"What is King Kalman? It's just a no-name brand. What's the big deal?"

Wang Bohan was very unhappy. After all, he was just a bootlicker around him. Couldn't he have a little more eyesight?

What if the noble Yu Momo thought that she was surrounded by such inexperienced people and looked down on her? What should she do?

"No, it's not a cheap brand! It's King Kalman!"

Li Xiaoxiao shook her head repeatedly

"I've never even heard of it. If it's not a cheap brand, what is it?"

Wang Bohan frowned more and more.

Su Ziyan knew that Li Xiaoxiao was a bit vain. She was used to seeing luxury brands and would not really make a fuss about a cheap brand car.

At this time, she couldn't help but get closer with curiosity.


Su Ziyan gasped when she saw the information identified by Qiandu.

Seeing the two girls like this, the quiet Lin Shiyu also came over, looked at the black"van" in front of her in surprise, and carefully examined the pictures in Qiandu, pushed her glasses, and was obviously shocked.

"This Karmann King is a real super luxury car, a niche top brand, and is only sold to people with real status and certification."

Li Xiaoxiao said repeatedly

"What top brand? How much does it cost? Is it more expensive than my dad's BMW X7?"

Wang Bohan sneered, and then looked at Yu Momo proudly, as if to show how outstanding he was.

Unfortunately, in Yu Momo's eyes, Wang Bohan's ignorance was simply ridiculous.

"Well, according to the guide price searched on Baidu... King Kalman, the lowest configuration is... 13 million."

Li Xiaoxiao swallowed hard.

13 million!

In the city they came from, it can buy more than a dozen buildings!

"Look, it’s only one thousand…more, how much?"

Halfway through his words, Wang Bohan finally reacted and was stunned:"More than thirteen million?"

Doesn’t that mean that any few parts taken out are more expensive than his father’s BMW X7?

"Well, this car was taken by my boss and I when we were at the auto show last time. It's relatively cheap, and it's about 23 million."

Yu Momo smiled faintly, and he didn't forget to look at Wang Bohan after he finished speaking.

Wang Bohan's face turned red, and he wanted to find a hole in the ground to crawl into.

"How is that possible! Isn't he just a wage earner?"

"What kind of worker can afford a luxury car worth 20 million?"


Wang Bohan was about to collapse. He was so embarrassed today.

It was not shameful to not be able to afford it.

He didn't even know the super luxury car that the other person was driving, and he mocked that the car was not as good as the BMW 5 Series worth 300,000 yuan...

This was a crushing blow in terms of dimension!

Once the truth was revealed, the other person didn't need to say anything, and he completely trampled him into the dust.……

"Failure! Total failure……"

Wang Bohan felt like crying.

This was the experience of a car accident, and it was the first huge Waterloo in his life!

"Okay, get in the car."

Ye Yang didn't take it too seriously.

His mentality is different now.

With his status and money, looking at Wang Bohan's level of pretentious criminals is like a giant looking down on ants.

Would a giant have any emotional fluctuations because of an ant showing off its muscles?

If you are interested, just watch it as a joke.

If you are not interested, you won't even look at it.

"Ah, good, good, good!"

Su Ziyan still hasn't recovered from the shock. It seems that her cousin is doing very well now!

"Alas... Aunt is too modest. Brother Ye Yang has become a big shot in Shanghai, but she modestly calls him a worker!"

Su Ziyan blushed:"It seems that real rich people are very low-key!"

Then think of your own father, who is so arrogant when he has a little money, and he wishes the whole world knew that he has millions, which is extremely shameful.

Lin Shiyu also looked at Ye Yang with eyes full of smiles.

A top student like her naturally has high standards.

But for a perfect little brother who is rich, handsome and perfect, she has no resistance at all, right?

"Is this the prince charming I want?"

She cheered in her heart and sat on the King Kalman with Su Ziyan.

"Hey, wait for me!"

Li Xiaoxiao didn't care about Wang Bohan who was staying there, and jumped into the car directly, fearing that Ye Yang, the great rich man, would fly away in front of her.

She was originally a money-worshiping green tea, and would lick whoever had money.

Originally, Wang Bohan was the richest second-generation rich man she had met.

But compared with Ye Yang, a super rich man who drove a luxury car worth tens of millions, even Wang Bohan's father was a shoe carrier, so why would he care about Wang Bohan?

He changed his target directly and became Ye Yang's woman!

"I must not let Ye Yang know that I once pursued Wang Bohan! I must cut it off now!"

Li Xiaoxiao looked at Wang Bohan with a cold look in her eyes:"Look at you, you ungrateful loser, mocking Ye Yang! You really don't know what's good for you."

"Hey? You!"

Wang Bohan was confused. Why was his exclusive female dog suddenly so rude to him?!

"What do you mean by"you"! Fortunately, Boss Ye is generous! He doesn't bother with you at all! I don't want to bother with trash like you anymore!"

Li Xiaoxiao said, looking at Ye Yang flatteringly, and even wanted to squeeze in and sit next to Ye Yang.

But she was directly forced back by Yu Momo, who had a strong aura, and had to sit aside in dismay.


Ye Yang shook his head. Li Xiaoxiao looked very scheming, but in front of the real rich people, she looked very childish.

His thoughts were clearly seen through at a glance.

Ye Yang was very disgusted with this kind of woman who was fickle and would crawl at the feet of whoever had food.

"Boss Ye, Wang Bohan has been chasing me shamelessly. Today, I finally see what kind of person he is. He is superficial and has no substance. Fortunately, I didn't agree to him!"

She puffed out her chest and said delicately.

Wang Bohan was so angry that he almost vomited blood. Why didn't he realize before that this woman's ability to confuse right and wrong is so easy!

"Well, we are all classmates, so it is better to say less.……"

Dong Fei smiled innocently and said


Wang Bohan felt better and got into the car.

Li Xiaoxiao was just his licker. He never liked this woman. He just enjoyed the feeling of being licked.

However, now that he saw Yu Momo, his goal had already changed.

This kind of real goddess, even if you stay together for one more second, it is refreshing!

"I can’t let the goddess really look down on me!"

Wang Bohan rolled his eyes and planned to save some face at lunch:"I think we should go to the most famous Han Pavilion in Shanghai for lunch! My dad has a silver card there! He can give me a 5% discount on meals!"

(Second update)

Thanks to book friend @yx for the likes and the invitation to climb the mountain!

Thanks to book friends 1026/5613 for the likes~

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