"What are you looking at?"

Several celebrities felt the unfriendly gazes around them, but they didn't realize it was their fault. Instead, they felt nameless anger welling up in their hearts.

"I'm talking about you poor losers!"

"That's right! You guys here are ruining our mood for dinner!"

"Especially you!"

Emily, the fake socialite who was obviously the leader, pointed at Ye Yang and said,"You eat Japanese food like this, just like drinking porridge at home! It's an insult to the Michelin three stars! You look like a poor guy at first glance!"

"That's right! We all have to strike a noble pose when taking photos. You don't look noble at all. If you are in the photo, this noble Japanese food will seem devalued!"


The whole place was silent.

The crew members were all confused.

Ye Yang, the actual controlling shareholder of Yida, the boss of Jinyi Entertainment and Jiading Advertising.

Are you poor?

Then you are not even human beings?

Their three views were all shattered.

"I am dying of laughter.……"

Yu Momo and the others were all holding their stomachs, laughing so hard that they fell backwards.

"These vain souls who earn three thousand a month don't really think that if they pool their money together to eat the minimum and take a photo, they will become celebrities and wealthy ladies, right?"

"Hahahaha...I think they have brainwashed themselves!"

"It’s so fucking real!"


Even the crew members nearby started laughing after they realized what was going on.

If you think about it carefully, these socialites are pretty pitiful.

They can only fool those fake rich second-generations who also rent cars to flirt with girls. When they meet real rich people, they can't recognize them at all!

Like Ye Yang, he has eaten countless meals worth hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars.

Eating these tens of thousands of dollars is like ordinary people eating fast food on the street. Naturally, they don't care. It's as natural as eating porridge.

But these fake socialites think that real rich people are just like them. They have to be pretentious in everything they do.

They also have to put on the so-called"aristocratic" airs.

I'm afraid they are living in a dream every day.

"What are you laughing at! Get out of here! I don't want you poor losers in our photos to reduce the quality of our photos!"

"That’s right!"

These celebrities were horrified by the laughter of this group of people, but they still kept urging them to leave.

"Miss, if you continue to delay other customers' meals, we will not be polite."

The lady boss of Heshang Japanese Restaurant could not stand it anymore and came out to speak.

Ye Yang and others are now the biggest guests of Heshang Japanese Restaurant. Regardless of Ye Yang's identity, the total value of the meals Ye Yang ordered tonight alone is hundreds of thousands.

Including drinks and high-end fruit plates, the total consumption has exceeded one million.

In her mind, these dozen people who come together to make a 3,000 yuan Japanese meal, naturally, can't compare to Ye Yang in the slightest.


"This lady boss is so tactless! We are a group of celebrities! We are all celebrities! We will have to go out to eat at high-end restaurants in the future!"

"That is, if you offend us, we will never come to your place to eat again! You will lose at least tens of thousands of dollars! Humph!"


The lady boss rolled her eyes and said,"How much are tens of thousands of dollars? This gentleman is drinking this kind of sake, just a small bottle, it costs more than that."


These fake celebrities were all dumbfounded.

Especially Jessica, who had a little bit of brains, seemed to have realized something and looked at Ye Yang in disbelief.

"The price of this dish of deep-fried tempura is much more expensive than the meal you guys spent tonight!"

"And this tuna belly raw cut……"


The proprietress simply counted the dishes Ye Yang ordered tonight in one breath:"The total price is 1,318,000. Even the fraction is two or three times more expensive than the single meal you ordered. What are you so proud of?"


This group of fake socialites were all stunned.

Not only were they stunned, but Li Xiaoli and other crew members were also stunned.

They arrived after Ye Yang ordered the meal, so they didn't know how much it cost.

They thought they only ate Japanese food that cost a few thousand yuan per person, and they should be able to repay the favor by giving the boss a red envelope during the holidays.

But... this meal cost more than one million yuan! ?

Everyone was confused.

What is a super rich!

This is a super rich!

"I was wondering how could this Japanese food costing thousands of dollars be so delicious... I was careless.……"

"Woo woo woo, Boss Ye is so nice!"


"Moreover, you just had the audacity to ridicule my most senior VIP! Do you know who this Mr. Ye is?"

The lady boss Kurai Hezi continued to ask.

"No...I don't know……"

The fake socialites were all stunned at this time, and they didn't know what to say, so they could only admit it honestly. A super rich man who spends millions on a meal!

This wealth must be tens of billions or even hundreds of billions! ?

This kind of super rich man, isn't that the wealthy family they desperately want to marry into! ?

Now they want to dig out their eyeballs, throw them on the ground and stomp them hard! Why did they look down on others just now!

How could they be blind!

The super wealthy family is right in front of them, and they actually mock them! ?

"This is Ye Yang, the general controller of Yida, who is worth at least hundreds of billions. Mr. Ye. I really don't know how you dare to call him a poor loser. It's unbelievable."

Kurai Hezi shook her head, with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.


"You, you are Ye Yang! ?"

Recently, Ye Yang's reputation as the richest man has spread very quickly, but few people have actually seen Ye Yang and know what he looks like.

Therefore, now that they know that this is the initiator of the 100 billion gambling and the super boss who asked Wang Silin to apologize in person, these fake socialites feel that their worldview has collapsed.

"Not bad."

Ye Yang smiled slightly:"Why, the noble ladies have any opinions about Ye?"

"No...I dare not, how could I dare!"

"Boss Ye, you are now famous in China! We were blinded by your ignorance.……"

"No, it's all because of Jessica and Emily who look down on others. It has nothing to do with us sisters! Boss Ye, I have always admired you! I am not the same kind of person as Emily and Jessica, who are money-worshipping green tea bitches. Don't get me wrong!"

"Right, right, I am not either, Ye Shenhao, please look familiar!"

The plastic sisters who just agreed with Jessica's remarks immediately sold her out.

Jessica and Emily were stunned, anxious and angry!

(First update)

Thanks to book friend Yz Ze for the mountain climbing invitation!

Thanks to book friends 1931/1297 for the two likes~

Thanks to book friends for the most stupid mountain climbing invitation in history!

Thanks to book friend Jianxian Li Bai for the mountain climbing invitation!

Thanks to book friends 7604/8526, for the likes~

Thanks to book friends Her world does not have me for the likes and mountain climbing invitation!

Thanks to book friends scumbag and Doudou daddy for the likes~

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