"Fuck! This Rolls-Royce Phantom is really here to pick her up!"

"It is only natural that a beautiful woman should be paired with a rich man"

"Damn it, don’t poor people deserve love?"

"No, you are not only poor, you are also poor, ugly and have no ambition. How can you expect to date a beautiful woman?"

"Okay, you're right.……"

The Rolls-Royce Phantom sped all the way and soon arrived at the venue of the charity gala.

In the parking lot of the charity gala venue , luxury cars were everywhere. Only wealthy people with Dongfa Black Card or above were eligible to participate in this charity gala organized by Dongfa Bank. In other words, this gala was an offline gathering of the club with assets over 100 million.

These wealthy people naturally have no shortage of money to buy a luxury car as a mount.

In the parking lot, there are all kinds of luxury cars with values ranging from a few million to 10 or 20 million.

Many second-generation and first-generation rich people are still staying in the parking lot, and they also want to make friends with cars.

Until Ye Yang's top-of-the-line Rolls-Royce Phantom drove in, it attracted everyone's attention.

"Wow, this is the top-of-the-line Phantom. Even in this parking lot where rich people gather, it is considered the most expensive one, right?"

""Tsk tsk, to buy a car for over 50 million, his net worth must be several billion, it's not something a poor guy like me with only a few hundred million can compare to, I admire you!"

All the rich people present were amazed.

Rich people are also divided into different levels.

An ordinary rich man with a net worth of several hundred million will naturally have an inferiority complex in front of people with a net worth of hundreds of billions or even trillions.


After the car door closed,

Ye Yang took Xiao Qingxuan and Lin Xueer into the venue.

Those who need to use cars to make friends are just small wealthy people who drive garbage trucks worth millions.

Real big bosses don't need to rely on cars to make friends.……

"Boss, we have checked it out. There is no danger here."

Xiao Xiaozhu appeared from nowhere, smiling mysteriously.


Ye Yang smiled bitterly and nodded.

It would be strange if there was any danger.

This is a charity party applied for by Dongfa Bank. A considerable number of the wealthy people in Shanghai with assets of over 100 million will come tonight.

If the safety of the venue cannot be guaranteed. If these people have an accident, the economy of Shanghai will be in chaos tomorrow...

After all, this very small number of people present basically determines the flow and direction of most of the assets in Shanghai.

After giving the invitation, Ye Yang took the three women into the venue.

In the venue, waiters were holding wine glasses, and there were also some specially invited stars performing.

However, most of the bigwigs in the venue were talking to each other, and they were obviously not interested in the so-called first-line stars on the stage.

After all, they have seen too many beauties.

In their eyes, the so-called stars are nothing more than commercial tools that have been packaged. They may not even be as beautiful as the ones in their own family.

Ye Yang looked at the people on the stage, then looked at the three women around him, and suddenly understood the mentality of other rich people.

Who would be a star if they were real super beauties?

Ye Yang's arrival did not cause any uproar.

After all, he is so young���I thought he was some rich second-generation.

The real bosses are naturally not interested in these young men.

Although Ye Yang became popular online with the name of Ye Shenhao, these business tycoons receive millions or tens of millions of dollars every minute, so how can they have time to watch Douyin?

Moreover, it is only the name of Ye Shenhao that is popular. In fact, not many people have seen his real appearance.

"Mr. Ye!"

Seeing Ye Yang coming, President Li ran over to greet him.

Other bigwigs didn't know his status and power, but he had a glimpse of it. Mr. Ye was incredible!

The deposits in Dongfa Bank alone were hundreds of billions.

It was impossible for such a super bigwig to keep his money in one bank. Just by this estimation, Ye Yang was at least a super bigwig with a net worth of hundreds of billions.

One person could be comparable to some smaller banks!

"I didn't expect you to come. On behalf of Dongfa Bank, I would like to express my gratitude to you!"

President Li said respectfully.


Ye Yang nodded slightly:"President Li, you are too polite."

"The banquet will not start for a while, I still have to go and greet other guests, then Mr. Ye, please help yourself first?"

President Li toasted Ye Yang with a glass of wine and said with a smile


Ye Yang nodded slightly.

Since the dinner would take a while, he was not in a hurry.

With three beautiful women accompanying him, it was a pleasure to be there.

After ordering a few aperitifs, Ye Yang sat at the bar and chatted with the three women with a smile. Not long after

Ye Yang and his friends sat down, a young man in a tuxedo who noticed this place when Ye Yang came in looked over.

Although the top business tycoons in the Magic City are interested in business partners who are also tycoons.

But what are these juniors here for?

Isn't it just to meet a few celebrities at the party, pick up a rich girl, and have a romantic love affair?

""Master, which princess have you taken a fancy to?"

Several bodyguards in black clothes and sunglasses asked with a smile.

They knew the temperament of their master very well. When Zhang Xiao's eyes changed, they knew what was going on.

""Hiss...that girl is absolutely stunning!"

Zhang Xiao clicked his lips, staring at Lin Xueer so intently that his saliva was almost dripping.

It has to be said that even in the circle of rich people who have seen many beauties, Lin Xueer, who is as pure as snow and yet beautiful and charming, is extremely rare.

As soon as she entered the venue, she attracted the attention of most of the rich second-generations present.

Seeing Ye Yang opposite Lin Xueer, Zhang Xiao frowned tightly and asked,"Do you know that person?"

As members of the circle of rich second-generations in Shanghai, several rich second-generation friends who often hang out together shook their heads and said,"I haven't seen or heard of her. There is no such person in the circle of rich second-generations. She must be a rising star.""

"Haha, who cares what kind of show it is, I have never failed to get anything I like."

Zhang Xiao straightened his shiny slicked-back hair and walked up with great confidence.

"Damn, Zhang Xiao is really quick."

The other rich second-generations who were eager to make a move saw Zhang Xiao walking up and couldn't help but secretly regret it.

"The guy next to the girl doesn't know his depth yet, so let Zhang Xiao test us. If he can't even afford to offend Zhang Xiao, hehe……"

"That’s right."

The second-generation rich men who were used to being romantic were all talking to each other.

The second-generation rich are also divided into categories, there are those who work hard, and there are those who just spend their days in the romantic world. They are naturally the latter.

The latter often form a circle.

At this time, the eyes of these young masters in the Magic City are all gathered on Ye Yang, waiting to see his joke...

(Second update)

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