"Cousin, this is too amazing!"

Su Ziyan paused for a long time before exclaiming in amazement.

"Yes, yes, even a big shot like Tang Ruguo came to see you in person! This... is simply, simply incredible!"

Li Xiaoxiao was so surprised that her tongue was tied.

It was too strong!

Fortunately, she didn't really go back to lick Wang Bohan just now, otherwise she would regret it to death!

Thinking of this, her eyes looking at Wang Bohan became extremely cold again, and her eyes looking at Ye Yang were warm.

Tang Ruguo alone is so many times stronger than Wang Bohan's father.

And Ye Yang is a big shot that even Tang Ruguo has to respect...

Just thinking about it, her heart is filled with the dreamy and beautiful feeling of marrying into a wealthy family.

Lin Shiyu also looked at Ye Yang with eyes full of love.

She is quiet in nature, but it does not prevent her from having high standards. She usually starts from Those who have never found a partner since birth, if not because they are too cowardly and introverted, then generally because what they pursue is too high and too far away - there is no one around them who can satisfy their needs.

Lin Shiyu is the latter.

As a beautiful and smart girl with a good temperament, she has never lacked the admiration of boys since she was a child.

But girls like her often have their own pursuits. It was not until she met Ye Yang that she confirmed that the perfect boy she had imagined in her heart actually existed...

Dong Fei looked left and right. Even though he was a slow-witted person, he could still tell something about the atmosphere, so he could only mutter,"Fuck, that's awesome!"

Yu Momo chuckled as she watched this scene.

No matter how scheming these kids are, they are still high school students after all. She can see through what they are thinking at a glance, and she shook her head at this time.

A visit from Tang Ruguo scared them so much.

If they knew that the protagonist of Wang Silin's apology news a few days ago was Ye Yang, they would have fainted out of fear...

At this time, Wang Bohan no longer had any idea of pretending to be cool. He was on pins and needles and couldn't even eat. Although it was the best delicacy in the world, it was like eating iron in his mouth.

Offending Ye Yang made him suffer huge psychological pressure, and he was about to collapse.

"Oh! I drank a lot of wine. I am not very good at drinking. I feel dizzy!"

Li Xiaoxiao's eyes turned and she pretended to be drunk and fell on Ye Yang.


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows and quietly moved his body as if nothing had happened.


Li Xiaoxiao fell down, pouring out her fantasy of the dream of a wealthy family.

So she didn't hold back at all.

But Ye Yang moved his body and leaned against an empty

""Bang!" He fell to the ground.

"Are you okay?"

Lin Shiyu was startled.

"Ahem, it's okay, maybe I'm a little dizzy from drinking……"

Li Xiaoxiao didn't feel embarrassed at all. Why would she be a green tea bitch if she had any shame?


Ye Yang raised his eyebrows:"Since she is drunk, give her some boiled water."


The head maid in palace costume obviously understood the situation. She smiled lightly and brought back a glass of boiled water and placed it in front of Li Xiaoxiao.

Li Xiaoxiao rubbed her sore butt and looked at the boiled water in front of her awkwardly.

She didn't know whether to drink it or not. Of course, she wanted to drink a pot of daughter's red wine worth tens or hundreds of thousands of yuan!

That was her favorite, the taste of money!


Wang Bohan continued to feel uneasy, but seeing that Ye Yang didn't care about him at all and had no intention of dealing with him, he felt a little lucky.

"Haha, don't be surprised, this is just a small scene."

Ye Yang looked at Su Ziyan and the others who were extremely surprised, and waved his hands casually, just as if what happened just now was a common occurrence.

"Ahem, it seems that I have to look at you with new eyes!"

Su Ziyan blinked:"Cousin, you are too modest. You are not just an ordinary worker, you are clearly a super boss!"

Ye Yang laughed:"I have arranged a presidential suite for you at the Shanghai Bund Hotel."

"After dinner, you can go and stay. I booked a week, you can have fun as you like."

"The Presidential Suite of the Bund Hotel!!!"

Li Xiaoxiao, who was gulping down boiled water, almost spit out a mouthful of water.

She had certainly heard of the Bund Hotel.

It was one of the most famous five-star hotels in Shanghai, and its presidential suite was the most famous.

The sky-high price of 240,000 yuan a night was enough to make people exclaim that they couldn't afford it.

"Isn’t it said that a night’s stay there would cost more than 200,000!!!"

Even Su Ziyan, who doesn’t pay attention to luxury information, has heard of the presidential suite at the Bund Hotel.

"Well, I think the presidential suite is bigger and has more rooms, so it should be enough for you to stay in. If you don't feel comfortable with it, I will cancel it and book a few single rooms for you."

Ye Yang said

"No, no, no!"

""I'm used to it, too used to it! I can't get used to it anymore!"

Several high school students stood up excitedly.

The legendary presidential suite cost more than 200,000 yuan a night!

Maybe the president of a certain country has lived in it!

According to common sense, they may never have the chance to visit such a place that is completely beyond the concept of ordinary people.

But today, they are qualified to live in it!

How can they not be excited!

Wang Bohan looked at them with great envy.

He still had some self-knowledge. Boss Ye was already generous by not suing him, and he even invited him to live in the presidential suite?

"What are you looking at? You were so mean to Mr. Ye just now, and you still want to live in the presidential suite! You are so shameless!"

Li Xiaoxiao seized the opportunity to make her position clear and insulted Wang Bohan.


Wang Bohan was so angry that his nose was not a nose, and his eyes were not eyes.

Why didn't I realize that this woman was so snobbish before! ?

It was so infuriating.

But now he wished that Ye Yang would completely ignore him. This woman was still talking about something else and was going to kill him!

"Ahem, Boss Ye, I was blind before, I didn't recognize the real master! Ahem, please bear with me!"

Wang Bohan couldn't play dead anymore, he could only stand up and apologize.

Ye Yang glanced at him.

He was just a frog in the well, he never took the other party seriously, how could he care?

���After all, the other party was his cousin's classmate, so he would not really tear his face off and embarrass the other party.

"In that case, you should treat me to today's meal as an apology."

Ye Yang said casually.

Today's meal would cost about one million yuan.

Since his family is well-off, he should be able to afford it.

It can be regarded as a small punishment.


Wang Bohan's face was ashen. Although his father was considered a rich man, his assets were only in the tens of millions. Taking out one million in cash would be a huge loss.

"This time when I get home, I'm going to get a good beating.……"

(First update)

(Thanks to book friends 1931/1297, 7384/9216, Shiqi for the likes~

Thank you to book friend Yi Ranchundi for the update reminder and likes! Thank you to book friends Wulishiren, Wuyu, 3034/2576, 2462/25144, he is not that person for the likes~)

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