"Don't even think about getting away with it!"

Jessica and Emily knew that they had offended Ye Yang so much that it was impossible for them to get along with Ye Yang. They were not allowed to chase Ye Yang at this time!

Even if the possibility was extremely low, she would never allow it!

They called each other sisters, but in fact, it was just for the convenience of group order. If they were torn apart, they were actually competitors. No one wanted to see the other suffer.

"Don't you know what you are doing here?"

Jessica and Emily snorted coldly.

"What do you two mean? Stop talking nonsense! Humph, you know you can't get Ye Shenhao, so you start to slander us! You are so evil!"

""Yes, yes, Ye Shenhao, don't listen to them! These two are very bad!"

All the sisters were a little panicked, fearing that Jessica and Emily would expose their past.

Although the matter of the Shanghai socialite group has been very fierce in the past few days, maybe a super big shot like Boss Ye has no time to watch Douyin?

Maybe Ye Shenhao doesn't know anything about their affairs! Even if they are lucky.

But, for this kind of super rich, even if there is only a glimmer of hope, they don't want to give up!

"Okay, you are ruthless, don't blame me for being ungrateful!"

Jessica sneered:"Want to turn your back on me? Have you forgotten what you are? A bunch of vain bitches!"

"When it comes to pooling money to buy high-end luxury goods, I’m the one who takes the lead every time!"

"All these brand-name bags and clothes you are wearing, every one of them was rented by me!"

"Without a big sister like me, you trash want to hook up with rich second-generations!"

"In the final analysis, you are just a bunch of vain and shameless fake careerists living in a dream!!!"


Jessica and Emily revealed everyone's secrets one by one.


The people around were stunned.

Why didn't anyone scold them, but they started fighting among themselves! ?

"Fake socialite civil war! So fucking exciting!"

"If this is posted online, it will be enough to make them famous for a while."

"Haha, don't worry, I've already filmed it. If this video doesn't get a million likes, I'll be standing upside down and eating shit!"

"Ha ha……"

These crew members are indeed from an advertising company. They are extremely sensitive to hot topics. As early as the beginning, some people started to take out their mobile phones to record the screen.

"What did you say! You have no shame! Green tea bitch king, you still call us bitches!"

"Ahhh, I'm going to strangle you two!"

"How can you two be so good to each other! You are so shameless!"

The fake socialites had their false masks exposed and completely lost hope of dating Ye Shenhao. They were all angry and embarrassed. They started to fight with each other and even pulled each other's hair.

They smashed the minimum consumption single meal on the table and knocked over many chairs and stools.

"What a disgrace! Throw them all out!"

Kurai Hezi waved her hands repeatedly, saying with great disdain.


Some security guards who came did not dare to delay and drove these fake celebrities out of the store.

Even if they were thrown out of the store, these fake celebrities who had already seen each other with displeasure did not stop fighting and continued to fight on the street.

Many passers-by gathered around to watch and take pictures.


However, these were just a small episode for Ye Yang and his friends.

While discussing, everyone continued to enjoy the Japanese food.

After finishing the meal, everyone left happily in groups of three or five.

Ye Yang took Yu Momo and the Xiao sisters back to Yunding Mountain.

"Depend on……"

After Ye Yang got in the car, he just opened his phone to watch Douyin, and a video of a group of women fighting each other appeared on the screen.

Looking closely, weren't they the fake socialites who had just torn their faces and wrestled with each other?

"Which talented employee took this photo?……"

Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry

"What happened?"

The Xiao sisters leaned over and looked at the video.

It was only a meal.

The video of the fake socialite in the Japanese restaurant became popular.

And the likes of more than a dozen related videos are about to exceed one million.

"Shocked! I really met a fake socialite in Shanghai today!"

99.6w likes

"Fake socialite, real rich man, slapped in the face, slap!"

158w likes

"Fake socialites failed to compete for the super rich, and actually fought each other, the scene was tragic!"

99.9w likes...

After watching a few videos, Ye Yang was very happy.

Being in it, he didn't think it was so funny. Looking at what happened just now from an objective perspective, it was simply a modern version of black comedy, absurd and funny.

Open the comment area.

The most popular comment is that he is happy to be a father.

"My long-lost biological father has been very active recently!"

"Ye Shenhao is so miserable. Wherever he goes, he can meet this kind of weirdo. Haha……"

"Once the false shell of these fake socialites is punctured, their ugly side will be exposed without reservation. How shameful!"

"This is a beating, the head is broken and bloody, tsk tsk……"

"What about those idiots who defended the fake celebrities and said they were all good girls who tried hard to change their fate? Come out and get beaten!"


The comments section was full of joy.

Xiao Xiaozhu and Xiao Qingxuan couldn't help but giggle out loud.

"Boss, I really doubt that you have any special abilities!"

Yu Momo muttered as he drove the car.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Your special ability is: you will be on the hot search list whenever you go out!"

Yu Momo said seriously.

"Really, haha……"

Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu both laughed when they heard this.

"Alas, what can I do?"

Ye Yang shrugged and flipped through the pages.���My own homepage.

The backstage that originally gained 20 million followers due to the live broadcast that day, and because of what happened tonight, it began to increase its followers like crazy……

"Please, I really don’t want to be a big internet celebrity, haha!"

Ye Yang shook his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

How sweet it would be to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger and live a simple and boring rich life!

But he has the strange physique that Yu Momo said, he will be on the hot search list when he goes out.

It’s hard not to be a big internet celebrity!

"Hehe, other people dream of becoming a big internet celebrity, look at how worried the boss is."

Xiao Xiaozhu said with a smile.

Ye Yang shook his head.

Tonight's events were just a joke in his eyes. What he cared about more was whether tomorrow's Chuanwu advertisement would be effective.

However, tonight's events helped him warm up for free.

After all, the main focus of Chuanwu advertisement was Ye Yang's personal influence...

Tonight's events undoubtedly made Ye Yang even more popular.

(Second update)

Thanks to book friends Chi, Hao, Wuyu for the praise~

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