
Ye Yang smiled and shook his head.

Yu Momo and the Xiao sisters also pursed their lips and almost laughed out loud.

In the Yundingshan Villa, a casual meal is made by the state banquet chef team. If it is sold in a restaurant, each meal will cost more than this amount.

"Just follow me."

Ye Yang didn't explain too much. If he had just become rich, he might have wanted to show off his wealth, but now, he was too lazy to show off.

He has become more and more accustomed to the identity of a super rich man.

Magic City, Heshang Japanese Food.

As the most high-end Japanese food restaurant in Magic City.

It used to be a check-in restaurant for Wang Silin's son Wang Xiaocong.

At that time, he ate 20,000 Japanese food alone.

3,000 per person means.

As long as you enter this restaurant, order the most ordinary set meal, and eat anything, it will cost 3,000 yuan.

A proper meal will cost several thousand yuan.

"It is said that He Shang Japanese Food has really invited many super chefs from Japan to be the head chefs. The sushi are all made from the freshest and most precious ingredients and taste very good!"


Yu Momo was also silently studying along the way, which was what a secretary should do.

She stole a glance at Ye Yang's handsome face, and her heart was filled with satisfaction.

It would be great if it could continue like this.……


Ye Yang was also very satisfied with Yu Momo's dedication.

Speaking of which, he had gradually become familiar with Yu Momo. Such a sensible and capable girl was rare.

"We're here!"

Yu Momo opened the car door.

"This restaurant has some Japanese flavor."

Ye Yang smiled and nodded.


The first Michelin three-star Japanese restaurant in Shanghai must be more refined.


As soon as I entered the door, I saw two kimono maids kneeling, one on the left and one on the right to greet me respectfully.


Although he knew that Japanese etiquette was quite strict, Ye Yang was still a little uncomfortable with bowing when meeting someone.

The interior decoration of Heshang Japanese Restaurant was all in Japanese style.

There were performing female geishas and gentle live musical instruments.

Because Ye Yang's car was faster.

So after ordering the dishes, the crew came in a rush.

Ordinary people naturally need to make an appointment in advance to come to Heshang Japanese Restaurant.

But with Ye Yang's current status, he can order as he arrives.

It was the first time for the crew to eat at a Michelin three-star restaurant, and their eyes were full of curiosity and excitement.

Only Ye Yang and his friends who were used to eating luxurious meals were relatively calm.

When each dish came up, the waiter on the side would carefully explain the information of each dish, from the ingredients to the method, to the origin behind it.

Only Ye Yang was eating in silence.

It seemed that this high-end Japanese meal with an average per capita cost of tens of thousands of yuan was just like the porridge for ordinary people in the morning.

In his eyes, it was really no different from breakfast porridge.

Food is food, there is no need for so much fancy words, the most fundamental thing about food is its taste, if it tastes good, it tastes good, if it tastes bad, no matter how many fancy words you say, it still tastes bad, garbage.

""Not bad."

Ye Yang said casually after eating two pieces of sushi.

In the middle of their meal, a group of about ten diners came over.

These diners were all girls dressed beautifully.

They looked very eye-catching.

However, what didn't match their clothes was their speech and behavior, which were all artificial.

"Oh, Emily, your bracelet is very expensive, isn't it? Where did you get it from? Can you send me a link?"

"Sure, sure. Hey, Jessica, do you have any good goals recently? If you see any, don’t forget to share them with me."


These girls spoke in a pretentious tone, occasionally saying a few poor English sentences. They were clearly Chinese, but they kept giving themselves some common English names, which made Ye Yang very embarrassed. It was not until the dishes were served that these girls showed their true colors.

"I'll take the first shot! I'll take the first shot!"

"Line up! Don't take my seat!"

"Humph, I'm the first one to bring up the idea of buying Japanese food on Pinhe, I'll take the photo first!"

These fake socialites dressed in jewels and gems were scrambling to take photos.

Ye Yang scratched his brows and tapped his toes on the floor in embarrassment.

It seems that he really encountered the fake socialites exposed on the Internet today.

These girls, each with a salary of three to four thousand, formed a WeChat group in order to create a persona, deceive tall, rich and handsome men, and realize the dream of marrying into a wealthy family.

In this WeChat group, the girls buy all kinds of luxury goods like Pinduoduo.

For example, this Japanese meal.

It was bought by these dozen girls together.

Each person spent two or three hundred yuan to buy the cheapest single meal of 3,000 Chinese yuan.

Then, everyone took turns to take photos, and then posted them on WeChat Moments to show off and hook men. I think there are really stupid second-generation rich people in this world who would believe the socialite persona they created for themselves and marry them into wealthy families.

The first time Ye Yang saw this news, he almost laughed out loud.

Before he became a rich man, he might not understand. Now he is completely clear that ordinary people have no secrets in the eyes of the rich.

Whoever he wants to check the information of, with just one sentence, all the other party's information will be displayed in front of him that night.

The real second-generation rich people are just playing with them.

When it comes to marriage, the family can use some connections to find out everything about these fake socialites. Marrying into a wealthy family is just a dream. The only ones who can be deceived by these fake socialites are the fake second-generation rich people who rent cars online and pretend to be cool.

Scammers deceive scammers.

It's funny just to think about it

"Gurgle Gurgle……"

He drank the miso soup in front of him casually.

Ye Yang didn't say much.

Although he thought these fake celebrities were stupid, it was their private matter after all. He was not a good policeman and had no obligation to teach them a lesson.

"Sisters, look at that guy, he has such poor manners when eating, you can tell at first glance that he’s a loser!"

"That's right, he doesn't look aristocratic at all. He's probably just a piece of trash who drives a BMW or Mercedes-Benz at best. We, the socialites, should ignore such losers!"

"Haha, you have no manners when eating in such a high-end restaurant! I am really drunk!"


Ye Yang's mouth twitched.

The crew members beside him were all angry. Many of them looked up and looked at these fake celebrities with bad eyes.

Ye Yang was their most respected boss!

What's more, these idiots, with a monthly salary of 3,000 yuan, formed a group to eat the lowest-grade Michelin single meal, and dared to laugh at those who drive BMWs and Mercedes-Benzes as losers?

Who gave them the courage?!

(Second update)

Thanks to book friend Jiuchen for the reminder!

Thanks to book friend Qinghua for the beautiful invitation to climb the mountain!

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