"Old... Boss……"

Lu Zhankun's voice trembled instantly.

He knew very well that he, a traffic star produced on an assembly line, could become popular purely because of luck and the capital behind him.

Once the capital withdraws and there is no exposure, his entertainment career will end immediately.


Ye Yang nodded slightly, frowned and said:"Now, you still want to drive me out of the entertainment industry with just one sentence?"

"No... no no no, boss, I was wrong."

Lu Zhankun immediately changed from being arrogant to being extremely respectful:"I was too arrogant, I was wrong! Boss, please don't take my mistakes seriously!"


Ye Yang smiled and shook his head. This Lu Zhankun changed his expression too quickly.

Just now he was acting like a king.

After knowing his identity, he immediately knelt down and acted like a grandson.

The agent beside him was also shocked. Who would have thought that a boy who looked so young and like a popular star was actually Jin Yi's new boss!?

"My company actually has such a poor working ability, such a poor professional quality, but a very bad temper. It really makes me proud."

Ye Yang nodded and sneered:"I think you should stay at home and reflect on yourself for the next year, and you don't have to participate in any activities."


Lu Zhankun was paralyzed with fear.

As a popular star, he didn't accept any advertisements or participate in any performances. For a whole year, he had no exposure!

This is no different from killing him directly!

Who the hell would remember him after a year! ?

Not to mention a year, after a month, there would be a bunch of Xu Zhankun and Wu Zhankun to replace him.

It can be said that when one Kunkun fell, thousands of Kunkuns would stand up immediately.……

"Boss, you can't do this, boss……"

Lu Zhankun is very sad

"The contract between you and Jin Yi is for five years. If you are not satisfied, you can pay the penalty and change jobs, right?"

Yu Momo pouted.

"Penalty for breach of contract……"

Lu Zhankun stuttered when he spoke.

He was just a tool used by the entertainment company to make money. Only these young idols know how ruthlessly the entertainment company exploited him. To put it nicely, he is an artist.

To put it bluntly, he is just a money-making machine.

For example, his last album, after all kinds of publicity and fan entanglement, achieved an astonishing sales of 100 million.

Even the tunes of the songs were copied from other songs, and his singing skills were almost nonexistent, but he still made more money than the old kings of the music industry who have been famous for a long time.

It's a pity that those fans thought that the money would go to their idols, so they spent money like crazy.

The actual money that went to these young idols might not even be one percent.

In other words.

Lu Zhankun now has a personal savings of at most tens of millions.

The penalty for breach of contract in Jin Yi's contract is calculated to be 200 million Chinese yuan.

Even if he was sold, it would not be enough to raise the money.

"Moreover, Jin Yi's main direction in the future is to make real commercial blockbusters and conscientious dramas, and to train real actors.���"Those who don't memorize their lines when acting should forget about continuing to work for me."

Ye Yang said calmly.

The fundamental reason why real commercial blockbusters are scarce in China is because traffic stars are cheap.

With only a small investment of money and time, you can make hundreds of millions.

However, blockbusters that take a lot of time and money to polish may not necessarily make hundreds of millions.

Then these bosses will naturally choose to create traffic stars, raise them, and harvest a wave of fans' money.

It's a sure win, and it's easy.

But that's for others.

Who is Ye Yang?

Is he short of money?

Instead, he is racking his brains to spend money!

Since he is not short of money and has this sentiment, why not make a good quality movie!?

He wants to change the entire industry by himself!


Lu Zhankun's face turned pale and he lowered his head completely.

Ye Yang's two words were almost equivalent to sentencing him to death.……

"If you have nothing else to do, you can go away."

Ye Yang waved his hand and said impatiently


Woohoo... these luxury cars that came in so arrogantly, when they left, they looked extremely gray and dilapidated.

The next thing was much simpler.

The content of the advertisement was originally very simple. Although it was the first time to shoot a film, under the director's heartfelt communication, it was finished in half a day.

"Boss, we will arrange the advertising channels tonight, and the film will be produced quickly. Tomorrow morning, you can see this advertisement on various channels."

Li Xiaoli said respectfully.


Ye Yang nodded slightly. He was very satisfied with the efficiency of Jiading Advertising Company.

As a large advertising company that is at the top of China, he still trusts their ability.

"Everyone is tired from shooting the commercial just now. This month, each of you will get double bonus! I will treat you all to dinner tonight."

Ye Yang waved his hand.

"Boss, I don't want to ask you to spend money on this. This is what we should do.……"

"Yes, yes, these are all our responsibilities!"

The staff members said repeatedly.

In half a day, they have been attracted by this new boss.

Although he is the boss, he is like a real sincere apprentice when filming, and he does not put on airs.

When it is necessary to have an attitude, even the most profitable ace traffic star in his hands is banned.

And he is very considerate of them, the employees!

Most importantly, he is generous and magnanimous! Double bonus! Pie in the sky!

Where can you find such a treasure boss!?

"I would be willing to work for such a boss for the rest of my life!"

"Yeah yeah!"


Ye Yang smiled and waved his hand:"I want my opinion, not yours. Just listen to me! I'll treat everyone to Japanese food tonight."

"Oh!!! Long live the boss!"

"Love the boss who is good at making jokes……"


The crew and staff all cheered

""Boss, which restaurant should we go to?"

Li Xiaoli also asked

"Of course it is the most expensive one."

Ye Yang replied as a matter of course

"The most expensive!"

Li Xiaoli was shocked.

The most expensive Japanese restaurant in Shanghai is Heshang Japanese Restaurant, where the average consumption per person is 3,000 Chinese Yuan!

There are more than 30 people in the crew.

If they eat something good, it will cost hundreds of thousands of yuan!?

"Boss, isn't this a bit too expensive?……"

Li Xiaoli swallowed silently.

Although she said it was expensive, she had wanted to go to that restaurant for a long time, but with a mortgage and car loan, every time she wanted to eat there, she would give up the idea after looking at the balance in her pocket.

(First update)

Thanks to book friends Mountain Climbing Enthusiast, Hu, 2928/7419, and 54655h for their likes~

Thanks to book friends 1931/1297 for the mountain climbing invitation and likes!

Thanks to book friends Huanye, Yanke, Wanxing, and Xiaobao for their likes~

Thanks to book friend Kudo Qianying for the mountain climbing invitation!

Thanks to book friends 1114/1033 and 9936/0942 for the mountain climbing invitation! Thanks to book friend 9374/2582 for the likes~

Thanks to book friend Wuxin for the great god certification!!!!!!! Thank you very much~

Thanks to book friends 4380/0745 and Ai Lan for their likes~

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