No. 6 Magic City Luxury District.

After parking the car in the exclusive parking lot of the luxury district,

Ye Yang got off the Lamborghini Venom and walked into a store casually.

"Welcome sir……"

The service in luxury stores is still very aristocratic.

However, Ye Yang's dress is too shabby.

These etiquette ladies only maintain the most basic courtesy, and none of them want to come up to become Ye Yang's exclusive shopping guide.

After all, everyone's time is very valuable.

Ye Yang is obviously a poor boy who came to the luxury store to broaden his horizons. He only looks but does not buy. No one wants to waste their time on him if they waste their time on him but do not get a penny in commission.

Only a newly employed cute and adorable college student shopping guide saw Ye Yang, her eyes lit up, and she couldn't bear to see such a sunny and handsome boy being ignored.

"What kind of merchandise does this little brother want to see?"

Ye Yang looked at her name tag and found out that the cute girl's name was Gao Xiaoxin. He noticed the looks of the shopping guides beside him, but he didn't care.

Later, they would regret it.

"A complete set of clothes, just take me to pick the most expensive ones."

Ye Yang spread his hands, indicating that he wanted to change his entire body into a set of clothes.

Gao Xiaoxin nodded repeatedly:"Then follow me!"


The shopping guides next to them couldn't help but laugh.

"You see, that poor boy really thinks he is a big customer who wants to buy clothes."

"Just do the whole act! Look how happy Xiao Xin is, she thought she had met some big client!"

"Oh... she's young... if she had my three to five years of work experience, she would know that wasting time with this poor loser who comes here just to broaden his horizons is simply a waste of money."

"Yes... too young."

Several experienced shopping guides who thought they would never make a mistake all curled their lips and laughed at Gao Xiaoxin for being too young.

"As for men's clothing, we have all the world's top ten luxury brands in our store. The No. 1 brand, Breoni, only accepts private customization. If you want to customize, we can help you contact the designer there, but it will take at least a month to get the clothes."

"If you want to buy it today, Armani and Versace have both released new models that are perfect for a handsome guy like you."

Gao Xiaoxin explained carefully. She could see that Ye Yang's outfit was very shabby, but she carefully maintained Ye Yang's face and treated him as a real customer who wanted to buy.

"Ah, that's it.……"

Ye Yang scratched his head."Bryanio, please customize ten sets first. They must be of the highest standard and unique. Two sets each for spring, summer, autumn and winter. And also help me make two sets of interesting combinations. Send them to me within half a month. The price is not a big deal.""


Gao Xiaoxin blinked:"Little brother, are you kidding me?! Blenio's private customization, the highest level, costs 50,000 to 60,000 euros per set! Ten sets would cost 500,000 euros, and the price would double if it were rushed. Converted into Chinese currency, that would be 10 million!"

"Ten million?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.


Gao Xiaoxin nodded repeatedly, kindly reminding Ye Yang that if he felt the price was not suitable, he could change the brand.

"Ten sets for only 10 million, that's too cheap."

Ye Yang shook his head. With the Get Rich System, you can earn more if you spend more. 10 million is really not much.

"Is Blenio the most expensive custom clothing in the world?"

"Um... No, Blenio is just the most expensive and highest ranking company for large-scale private customization, and there are some world-famous super luxury master studios. The most expensive diamond suit ever was made by Master Stewarts, the only one in the world, and sold for 1 million US dollars."

"A set of suits was sold for more than 7 million!"

Ye Yang nodded:"This is not bad, I can customize a few sets if I have the chance."


Gao Xiaoxin smiled bitterly, a little disappointed with Ye Yang. If such a handsome boy could be more realistic and down-to-earth, it would be better...

Obviously, a suit worth 7 million is not bad, it must be bragging.

"Except for the custom-made ones, buy two sets of all other brand men's clothing in your store, for spring, summer, autumn and winter, and pack them up and send them to Yundingshan No. 1 Villa for me."

Ye Yang thought of the amazingly large cloakroom in Yundingshan Villa. Even if he bought so many clothes, he would probably only be able to fill up a small space inside.

"This... little brother, you……"

Seeing that Ye Yang didn't look like he was joking at all, Gao Xiaoxin was a little confused. Could it be that she was so kind and really got lucky to meet a super rich man?!

"What are you standing there for? Swipe the card."

Ye Yang threw the Supreme Black Card directly to Gao Xiaoxin.

Gao Xiaoxin took it in a panic. As an intern in a luxury store, she certainly recognized the Dongfa Bank Supreme Black Card!

This card is only available to members of the club with assets of over 100 million!

Now, she completely understood!

The handsome young man in front of her is a genuine rich man!

The several"experienced" shopping guides who had mocked Ye Yang and Gao Xiaoxin before and who came in with new customers were also dumbfounded at this time.

"Supreme black card!"

"He is actually a super rich man!"

"I was actually wrong!"

These shopping guides were all crying.

They had worked here for several years and had never heard of or seen Ye Yang's way of buying clothes.

"How many tens of thousands of commissions will Gao Xiaoxin get from this wave? It will be enough to cover all the commissions we have received in the past few years.……"

The female shopping guides were all filled with regret, blaming themselves for being blind and not realizing that Ye Yang was a super rich man with a hidden identity!

"It turns out that luxury goods are not as expensive as I thought."

Looking at the more than 8 million swiped from the card, Ye Yang muttered.

He bought more than a hundred sets of clothes and shoes, and the average set was only about 80,000 yuan. It was indeed not expensive.

The managers of the luxury goods stores were startled and ran out one after another.

The boss was a mature and graceful young woman in black silk stockings, with a superior temperament. Although she was a little different from Yu Momo in appearance, she had a unique charm.

"Mr. Ye, we will definitely help you contact the Blenio designer as quickly as possible! This is our store's black gold card, please keep it safe"

"Contact the designer of Blenio, and after you have finalized the style, you can pay the deposit. I will personally visit you at the Yundingshan Villa, and we will discuss it in detail then~"

Ye Yang nodded lightly. For him, it was just a mere expense of tens of millions.

But for Chang Wei, the owner of the luxury store, it was a big business that she could not ignore!

"Ding! It is detected that you have spent 8 million yuan on clothing, and you will be awarded with exclusive shares of Stuarts Workshop!"

"Hmm? Sounds familiar."

Ye Yang remembered, isn't Stuart the super designer who made the most expensive suits in the world and is said to be very impressive!?

"It really is a wish come true~"

Ye Yang's clothes were delivered to the villa by a special car, and he did not plan to stay any longer. He turned around and went out, ready to go next door to buy a watch.

Only the"shopping guide" beauties were left, crying violently in their hearts with endless regret, staring at his back for a long time.

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