"Well, then let's do it the way he wanted to deal with me before."

Ye Yang said casually


Zhang Wanmin agreed directly. It would be good if there was a solution. If Ye Yang didn't give an explanation today, his company would be in danger!

"Thank you Mr. Ye for giving Zhang this opportunity to atone for his crime!"

Zhang Wanmin said gratefully.

"Chairman Zhang, I have been with you for more than ten years! Even if I have no merit, I have worked hard. You can’t do this!"

Gao Dan completely collapsed.

"Haha... You've caused me such a big mess, and I haven't settled the score with you yet!"

Zhang Wanmin shouted angrily:"You and Jin Buzheng, from this moment on, you will be removed from my company!"

"Security! Take these two guys and the two lying on the ground to the police! Say they intentionally caused trouble and almost hurt Mr. Ye!"

After that, he turned around and smiled at Ye Yang:"Mr. Ye, what do you think of this punishment? I will personally supervise the rest of the matter."

With his means and resources, he can naturally get a heavier sentence for this matter.

At least the charge of conspiracy to endanger the personal safety of a big shot cannot be washed away, and at least he will have to spend a few years in prison before he can get out.


Ye Yang nodded slightly, indicating that he was quite satisfied.

Jin Buzheng, who was being escorted by the security guard, wailed in despair:"It was clearly me who was beaten up! You want to confuse right and wrong!"


Seeing Jin Buzheng's miserable and aggrieved look, everyone around him couldn't help but burst into laughter.

This bully who usually bullies newcomers finally got what he deserved, and his evil deeds were rewarded!

Today, he really lost more than he gained.

"Okay, let's go, don't you have anything to do?"

Zhang Wanmin looked at the employees around him and started to purify the atmosphere.

Seeing that the chairman had spoken, the employees did not dare to continue watching the fun, so they had to disperse and go about their own business.

"Mr. Ye, please follow us."

After dealing with the employees,

Ye Yang was also surrounded by a group of chairmen and went up to the top floor.


As soon as Ye Yang and his friends got on the elevator, heated discussions broke out on the tenth floor.

After all, what happened today was too shocking, and the various twists and turns made people stunned.

First, Jin Buzheng arranged for someone to deal with Ye Yang, and everyone thought that Ye Yang was going to be in trouble.

In the end, he easily resolved the danger with his hidden skills and beat Jin Buzheng up.

Then Manager Gao appeared, and everyone thought that Ye Yang would be fired and his future would be ruined.

A group of chairmen descended like gods, and Ye Yang's identity suddenly changed from an ordinary intern to a super rich man who controlled the entire Empire State Building's assets!

"It's so dreamy! I can't even dream of such a scene!"

"Hahaha...I've long said that Ye Yang is extraordinary!"

"Unfortunately, I didn’t have the courage to hug his thigh at that time!"

"If I had known that he had this identity, I would have stood up for Jin Buzheng when he was pretending to be cool and helped Ye Shenhao beat him up, just like what I said just now!"

"Okay, you hindsight guy.……"


Today's incident is destined to become a legend on the tenth floor, passed down among new and old employees for a long time...

On the top floor of the Magic City Empire Trade Building.

In the joint office of the chairman.

Ye Yang sat in the main seat.

Below were the chairmen of each floor.

"Look, we are going to renew the contract next month, and we have also drafted a proposed contract based on the previous boss's contract. Please take a look and see if it can be adopted."

Zhonglie Chairman Fang Xiao respectfully took out a contract and handed it to Ye Yang with both hands.


Ye Yang took a quick look. He also copied the previous contract of Empire Trade in his personal space. Although he didn't know how the system got it, it was roughly the same as this one.

Moreover, these companies also took the initiative to pay an additional 15% of the rent.

It was considered to be full of sincerity.


He pretended to read it, and felt a little embarrassed in his heart.

It seems that he has to buy a law firm to help him manage contracts and assets when he has time.

He did not study finance, and he could not understand these contract clauses at all. However, after comparing it with the old contract of the portable space, he found that except for the rent increase, everything else was the same. He dared to confirm that there was no problem with the contract.

All the chairmen looked at Ye Yang with bated breath.

The super young man who acquired the entire Empire Trade Building at such a young age must be young and promising, and it is impossible for him not to understand business finance.

How dare they fool him! ?

After discussion, these chairmen all confirmed that Ye Yang must be a super boss, so they dared not play any tricks in the contract, and even took the initiative to propose a rent increase, for fear that Ye Yang would disagree.

"not bad……"

Ye Yang closed the contract, his expression as calm as ever.


All the directors breathed a sigh of relief.

"Since you are so sincere, then follow the terms of this contract. The rent for the next ten years will be deposited into my account within three days, a total of 18.9 billion."

"Okay, okay, Mr. Ye, don’t worry!"

"We must do it as soon as possible!"

The directors were also very happy. They didn't expect that Ye Yang, the new owner, was so easy to talk to and didn't deliberately make things difficult for them.

"Since the contract has been signed, I won't stay any longer."

Ye Yang stood up and

"Okay, let's send Mr. Ye off together!"

The directors were very attentive, and they finally put their minds at ease after seeing Ye Yang off to the car and watching the Lamborghini Venom leave arrogantly.

"It is true that he is young and promising. He was able to get a Lamborghini Venom."

For these bosses with a net worth of tens of billions or even hundreds of billions, such a top supercar like an emperor, worth nearly 100 million yuan, is also a super luxury.

���Those who spend 100 million to buy luxury cars have assets of at least tens or hundreds of billions


Ye Yang is in a good mood now.

It feels really good to be flattered by these billionaires who only exist on TV news.

In addition, he has dealt with Jin Buzheng who has been bullying him, and he feels refreshed.

"It's time to change my clothes and equipment."

Ye Yang looked at his clothes and shoes, which cost less than 1,000 yuan in total, and shook his head and smiled.

As a top rich man, it seems a bit inappropriate to wear these.

"Demon No. 6 Fashion Street is the largest concentration of luxury stores in the Magic City, so let's go there for a look."

Ye Yang made up his mind and stepped on the accelerator. The powerful supercar engine of Lamborghini Venom suddenly roared. It was as if a wanton and wild super beast had awakened!


The car sped away, and the passers-by who were swept by the wind brought by the Lamborghini had no unhappy look on their faces. What was left was only endless envy and longing...

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