They don't have many years of popularity, and after a few years, they will be out of fashion, and more low-value traffic stars will naturally appear on the assembly line to replace the old generation.

There is no future for following such a master.

People with normal brains will not follow him wholeheartedly to be a personal manager.

""What's going on?"

A figure walked out of the car.

Ye Yang took a look and felt lonely. He turned around and asked Yu Momo:"Is this guy a man or a woman?"


The crew of the advertising company present were all amused and laughed.

This question was too harsh!

The unhappiness that had just occurred during the argument with the other party was instantly dissipated.

"Maybe, probably... maybe it's a boy? Look, he still has an Adam's apple."

Yu Momo pondered for a long time before he said uncertainly.

"Oh, it seems to be a man."

Ye Yang nodded and said seriously

"What do you mean?"

Lu Zhankun's shrill voice revealed dissatisfaction:"Where did these people come from? Get out! Can you afford to waste my time? I'm in a bad mood these days. If I'm unhappy, be careful that you won't be able to make it in the entertainment industry in the future!"

"He talks like a eunuch, but he has a big tone."

Ye Yang smiled faintly and shook his head.

He respected talented actors.

But this kind of traffic star... to put it bluntly, it's just a disgusting guy who relies on selling his face and body, hyping up garbage topics, misleading fans' three views, and engaging in stinky fan circle culture.

In ancient times, even the lowest nine-class brothel actors were not considered.

Brothel actors are required to be proficient in the six arts of music, chess, calligraphy and painting!

"This is outrageous! I tell you, you are done! Do you dare to tell me your name! Believe it or not, I will completely expel you from the entertainment industry tomorrow!"

Lu Zhankun was hit on the sore spot and tore his face off, jumping up and down

""The boss's name, do you think you are qualified to know it?"

Yu Momo sneered.

Sisters Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu also stepped forward, looking at each other dangerously. With their temperaments, they naturally couldn't stand seeing someone threatening their boss like this.

"What a big tone!"

Lu Zhankun sneered:"If you don't tell me your background, do you think I can't find out? Haha, I'm backed by Jinyi Entertainment! My network of relationships is all over the entertainment industry. You have offended me today, and in the future, don't even think about gaining a foothold in the entertainment industry!!!"

"Wait...what did you just say?"

Yu Momo was stunned and almost laughed out loud.

"Jinyi Entertainment! You haven't heard of it, have you? It's one of the biggest companies in the entertainment industry! It's worth hundreds of billions! It's made many top stars famous! You offended Lu Zhankun, you're blind!"

The agent smiled confidently,"What do you think? Are you scared now? Haha……"


"Ha ha ha ha……"

Ye Yang and his group couldn't help but laugh out loud.

""What are you laughing at!?"

Lu Zhankun frowned, and her shrill voice was filled with anger.

It seemed that the other party didn't take her seriously at all!

"What are you laughing at? Are you out of your mind? You are just a slave who was promoted on the assembly line, and you dare to contradict the real owner of your Jinyi Entertainment!"

Yu Momo sneered

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Lu Zhankun was also a little confused.

Jinyi Entertainment has been in a mess these days.

Many joint venture shareholders ran away with the money, and the boss was thrown into prison because of a bet and failed to plot against a big shot.

The operating system of Jinyi Entertainment is almost paralyzed.

As the top star of Jinyi Entertainment, Jinyi is really finished, and he is the most unlucky one.

So Lu Zhankun has been irritable and panic-stricken these days. The little time he has left to be conscious is to fool the stupid fans.

How can he have the mind to understand anything else?

"The person standing in front of you is Ye Yang, Boss Ye, who made a 100 billion bet to acquire your Jinyi!"

Li Xiaoli said respectfully:"Even I know about this. I really don't know how a good-for-nothing like you can live in the world. In this era, you are really a pig. You can become a traffic star after being packaged."

"This… this is impossible!"

Lu Zhankun’s legs almost went limp with fear.

He knew that the company was acquired by a big shot.

But who would have thought that big shot was so young!?

And such an awesome big shot came to film in person!?

Are you kidding me?!


Ye Yang shook his head. This Lu Zhankun really won't cry until he sees the coffin.

"Call the current senior management of Jinyi."Jinyi is in chaos now.

Fang Han is in charge of the handover arrangements.

Yu Momo repeatedly called the senior management there.

"Hello, Secretary Yu, please give me your instructions. I am Wang Zhen, the executive director of Jinyi Company.……"

As soon as the voice came out, Lu Zhankun completely collapsed, his legs went limp, and he sat down on the ground.

This time, he pretended to be awesome and directly pretended to be his boss...

(Second update)

Thanks to the book friend Zhennanren for the praise~

Thanks to the book friend Qiyue for the mountain climbing invitation!

Thanks to the book friend Qingdeng Daiguike for the update reminder!

I hope everyone will support this month's activities and try to give a small reward, hehe~ Jiuyang thanks~

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