After returning to Yundingshan Villa, the maids surrounded him and teased him for a while.

In one night, Ye Yang's reputation as a popular professional had been established in Yundingshan Villa.

The next morning, after breakfast,

Ye Yang also saw the advertising report of Jiading Company brought by Yu Momo.

"This time, the advertising basically covers all major online video app distributors, including Bilibili, Tencent Video, Youku, iQiyi, Kuaishou, Douyin, Dousha, etc."

"In addition to online advertising, there are also promotions on major offline billboards and large-screen billboards"

"The ad was released at 12 o'clock last night, and the response has been very enthusiastic."

"It has now topped the hot word charts on all major video charts."


Yu Momo said as he clicked on the hot search topic.


"Ye Shenhao announced that he would promote Chinese traditional martial arts for free, and provide free teaching to Chinese people under the age of 28!"

"Ye Shenhao, who is all the rage on the internet today, was revealed to have spent 300 million on advertising to promote free traditional martial arts teaching!"


Topics like this have already topped the list.

As for the age limit being raised from 20 to 28, it was also decided after consultation between Ye Yang and Zhang Hongfeng.

In fact, it is very suitable to learn Chinese traditional martial arts before the age of 28.

As for those who have not yet formed a foundation after the age of 28, they can almost practice some martial arts that are more inclined to health preservation and self-cultivation, such as Tai Chi.

Since he wants to invest in the promotion of traditional martial arts, naturally he doesn't lack this little money.

"Well done."

Ye Yang was also quite satisfied.

He randomly opened a B station APP, and the opening screen was the traditional martial arts advertisement he shot.

"I didn't think anything of it when I was filming it, but with the editing and music, it looks quite exciting."

Ye Yang nodded with a smile, and was quite satisfied with the finished film.

Most of the comments below the topic were also full of passion.

"My Chinese traditional martial arts finally see the light of day!"

"Tears in my eyes! Ye Shenhao is so kind! Such a rich and sentimental Shenhao, I love him!"

"Without further ado, I'm going to sign up!"

"Haha, the person upstairs, wait for me!"


"The reputation seems to be pretty good."

Ye Yang was also in a good mood.

He now somewhat understood why some rich people would do charity, because when there is too much money, it is indeed just a number.

The things that ordinary people use for entertainment can no longer bring them pleasure.

Naturally, these people will think about doing something"big" to realize their own life value.

Or do charity, or improve society.

Changing the status quo of an industry with one's own strength really gives people a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

"too strong!"

"Of course not, don't you see who shot the commercial?"

The maids joked and laughed.

But as time went by, the originally positive reviews began to change.

Apparently, some brainwashed Chinese haters, haters of the country, Internet public intellectuals, and those who worship foreigners, professional sour dogs, and professional nitpickers gradually reacted.

"Haha, Chuanwu is free, how can such a good thing happen? It must be a scam! All businessmen are bad! Look, this Ye Shenhao is not a good person either. He has been creating a persona for himself recently, creating momentum and popularity, but within ten days or half a month, he was exposed."

"Maybe he is going to do a live broadcast to sell goods! He is hiding well now, but he will be exposed soon!"

"That is, how can there be any rich person who has nothing better to do than to show off his presence on the Internet? It must be fake!"

"There are a few people who have some filthy money to show off to him, haha……"

When these sour dogs see someone with ability, they become jealous, as if being able is a sin, and everything a capable person does is wrong, even breathing is sinful, and their motives are not pure.

In the minds of sour dogs and argumentative people, there are no good people in this world, and they think that all people in the world are scum with dark minds and twisted brains like them.

At this time, one by one they came out, and forced their IQs to be lowered, and they also wanted to mock Ye Yang.

However, this kind of forced lowering of intelligence speech.

Ye Yang doesn't even need to reply.

His old fans have already scolded them to pieces below.

"Still selling goods? Does my Ye Shenhao still need to sell goods to make money?"

"Haven't been online for decades? Wang Silin apologized to Ye Shenhao! He is the owner of Yida Holdings! A super rich man! He would bet 100 billion yuan! What are you guys complaining about?"

"Haha, some people are really stupid when they talk. The amount of money Ye Shenhao sent in the red envelopes on Douyin is something you can never earn in your lifetime, and you are still being sour."


These haters had no choice but to shut up in the face of overwhelming evidence.

By the way, I’d like to leave a special ending for losers:"What’s wrong with a little money… Being rich is not a big deal……"

After the low-level nitpickers and sour-dogs were defeated, those who worship foreign things, hate their own country, and Internet public intellectuals began to emerge.

"Haha, traditional martial arts? Compared with Taekwondo, it's just a bunch of fancy stuff, rubbish, okay! ? Just practice Muay Thai for three days, and I can beat all the traditional martial arts in China! Muay Thai is the best!"

"The Chinese are so arrogant that they even brag about something as obsolete as traditional martial arts!"

"China can do nothing but bragging!"


This kind of people are the most hateful. They think they are experts just because they hear something from others.

Sometimes they say Chinese people are this, sometimes they say Chinese people are that.

They act as if they are not Chinese. They think everything related to their own country is rubbish.

Everything related to foreign countries is high-end.

However, most of Ye Yang’s fans are normal people with correct values. When they see these rubbish comments, they will of course respond righteously.

"Do you really understand that traditional martial arts are not good?���Have you watched too many American blockbusters? Have you been brainwashed?"

"Well, in the final analysis, you don't know anything, you don't understand anything, you just hear a few words from others, and then you start to talk self-righteously here, it's disgusting"


There were still many haters who doubted Guoshu, and the two sides started arguing.

Many investors who wanted to take advantage of Ye Yang's traffic but had no chance, their eyes lit up at this time, as if they saw a business opportunity.

"Boss, look."

Yu Momo also found the most popular video of the protest.

"Since you said that traditional martial arts can be used in fighting, we Taekwondo practitioners will be the first to disagree. If Hong Feng is not feeling guilty, just wait for me to challenge him!"

"Haha, I’m the boxing champion of Thailand, so I dare to say that there is no one in China who can fight. If you have the guts, accept my challenge!"


In the video, almost all kinds of"masters" who want to challenge Chinese martial arts are collected.

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head, and his words also revealed a bit of coldness:"Since you have stuck your face out, don't blame me for being rude."

(First update)

Thank you book friends 5421/3682 for the likes. Thank you book friend Wangzhe Godzilla for the urging talisman!

Thank you book friend you have to give me an urgent mountain climbing invitation!

Thank you book friends 4032/6457, Luoyu Huanyun for the likes~

Thank you book friend Wonderful Day from Kanshenhao for the mountain climbing invitation and likes!

Thank you book friend Situ Xue, awake dreaming for the likes~

Thank you book friend Devil Angel Cooperation Department for the mountain climbing invitation and likes~

Thank you book friend Wuxin,, 1931/1297 for the two likes.

Thank you book friend 1384/9875 for the two urging talismans!

Thank you book friend Lan Mou, God of Killing Bai Qi for the likes~

Thank you book friend Koujiao Simida for the flowers and explosive updates!!! Thank you very much!!!

Thanks to my book friend Jianxian Zhouli for inviting me to climb the mountain!

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