Ye Yang also noticed the young man with a slicked-back hair and a smirk on his face.

"Hey, girl? Want a drink?"

Zhang Xiao raised the red wine in his hand and asked with a hint of evil in his eyes.

"I refuse."

Lin Xueer frowned, obviously not interested in Zhang Xiao.

"What's wrong with you? Don't you give me, Young Master Zhang, face?"

""Oh, it's your blessing that our Young Master Zhang likes you!"

The two bodyguards next to him were used to bullying Zhang Xiao. Seeing that this girl didn't give Zhang Xiao any face at all and instead directly scolded him, they couldn't help but get very angry. After all,

Lin Xue'er had never seen such a scene.

Although she was very disgusted with Zhang Xiao, this was not an ordinary party after all. If her momentary willfulness put Brother Ye Yang in a bad situation, that was not what she wanted to see.

So, she couldn't help but look at Ye Yang.

Ye Yang glanced at Zhang Xiao lightly.

""What are you looking at, little brat? Get out of here!"

The two bodyguards beside Zhang Xiao shouted angrily, without any courtesy.

They had never heard of Ye Yang's name, nor had they seen this person. Maybe he was not from the Magic City.

This is the Magic City, and it is difficult for a strong dragon to suppress a local snake, let alone a young man.

Ye Yang raised a hint of coldness at the corner of his mouth.

There was also coldness in his eyes.

People who knew him knew that Ye Yang was angry.

"Get lost."

Ye Yang just said one word.


"Is my ear broken?!"

"Hahaha, who do you think you are, kid? You want Young Master Zhang to get out?"

The two bodyguards were because their ears were broken.

Zhang Xiao's family was originally engaged in gray business, so they acted very strong and arrogant.

Therefore, in the circle, they have always been arrogant and domineering.

Seeing Ye Yang dare to tell him to get out?

"Haha, even the elders of the older generation in the Magic City don't dare to talk to me like this, you are really brave!"

Zhang Xiao sneered, his triangular eyes were like a venomous snake, cold and sharp.

The two bodyguards beside him had already moved up, with unfriendly expressions.


Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu also stood up and looked at the two bodyguards coldly.

As long as Ye Yang gave the order, they could make the three of them lie in the intensive care unit tomorrow.

"Hiss, what's going on here?"

Except for the dissolute rich second generation who had noticed this place a long time ago, everyone else was also attracted by the tense atmosphere here.

"Hiss, isn’t that Zhang Xiao?"

"The prince of Heijiutian Security is ignorant and has inherited his father's early habits. He is lustful and not afraid of causing trouble. He is considered a well-known young man in the Magic City."

"However, Heijiutian Security is indeed a well-known security group in Shanghai, with an estimated value of over 3 billion. Zhang Xiao's father Zhang Jiutian's personal assets are also close to 1 billion. He is considered a middle-class rich man in Shanghai."

"Moreover, due to the special nature of their company, even those who are worth more than them are rarely willing to offend them."

"Zhang Xiao is used to being reckless, but today he has run into a tough guy."

"It seems so, but I have never seen this young man before... He must be unaware of Zhang Xiao's background, so he dares to do this, right?"

"He is really a newborn calf that is not afraid of a tiger. He will regret it one day."

"No need to wait, I'm afraid he will cry and call Zhang Xiao daddy soon, haha……"


The guests around him were obviously not optimistic about Ye Yang. After all, he was too unfamiliar. Zhang Xiao was always aggressive and frightening, and he looked even harder to mess with.

"I'll count to three. If you don't leave, you will bear the consequences."

Ye Yang's good mood at the banquet was disturbed, and he became impatient.

A man has a few bottom lines: his parents and his woman.

If he dares to have evil thoughts about his woman, he probably doesn't want to live anymore.

"Damn, he's so tough! ?"

"You really don't want to die!"

The two bodyguards seemed to have heard some outrageous words, and were completely shocked. They were stunned for a long time before they started to curse.

"You are looking for death!"

"I'll kill you in a minute, believe it or not!"

The guests watching from the sidelines were also in an uproar.

"Damn, so tough?"

"I was shocked. This kid didn't care about Zhang Xiao's father's status at all!"

"The show has begun, a big drama rarely seen among the top leaders of Shanghai!"

"That's right.……"

The guests next to him immediately became interested.


Ye Yang directly stretched out three fingers, not caring at all about what the people around him said.

"You really counted them properly, haha, let me see what you can do to me! Tonight, this woman must go home with me!"

After saying this, Ye Yang's eyes suddenly flashed with a hint of coldness, and he was too lazy to count, and nodded directly to Xiao Qingxuan.


Xiao Qingxuan couldn't help wanting to beat someone up.

He attacked instantly without any scruples.


With just one punch, the teeth of the bodyguard on the far left were smashed and flew out.

On the other side,

Xiao Xiaozhu gently pinched the shoulder of another bodyguard, who foamed at the mouth and fainted.


Zhang Xiao was shocked when he saw the two bodyguards being dealt with in an instant. He took a few steps back with a pale face.

These two women were simply terrifying!

"You, what are you going to do!"

"Do you know who my father is? Have you heard of Heijiutian Security?"

""If you dare to touch me, I will make you disappear from the Magic City tomorrow!!!"

Zhang Xiao threatened repeatedly.

Ye Yang sneered and walked up to Zhang Xiao in person. Without any nonsense, he slapped him directly.


Zhang Xiao was slapped in the face and turned three times in the air. His face was bloody and his teeth were broken. He fell to the ground. He was thrown seven or eight meters away by the slap. He was stunned.

In the whole Magic City, there was actually someone who dared to hit him!

Could there really be someone who didn't even take his father seriously?

After being stunned, the huge pain slowly came up.

The pain was so deep that he almost fainted.

""Quick, call Master Jiutian!"

The Black Jiutian security guards in the distance ran away one after another.

Xiao Qingxuan and Xiao Xiaozhu were too intimidating.

Apart from the two beautiful bodyguards, the terrifying scene of Ye Yang slapping someone seven or eight meters away also made them fully understand that these people in front of them were not something that small shrimps like them could deal with!

(First update)

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