Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 171: Is the treatment for Silver VIPs so good?

"Han Pavilion? The best Chinese restaurant in Shanghai?!"

Su Ziyan was slightly surprised when she heard this.

She has also heard the name of Han Pavilion.

Such an awesome restaurant naturally has very high requirements when it comes to issuing cards.

Even if it is a silver card, not everyone is eligible to get it.

It seems that Wang Bohan's father may have a higher status than he thought.

At this time, Li Xiaoxiao's heart trembled, and he began to feel a little unsure about his choice.

Although Ye Yang looks very rich.

But maybe he is just a rich second generation, and the money is given by his family.

As for whether Ye Yang is the second generation rich... Su Ziyan can't believe everything she says. She said before that Ye Yang is a wage earner. Which wage earner can afford to drive a luxury car worth 20 million?

If he is just a rich second generation and his family buys a car worth 20 million yuan, it does not mean that he can really give him a lot of savings.


She was shocked in her heart, and suddenly thought of a possibility.

Could it be that this luxury car was actually rented by cousin Su Ziyan to save face...

If that were the case, I would be at a loss!

"It's all my fault. I was dazzled by the 20 million just now. Sigh... I should have carefully observed and observed. What a mistake!"

Li Xiaoxiao regretted it endlessly, but who let the 20 million luxury car be so dazzling that it directly blinded her mind?

Wang Bohan’s father actually has a silver card from Hange, maybe he is a very low-key boss...

For a moment, she was also confused.

Ye Yang was not in the mood to pay attention to Li Xiaoxiao's idea of ​​green tea.


Yu asked silently.

"Since they want to go to Hange, then let's go."

Ye Yang waved his hand. He was holding the Black Dragon Card of Han Pavilion in his hand. Every time he went there, he would make a scene like the boss. He was also afraid of scaring Su Ziyan, so he planned to arrange the reception banquet at the Peace Hotel today.


Wang Bohan's originally bent back straightened a bit, and he looked more confident.

It seems that Ye Yang had no intention of setting the reception banquet at Han Pavilion before!

"Hmph, I don't even have this kind of strength, haha... It seems that he is not very rich, he is just a faceless person who rents a car. I was actually fooled by such a loser just now. It's because I have too little social experience, alas! "

Wang Bohan comforted himself in this way, straightening his back to 90 degrees, with a look of stern confidence, crooked the corner of his mouth, and secretly thought that when he took out his silver card later, it would be his performance moment!



The car stopped in front of Han Pavilion.

Yu Momo also understood Ye Yang's thoughts, so he contacted Hange on the way to keep everything simple.

"I'll pay for the meal today, don't argue with me."

Wang Bohan waved his hand with great confidence.

The average meal per person in Hange is only four to five thousand.

A meal costing tens of thousands of yuan, although it was not cheap, he could still afford it in order to show off in front of the goddess Yu Momo.

"I think someone spent all his salary this month on renting a car. If he comes to such a high-end place to spend money again, I'm afraid he will be in trouble for a year."

Along the way, the more Wang Bohan thought about it, the more he became certain that Ye Yang was a guy who had no money to put on a pretense, and he couldn't help but feel very annoyed.

Taunting mode was also turned on at this time.

Yu Mo glanced at him coldly, thinking about whether to call Hange again and tell Hange that the boss didn't want to keep a low profile.

"Wang Bohan, please be polite when you speak!"

Su Ziyan frowned and said coldly.

She was not familiar with Ye Yang's cousin, and she was not sure whether Ye Yang rented this car to show off.

After all, she still knew something about the situation at her aunt's family.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like a wealthy family...

Thinking about it this way, renting a car may not be impossible.

But even if Ye Yang really rents a car to save face, he is still his cousin after all, and it is not his turn to be ridiculed by outsiders.


Wang Bohan shrugged, stopped talking, and strode into the Han Pavilion first, full of aura.

I don’t know, but I thought he was a rich man who came to buy the property rights of Han Pavilion.

Just entered Han Pavilion.

Su Ziyan was confused.


Beautiful waiters lined the aisles to welcome you.

"Ahem, this scene is really big."

"'s so shocking."

Several girls were amazed.

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head. Mr. Tang from Han Pavilion really cared about him.

"Ahem, don't panic, my... VIP card! It has privileges!"

Wang Bohan said seriously.

"Ah, it turns out it's the VIP treatment of the Silver Card! No wonder! Bohan, you are so awesome!"

Dong Fei gave a thumbs up.

"That is!"

Wang Bohan raised his head, the pleasure of showing off in his heart was satisfied, and he glanced at Yu Momo happily.

But he found that people treated him as nothing, and didn't even spare him the corner of their eyes. He couldn't help but feel a little frustrated.

"Sir, madam, please come with us!"

The leader of the maid was extremely enthusiastic, dressed in palace Hanfu, stepped forward, bowed, and led the group inside.

"This is the Tianzi No. 1 box specially arranged for our guests today. Please take a seat."

The palace-style maid bowed once again.

" this the world of rich people? Isn't it too comfortable?"

“I can’t imagine it! The service is so attentive, it’s like an emperor’s enjoyment!”

After taking their seats, several girls were chattering among themselves.


Wang Bohan was in a state of confusion. He had thought that these people came to greet him because he had a silver card.

But he had heard about the No. 1 Tianzi box from his father.

That was one of the most high-end boxes in Han Pavilion!

He could still remember the yearning look on his father's face when he mentioned this box.

"Could it be that the rules of Han Pavilion have changed now... Silver card holders can also enter No. 1 Tianzi box?"

Wang Bohan shook his head and no longer cared. Now this feeling of being regarded as the center by everyone was really great.

Especially being able to show off in front of the goddess, details and other things are not important!

The doubts in his heart were thrown behind him as soon as they arose, and he didn't care at all.

"Um, where is the menu? Order!"

Wang Bohan waved his hand, with a strong aura, as if he was an emperor.

"Because you are high-level VIPs, you don't have to order the dishes yourself. In order to save the waiting time of the VIPs, we have prepared high-level dishes in advance, which will definitely bring you the most extreme enjoyment."

The head waitress explained with a smile.


Although I've heard my father describe Hange's service as first-class, but... today's service seems a bit too good to be true, right?

(First update)

Thanks to book friend @yx for the update reminder!

Thanks to book friends 1931/1297 for the likes~

Thanks to book friend yixiaba for the mountain climbing invitation!

Thanks to book friends 4569/9803 for the likes~

Thanks to book friend Wuqu for the update reminder!

Thanks to book friends 1061/4469,2828/7419 for the likes~

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