"What should we do? We can't really compensate him, right?"

Many big bosses were panicking. They had been so obsessed with Ye Yang's 100 billion that they only thought about how to cheat the other party out of his money.

Now that they actually lost the game, they were all stunned when faced with such a high price for compensation.

"What are you waiting for? Pack up your belongings and run away!"

"That's right, when they really bring law enforcement agencies to liquidate the assets, you won't be able to run away even if you want to."

All the big bosses were thinking about running away quickly.

But they still underestimated how thorough Ye Yang was.

Almost at the moment when the result of the game was announced, the lawyer team that had been prepared long ago brought people from Hurricane Security to surround the offices of the big capital bosses.

This time, Ye Yang also learned the lesson from Jinyi Entertainment.

That time, he felt that there was no rush to deal with the other party.

He let several sponsors run away with the money. If you want to get it back, it will still take a lot of effort.

This time, Ye Yang had already found out the other party's information before the game. Once the matter here was settled, he would start to deal with it immediately.


All the bosses were stunned in their offices.

It was only now that they realized that they had been tricked by Ye Yang, who had always mocked them as young and hot-tempered.……


They sighed deeply. At this point, they could only admit defeat.

Mortgage property and bankrupt the company, but even so, it was just a drop in the bucket.

After all, their total assets added up to just over 100 billion.

Not even a fraction of 2.9 trillion. With so much debt, those who had the majority of it had to go to jail.

As for those who had a smaller portion, they were all liquidated, and their credit limits were reduced to the lowest, and they were put on the credit blacklist...

It was almost impossible for them to make a comeback.

Few of those who wanted to plot against Ye Yang ended up with a good result.

"The results came out. Wang Tan and Sata were injected with a large amount of high-grade stimulants, which can greatly stimulate the body's functions."

The medical staff also announced the results.

"Boss, we found doping syringes and injections in their belongings and in the backpacks of their agents!"

The security guards were reporting the results of their searches.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

For his own 100 billion, injecting stimulants is reasonable.

Ye Yang was not too surprised.

"Tell Fang Han about this situation, and we'll do what needs to be done."

Ye Yang waved his hand.

"What? Doping!"

"Isn’t this too shameless?"

"He used stimulants and still lost, what rubbish!"

"I was wondering how Goddess Xiao could lose. It turns out that Wang Tan took stimulants. Humph! Shameless!"

"These guys who have no martial ethics must be banned!"

"Yes, yes, yes, we must ban them from the game. This is too much!"


The comments and the audience watching the live broadcast of this game were extremely angry.

Doping has always been a taboo in the competitive industry.

Now that it has been discovered, the audience is also outraged.

"My professional lawyer team will definitely take full responsibility for this matter and make sure they get the punishment they deserve."

Ye Yang smiled faintly, his voice full of confidence.

After all, Fang Han's ability to handle affairs is obvious to all.

"I just like Ye Shenhao’s confident look!"

"Yes, severe punishment must be imposed!"


The audience kept saying this.

The sour dogs and the Internet trolls had all disappeared.

Once these people shut up, the comments on the Internet suddenly became much more normal.

Naturally, someone would help Ye Yang finish the fight.

""Boss, this time, I really rely on you!"

Zhang Hongfeng was so excited that his eyes were red.

After this battle, the reputation of Chuanwu will surely be very popular in China.

He has been promoting Chuanwu all his life, but he didn't expect that he would have the opportunity to see it shine when he is old!

"It's not necessary, this is what I should do."

Ye Yang smiled lightly and waved his hand.

Amid Zhang Hongfeng's thanks along the way, he also took Yu Momo and the Xiao sisters back to the Yundingshan Villa.

The results and live broadcast of the fighting competition were naturally followed by the maids of Yundingshan.

After Ye Yang returned to the Yundingshan Villa, he was immediately surrounded by a group of maids, some celebrating and some amazed.

After all, they discovered another super skill of Ye Yang!

"Master, how many things have you not shown us?"

"Hehehe, Master, you are so awesome!"


The maids all had starry eyes.

They were willing to be maids for such an outstanding master who didn't charge any money but only provided food and lodging!

"Haha, you guys……"

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head:"I will, you will have plenty of time to discover it slowly in the future"


The maids all nodded like chicks pecking at rice.

Judging from what the boss said, there seemed to be many talents that he had not shown yet!

This also aroused their infinite curiosity.

After a good celebratory dinner,

Ye Yang was playing after-meal games with the maids comfortably.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang.

Most of his business affairs were now handed over to Yu Momo.

Apart from his family and friends, the only people who could call him were his closest subordinates.

"Hmm? Mom?"

Ye Yang sat up straight.

Of course, he should take it seriously when his parents call.

"Mom, why did you suddenly want to call me?"

Ye Yang asked with a smile

"Can't you just call my son if nothing happens?" my mother asked, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"Ahem, no, no."

Ye Yang said repeatedly

"Um... I heard from Xiao Zi that Xiao Yang, have you made a fortune in Shanghai recently?"

"You didn't do anything bad, did you?"

"How's your body?"

"Don't tire yourself out. How much money is too much? Your health is your capital!"


After my mother asked all the questions in one breath,

Ye Yang replied one by one:"I made a little money, as I told you before, I made money by starting my own company! Anyway, our family doesn't have to worry about money anymore."

"We are an investment company, there is not much to do, I am idle every day, I won't get tired"


"Just lie to your mom! Anyway, you are bullying your mom, she doesn't understand these things.……"

The mother sighed. In her opinion, making money is not easy."I called you to ask you this, but also to tell you something."

"Mom, you say."

Ye Yang said repeatedly

"Your third uncle's cousin is going to take her classmates to Shanghai to play. I heard that you work there, so she wants you to pick them up and take them around Shanghai."


(First update)

Thanks to book friends Seventeen, 1931/1297 for the likes~

Thanks to book friend Jun Mo, the chief disciple of the Zhatian Gang, for the mountain climbing invitation!

Thanks to book friend I don’t know where to send the three likes~

Thanks to book friend Jiangzhehu Xiaobianwei for the inspiration capsule!

Thanks to book friend 2999/0874 for the mountain climbing invitation!

Thanks to book friends 4397/6417, Hong Shao Zong’s elder Lao Yu Buxu, 9601/1617, 1996/3312 for the likes~

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