"Boss, there are quite a lot of people challenging us."

Xiao Qingxuan snorted, obviously dissatisfied with these ignorant people.

"Since you are coming, let's come together."

Ye Yang smiled faintly.

Just like that, Ye Shenhao's Douyin account had its second video since it was created.

"I'm Ye Yang. Recently I saw a lot of complaints online about the free traditional martial arts teaching event I sponsored.

The biggest argument is that traditional martial arts are useless.

The evidence is: traditional martial arts have never really been on the ring, never won a championship, and have no way to prove themselves.

Very well, in three days, the Hongfeng Magic City headquarters will open.

For those who are not in the traditional martial arts industry, you can choose the strongest representative from your own industry.

Since you want to come, then come together, no more after the deadline.

Whether Chinese martial arts can be used in combat, this ring match will tell everything.

However, I want to remind everyone.

This ring match is a fight without rules, and a contract must be signed before going on stage.

If anything goes wrong, no matter who it is, the consequences will be at their own risk.

I, Ye Yang, keep my word."


Ye Yang's response video, which was a direct response, once again set off a bigger wave of craze.

In the afternoon, an article titled:

《This time, traditional martial arts are no longer silent! The article"This time, traditional martial arts are no longer silent!" directly swept all major social circles.

It reached the peak of the popularity of this series of events.

Tens of millions of people paid attention to this competition, which can be regarded as the pinnacle of martial arts, and the modern"Huashan Sword Contest".

"This time, Chuanwu is no longer silent!"

"Haha, after so many years of frustration, has traditional martial arts finally shown some strength? After Bruce Lee, there is no traditional martial arts anymore... Those fake masters were beaten to death one by one, which made me disappointed in traditional martial arts."

"Those fake masters are all scammers. The real martial arts masters are all devoted to practicing martial arts. They don't have the time to brag and attract attention."

"That's not the case. I've seen many traditional martial arts masters who want to promote themselves online, but they don't have the funds. Their videos of real skills are not as popular as those of fake masters who are sensational and spend money to buy traffic."

"That's true.……"

"I hope this isn’t another Ma Baoguo!"

"No, didn’t the girl who practiced traditional martial arts next to Ye Shenhao knock down a fighting champion named Fan...Fan Hu?"

"That's a worthless fighting champion. He's just a piece of trash who's paid by his sponsor to fight in a black boxing match and get traffic. He has no skills at all. Beating him is a worthless achievement."

"The masters who challenged this time are the real big names in their respective boxing styles, just like the Muay Thai champion, who may sound arrogant, but he is really awesome and earned his reputation through his own fighting!"

"It seems that although Ye Shenhao has created enough hype this time, the pressure is also great!"

"Haha, who told him to brag so much? Let's get together. I think any one of them can beat everyone in Hongfeng Martial Arts Hall to a pulp."

"I think so too, haha, let's see how embarrassed he is! I just like to see Chinese martial arts being mocked, I just like to see things from my own country fail! Humph!"

"The person above is really disgusting. Just wait and see how Ye Shenhao slaps you in the face in three days!"

"I laughed. If anyone from Hong Feng can beat these boxing champions in a one-on-one fight, I will just start eating shit! If I tell a lie, God will punish me with five thunderbolts! I don't believe that traditional martial arts are useless! There is nothing useful in China! Rubbish! Rubbish!"

"Don't pay attention to him, he's probably just a brainwashed black elementary school student. If you pay attention to him, you'll just have to watch him eat shit."



The turmoil caused by this incident has not diminished in popularity online, but has become more and more popular.

Everyone is looking forward to the battle three days later, which almost represents whether traditional martial arts can flourish again, whether they will completely decline, or whether they will be revived.

After all, in recent years, the news of those fake masters being knocked out with one punch has completely ruined the credibility of Chinese martial arts.

Let everyone no longer believe in Chinese traditional martial arts.

This time, it has caused such a lot of attention and turmoil.

If they lose this time, then the reputation of Chinese traditional martial arts will be completely ruined, and there will be no chance of turning over in the future...

Ye Yang set up a ring.

The ring was naturally set up in the venue of the Hongfeng National Martial Arts Museum.

Because the turmoil caused by this incident was too great, it also attracted many media and TV stations to contact Yu Momo, wanting to grab the exclusive broadcasting rights of this game.

However, Ye Yang didn't care about money at all.

These TV stations and media who wanted to broadcast exclusively naturally returned empty-handed. In the end, they could only settle for the second best and broadcast this ring match that could be called a grand event in the fighting world.

"Master, take the initiative to find our broadcasting platform. There are more than 30 online platforms alone."

"In addition, the major TV stations have given us more than 1 billion yuan in broadcasting copyright fees alone, and this number is still rising.……"

Yu Momo said with a smile:"Master is indeed a super rich man who has such wealth at such a young age. His methods and courage are simply admirable!"


Ye Yang was confused:"What are you talking about?"

Yu Momo was at a loss for words:"Master, you may not have realized that although you do things without considering the cost, everything you do is inexplicably profitable, and it's a huge profit."

"This advertising campaign, various investments, and site construction cost a total of 300 million yuan."

"But the broadcasting rights fees we receive now are several times more than this number."

"We have made a net profit up to this moment... close to 1.5 billion."

This is not an exaggeration.

What does a program with a potential audience of tens of millions mean?

Even for the World Cup, the potential real audience in China is actually only 100 or 200 million at most.

But the broadcasting rights of the World Cup are sold for billions of US dollars! The broadcasting rights of tens of millions of real potential viewers have only been sold for more than a billion so far, because this competition is a one-time program, which will be gone after it is broadcast, and the exclusive broadcasting rights are not sold.

Otherwise, selling billions is nothing.

Ye Yang smiled bitterly and shook his head.

This is the trouble of rich people. No matter how much they want to squander their money, in the end, they can only helplessly find that they still made a lot of money...

Ye Yang smiled bitterly in his heart. He really just wanted to do some charity, not to make money!

(Second update)

Thanks to book friend 2590/0748 for the likes~

Thanks to book friend why don’t you ask the magical conch for the two mountain climbing invitations and likes!

Thanks to book friend 4142/5631 for the two likes~

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