"Serve the food!"

"First dish, Yuhe wonton~"

"The second one, fluorescent night!"

"The third one, Dongpo Purple Bamboo Core~"


Dishes with good color, aroma and flavor were quickly served.

Yu Momo was a little surprised. Didn't he tell the other party to be low-key?

Why was it so grand?

"Twenty years of aging, Jiangnan Nv'erhong~"


After the food, wine and fruit are served.

"Twenty Years Daughter's Red Wine……"

Wang Bohan had only heard about the expensive dishes before, but he didn't understand them at all.

But this twenty-year-old girl's red wine made him tremble all over.

Not only was it twenty-year-old girl's red wine, but it was also aged in Jiangnan...

How expensive was it?

"What's wrong?"

Li Xiaoxiao asked repeatedly.

A green tea bitch doesn't care about her face. Now that Wang Bohan has proved his worth again, she has the idea of going back to lick Wang Bohan.

"What's wrong? This wine is a 20-year-old girl's red wine from Jiangnan!"

Wang Bohan recalled what his father said...

At that big boss party, a big boss treated the guests and ordered a pot of fine 20-year-old girl's red wine, which cost hundreds of thousands!

Jiangnan aged wine is more powerful than the fine girl's red wine brand!

This time, there are three or four pots, which must be hundreds of thousands at least?

His card is only 95% off...

After this meal, he might have to spend his life here...

Thinking of this, he trembled all over.

"This pot of wine costs at least 200,000?!"

Li Xiaoxiao and the others were so scared when they heard what Wang Bohan said that they almost dropped the wine glasses in their hands.

"Well, I think everyone should stop drinking this wine.……"

Wang Bohan was trembling.

Only Ye Yang looked calm, and drank it as calmly as if he was drinking plain water!

"Damn it! Why did you drink it?"

Wang Bohan was so frightened that his legs went limp. He roared and complained,"Do you know how expensive this wine is? One bottle costs you several decades of salary! You just drank it like that?"

"Several years' salary?"

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head:"The entire Han Pavilion's assets are not even enough for my monthly salary. How can such a wine cost me several decades' salary?"

"No, do you really think you are a super rich man? Brother, are you immersed in the dream and can't extricate yourself?"

Wang Bohan was so angry that his hair exploded, and his eyes turned:"You are just showing off, don't blame me for not reminding you just now, you will find a way to pay the bill later!"

This time his father came out to let him play, and gave him less than 200,000 yuan in total.

It was not even enough for this bottle of wine.

Ye Yang shook his head.

Before he could say anything.

The waiter at the door bowed his head again.

A familiar figure walked into the No. 1 box.


All the waiters shouted


"The boss of the entire Han Pavilion? Not the manager... but the boss!"

"Tang... Mr. Tang Ruguo!"

Wang Bohan was so scared that he stood up.

He had heard his father talk about Tang Ruguo's name.

This is a tycoon who runs a restaurant comparable to a listed company!

He is so powerful, and he has a big background behind him. He can get a real state banquet chef to be the chef!

This kind of big man is simply a person from heaven.

To them, he is a legend!

Today, I actually saw it in person!?

This silver card... is it so awesome?

Wang Bohan was excited.

Tang Ruguo was still wearing a Tang suit today, and walked in with a smile

"Ahem, I'm honored.……"

Wang Bohan spent a long time preparing his words, stammering as he prepared to say something.

Several girls also looked at Wang Bohan with envy.

Although they didn't know how awesome Tang Ruguo was, they had personally experienced how awesome Han Ge was.

The big boss of such a super restaurant came to see him in person.

This silver card was too awesome.

Although they also felt a little strange.

But the only one with a special identity was Wang Bohan.

They couldn't think of any other reason to provoke such a big guy to come out.

"Mr. Ye, we meet again.

Tang Ruguo shook hands with Ye Yang as if he hadn't seen Wang Bohan at all.

"Mr. Tang."

Ye Yang smiled and replied,"Didn't you say that we don't need to be so extravagant and be more low-key? Why did Mr. Tang come in person?"

"Haha, according to the rules of Han Pavilion, today's reception level is indeed the lowest level of reception for Black Dragon Card VIPs."

Tang Ruguo sighed:"I was afraid that the dishes and drinks served today were too cheap, and Mr. Ye couldn't eat them, so I came here specially to take a look."

"After all, Boss Ye, you are used to eating million-level meals. Today's 100,000-level meal is really too shabby.……"

He knew.

Ye Yang had spent millions on a meal.

Later, he poached several of his state banquet chefs to be his private chefs. According to those old chefs, they were paid three to five million a year.


Ruguo was a little nervous when he suddenly served a simple meal worth only a few hundred thousand.

But when he came in and saw that the atmosphere seemed to be good, he was relieved.


Ye Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

So this is the minimum standard.……

"Alas... I also want to be low-key! This strength just doesn't allow it, it's too difficult!"

After a bitter smile, he also clasped his fists and said,"Boss Tang is thoughtful."

"No, no, no, you are a Black Dragon Gold-level VIP of Han Pavilion. It is not too much to pay more attention to you and pay more attention to you."

Tang Ruguo laughed and said,"And I also admire Boss Ye very much. Recently, I have been promoting Chinese traditional martial arts for free. I bow to you."

Ye Yang nodded. It seems that Tang Ruguo is also a very sentimental person.

After a few more small greetings,

"Then I won't waste Mr. Ye's time any more. If you don't like the food, I'll ask the kitchen to prepare a few more state banquets for you."

After Tang Ruguo said a few polite words, he turned around and left.

Ye Yang saw Tang Ruguo off, turned around, and saw Su Ziyan and her group sitting in a daze, their chopsticks almost falling to the ground. He was stunned:"Why don't you eat? The food is not delicious? Then I'll ask the kitchen to change a few good dishes."


"No, no, no……"


Su Ziyan and the others were all blank for a moment.

They still hadn't reacted. Were we used to eating million-dollar meals?

A meal worth hundreds of thousands was too shabby?

The holder of the legendary Black Dragon Gold Card!?

These waves of impact were too big and too fast, like a storm, and they were stunned.

"What Boss Tang just said... is the Black Dragon Gold Card! ?"

Wang Bohan collapsed in the chair.

Luxury cars can be rented.

But the goodwill and flattery of a super boss like Tang Ruguo can't be bought with a little money...

Su Ziyan's cousin is a real super boss!!!

He looked at Ye Yang tremblingly. He actually mocked this super boss just now?

I won't die soon!!!

(Second update)

Thanks to the book friend Nixingzhe for the praise~

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