Hongfeng National Martial Arts Hall.

Zhang Hongfeng has recently been learning to use some advanced technology products and has also downloaded various apps such as Douyin.

Naturally, he is also aware of the development of these things.

He is also quite angry.

As a chivalrous and courageous person who has always been committed to the inheritance of Chinese martial arts, he is indignant at the self-deprecating words of those Chinese people.

""Boss, although I am old, I will also go on stage to fight those masters."

Zhang Hongfeng said in a vigorous manner.

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head.

Those guys who came to challenge, each of them has some real skills. Although Zhang Hongfeng is a master of martial arts, he is in his seventies or eighties after all, and the young are better than the strong.

No matter how strong a person is, once his body ages, his fighting power will decline.

This is the law of nature.

"There are not many people who have really learned the basic skills in Hongfeng Martial Arts School nowadays."

Zhang Hongfeng sighed.

The few apprentices who followed him to practice martial arts in the early years could not bear the economic pressure and found other jobs.

As for those who are recruited now, there are few who have really practiced the killer moves and basic skills. Most of them just know some routines, and then go to various activities to show off. There are not many who have practiced martial arts with their heart and soul.

"If I can't win this time, the reputation of Chinese traditional martial arts will be ruined, and I will become a great sinner.……"

Zhang Hongfeng is worried

"Don't worry, you saw my bodyguard's martial arts that day, so he should be pretty good, right?"

Ye Yang smiled and looked at Xiao Qingxuan beside him.

"It's not just good, it's really the essence of it, and it's obvious that it was honed in actual combat."

Zhang Hongfeng nodded.

"From now on, she is the teacher of Hongfeng Martial Arts School."

Ye Yang smiled and said,"With her in the competition, you don't have to worry too much."


Zhang Hongfeng was a little surprised. Although Xiao Qingxuan had beaten dozens of apprentices by herself that day, showing a high level of martial arts skills, she was just a girl after all, and she had to face the challenge of at least a dozen real masters.……

"If Qingxuan can't do it, there's still me. I don't mind personally teaching these self-righteous, arrogant rubbish a lesson."

Ye Yang said lightly.


Zhang Hongfeng's eyes widened. Although he could see that Ye Yang had a long breath and a good temperament, and he seemed to have practiced a little, he was skeptical about whether he could really go on stage and fight against the masters of various boxing styles.

"What? Are you doubting the boss?"

Xiao Qingxuan rolled her eyes:"The boss is more powerful than me."


Zhang Hongfeng's eyes showed a hint of surprise:"I didn't expect that you, the boss, are a real person who doesn't show your face!"

Ye Yang smiled and waved his hand.

He made several moves, which also made Xiao Qingxuan curious. One night, Xiao Qingxuan found him for a small exchange, and then came to this conclusion.

Hongfeng's venue was soon set up.

Various media also arrived one after another, and various cameras and microphones were spread all over the scene. For a while, there was a lot of noise.

Representatives of various Chinese boxing styles came to the Magic City in various high-end transportation.

The economic interests behind this ring match are really too great. I don't know how many companies and capitals want to rush to invest.

They don't believe that Chinese traditional martial arts can win.

So they are vying to help the champion of the boxing style they invested in to be the first to go on stage.

After all, it is possible that the first person to go on stage will directly sweep the whole field.

There is no chance for the second person to perform.

"Boss, these people are going too far."

"That's right, they even opened the odds publicly, betting on who will be the final winner this time."

Xiao Qingxuan looked at the online vote and was so angry that her little tiger teeth were exposed.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

The capital behind the Chinese champions of various types of boxing is trying their best to stir up trouble. They even opened gambling odds.

Just like betting on the World Cup, betting on which boxing type will win.

The support rate of traditional martial arts is less than 15%.

Even among those who support traditional martial arts, the comments below are generally pessimistic:

"I hope I won't be disappointed this time."

"Sigh...it's a loss, so just spend some money to support traditional martial arts! Come on!"

"It doesn't matter if I lose. Just for Ye Shenhao's attitude, I'll bet on this money!"

The odds of Chuanwu against other boxing styles have reached 1 to 29.

In other words, if Ye Yang now spends one dollar to bet on Chuanwu to win, and Chuanwu finally wins, he can get 29 dollars.

And this ratio is still rising.

The capital behind these people wants to take advantage of this wave of popularity and make a good profit.

How do those companies operate?

Ye Yang can't control it, and he has no interest in it.

"Boss, some company bosses are still stirring up trouble online, saying that you don’t show up to place bets, which means you have no confidence in traditional martial arts!"

"Some even go further, saying that you have already invested money in other styles of boxing, and are waiting to collect money from those who invest in traditional martial arts."


Ye Yang smiled. Aren't these people just forcing him to place a bet?

"It seems that the traditional martial arts team is sure to lose.……"

"In that case, let's do as they wish."

Ye Yang waved his hand and directly bet 100 billion with the ID of Ye Shenhao at the moment before the market was closed!

This time, he wanted the winner to take all!

In the progress bar of betting on both sides.

The red line that originally represented traditional martial arts was almost suppressed by the blue line representing other types of boxing.

After Ye Yang invested this 100 billion.

The red line directly surged and pushed back, directly flattening the progress bar.

Let the red line crush the blue bar against the trend!

And the last moment of betting funds, the other party had no time to change the odds!

In other words, if Ye Yang won, according to the odds of 1 to 29.

The capital behind the blue side would lose 2.9 trillion to Ye Yang!

If the blue side lost, these 2 trillion was simply an impossible number to pay, and in the end, all of them could only apply for bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy liquidation, a debt of 1 trillion, if the psychological endurance is weak, I am afraid that they will have to jump off the building on the spot.

After investing this 100 billion casually.

Ye Yang left a message in the comment area lightly

"Don't you want to play big? Then, I'll accompany you to the end."

This extremely domineering message instantly made his fans who support him like and reply like crazy.

"Ye Shenhao is so domineering! He fought against countless enemies alone and flattened the progress bar with his own strength! Awesome!"

"I thought you really wanted to harvest our fans' money as those rubbish said, haha, now those rumors have been proven false!"

"This is amazing, investing 100 billion in one go!!! Holy crap!"

"If Ye Shenhao wins, those rubbish will probably lose all their pants. Haha……"

"Dare to bet at the last second, Ye Shenhao knows how to play! It's so exciting!"


The fact that Ye Yang bet 100 billion instantly made the circle of people who were paying attention to this matter boil again.

And the investors behind each boxing style were all laughing...

(First update)

Thanks to book friend Luomu for the update reminder!

Thanks to book friend Feizhai for the mountain climbing invitation!

Thanks to book friends 4657/8748,1931/1297 for the likes~

Thanks to book friend Youjiangucao for the mountain climbing invitation!

Thanks to book friend FZ Zeze for the mountain climbing invitation!

Thanks to book friend Xueyuehua for the update reminder!

Thanks to book friends Standing in Hell Looking Up at Heaven, 2928/6892 for the likes~

Thanks to book friend 1147/5373 for the update reminder!

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