"My cousin is coming to Shanghai?"

Ye Yang raised his eyebrows.

The cousin from my uncle's family is called Su Ziyan. Because her family is a little rich and she is pretty, she has been aloof since she was a child. He and this cousin are not very familiar with each other.

However, this cousin should have just graduated from high school this year.

"Now that there is still some time before the university starts, should I go out traveling with my classmates before the school starts?"

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head.

After the college entrance examination, the candidates who were originally under great pressure would let themselves go.

Play games all night, buy all kinds of things, and then travel.

But Ye Yang's family conditions are average.

After the college entrance examination, he only went to learn guitar and did not travel.

This is still a small regret of mine.

After a few days, it’s time to arrange a round-the-world trip for myself?

"Yes, there are also a few of her classmates. His uncle said that he could give you some money so that you can take more care of Zi Yan."

Mom said

"Give money?"

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head:"That's not necessary. Uncle San still can't change the habit of talking about money. We are all relatives, why talk about this? When will my cousin arrive? Tell me, I will pick her up when the time comes."


My mother sent the address and time to Ye Yang, gave him a few more instructions, and then hung up the phone.

"Well, there are still two days, so there is no rush."

Ye Yang glanced at the information casually and told Yu Momo about it.

As a personal butler, Yu Momo would remember these things better than him, and she would naturally remind him when the time comes. In the next two days, the news of Chuanwu's victory in the competition became more and more popular.

Many young people were excited after reading it. After learning that the matter started because Hongfeng Martial Arts School was going to start free teaching.

Many people also signed up online.

The enrollment situation of Hongfeng suddenly became extremely hot.

As for the assets of the many capital bosses who set up a scheme to cheat Ye Yang of 100 billion, they have also been liquidated. A total of 150 billion, now all of them have been transferred to Ye Yang's name.

There are also more than 20 companies of various sizes. Ye Yang glanced at them casually, and didn't care what they were.

After all, they are companies with a market value of more than 1 billion, at most 30 or 500 million. With his current vision and identity, he doesn't care too much.

""How are those 'boxing champions' doing?"

Ye Yang asked casually.

"Sata and Wang Tan, who were found to have used stimulants, have been banned for life and banned from the entire Internet."

"In fact, even if Satan is not banned, the chances of him being able to fight in the future are not great. Boss, you beat him so hard that his internal injuries are so severe that he won't be able to recover for two or three years."

Xiao Qingxuan said with a smile


Ye Yang nodded.

"As for the others who did not use stimulants, although they were not banned, they have been banned for different years."

"Because they were exposed to have secretly signed doping contracts with those big bosses"


Xiao Qingxuan roughly compiled the endings of these people and reported them to Ye Yang.

"Well, it's all what they deserved."

Ye Yang nodded.

He was very satisfied with the result.

In a blink of an eye, it took two days for these results to come out.

"Boss, the car is ready."

Yu Momo smiled and reminded:"We can prepare to go to the airport."

"Ye Yang nodded slightly.

He didn't plan to be too ostentatious when he went to pick up his cousin this time.

It would be bad if he scared her.

So, he chose the Karlmann King in a low-key way.

Although this car only costs more than 20 million yuan, the interior space is large enough to accommodate up to seven or eight people without being crowded.

There is even air conditioning and a small refrigerator inside.

It is a good choice for receiving guests.

"Well, let's go."

Ye Yang stood up.

This time he was just going to pick up his cousin and a few classmates and settle them down, so only Yu Momo followed him. After arriving at the Magic City Airport and waiting for a while,

Su Ziyan's figure entered Ye Yang's field of vision.

Su Ziyan was wearing a light luxury suit, looking beautiful and full of youthful vitality, and her appearance was also quite outstanding. Even walking in the crowd at the Magic City Airport, she was quite conspicuous.

Following Su Ziyan, there were two girls and two boys.

They were obviously high school graduates who had just graduated and had made an appointment to travel together.

"The Shanghai Airport is just different!"

"It's really prosperous! It looks different from our small city."

"Yes, there is a sweet scent in the air"


The two girls around Su Ziyan obviously had not traveled much before. They had just got off the plane and were talking to each other, looking extremely excited.

"The Magic City is indeed very prosperous."

The boy next to Su Ziyan was traveling light, carrying only a small bag, and wearing fashionable equipment. It was obvious that he came from a well-off family, but his expression and tone seemed rather pretentious and exaggerated:"But I'm tired of seeing it, my father sometimes took me with him on business trips when I was a child, and I'm actually very familiar with this Magic City."

At this point, his tone paused, and he looked at Su Ziyan:"I say Ziyan, why does your dad insist on having your poor relative pick you up at the airport? Although he works in the Magic City, to be honest, he may not be as familiar with the places to play as me, who always comes to the Magic City to play."

Su Ziyan frowned.

Although Ye Yang is indeed a poor relative, he is still her cousin after all. Wang Bohan's words made people feel a little uncomfortable after all.

However, Wang Bohan's family is relatively powerful, and most of the money he spends when he goes out to play is other people's money.

Therefore, Su Ziyan did not express her dissatisfaction.

"Zi Yan."

Ye Yang waved at her.


Su Ziyan obviously saw Ye Yang and waved repeatedly.

"Is this your cousin?"

Wang Bohan raised his eyebrows, looking at Ye Yang's attire, thinking in his heart:"He is dressed well, but Zi Yan said he is just a wage earner... Maybe he is just a show-off who only cares about face and spends all his money on dressing up."

""Cousin, you've become more handsome again!"

Su Ziyan's eyes lit up.

Although she was a little proud, this little pride seemed very light in front of her cousin's handsomeness.

"Zi Yan has also become more beautiful.

Ye Yang nodded slightly and said with a smile

"Eh? Is this my cousin's wife?"

Su Ziyan also saw Yu Momo standing aside, blinking her eyes and asking in surprise.


Wang Bohan obviously noticed Yu Momo too.

This figure! This face! This temperament!

Absolutely amazing!

(Second update)

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