"Go and invite Master Jiutian!"

The Jiutian security guards went to find Zhang Jiutian one after another. As the founder of Heijiutian Security and a famous figure in the Magic City, Zhang Jiutian's name was also very famous in the hearts of the big guys present.

When they heard that Zhang Jiutian was going to be invited out, more guests were attracted and looked over here.

"What's going on? Even Zhang Jiutian is being invited in?"

"It looks like just some junior quarrels."

"A dispute between the younger generation? The one lying on the ground half dead was Zhang Xiao? Oh my god, how dare someone beat up Jiu Ye's son like this? Whose family was this fool?"

"I don't know, it looks very unfamiliar."


The guests were all looking at this scene in doubt.

The meetings outside were all places for the public to make friends.

In the venue, there were also some private rooms, which were considered to be relatively private. Only people who belonged to the same circle would enter a room to discuss relatively confidential matters.

The Haitian room was where the big guys in the Magic City who were associated with the word"black" gathered.

At this time, a thug from Heijiutian Security directly broke into the Haitian room, looking flustered.

All the old and new underworld big guys present frowned and looked at the security guard who rushed in rashly.

Zhang Jiutian was sitting in the first seat on the left.

Seeing that it was his Heijiutian Security who came, he couldn't help but feel a little unhappy:"How do I teach you to do things on weekdays? Can you be steady when doing things? You are so flustered, what a look!"

"Jiu Ye, Jiu Ye, something bad has happened.……"

The security guard was so nervous that his tongue was a little tied:"Master...Master……"

""What happened to Xiao'er? Tell me quickly!"

Zhang Jiutian was still very doting on his son. When he heard that it was related to his son, he stood up, nailed his hands on the table, and shouted angrily with a face like Shura.

"The young master was beaten! Outside, he was slapped by a young man he didn't know and flew seven or eight meters away. He was unconscious at this time and I don't know how serious his injuries were!"

The thug took a few breaths before speaking clearly.

"How ridiculous!!!"

Zhang Jiutian's veins bulged in anger, but before leaving, he still bowed to the chief of the Demon City underworld, the undisputed number one super boss in terms of status and seniority - Master Qian, Qian Boyan, and said,"I'm sorry to make you laugh, Master Qian, but this happened suddenly, I have to go out and take a look."

"Let's go and have a look together."

Dong Qingyang, the chairman of Qingyang Security Company, who was sitting on the right, also stood up with a smile and said,"I want to see who in this land of Magic City is so bold that he dares to beat up your son, Lao Jiu."


Qian Boyan stood up with his crutches.

In the entire box, all the big guys who are now doing well in the underworld of Shanghai bowed their heads.

Dong Qingyang and Zhang Jiutian were on his left and right, accompanying him.

"I'll go and have a look too."

Qian Boyan also said in a deep voice.

The world has changed now. Those who were so powerful and stirred up the times in the last era are finding it increasingly difficult to survive now. They were all competitors before.

Now, they even need to stick together for warmth. When

Zhang Jiutian's son was beaten, they all made a surprisingly consistent choice to come forward together!

"Mr. Qian, you are so polite!"


A group of gangsters from Shanghai filed out of the Haitian box.

"Damn, almost all the big bosses in the Shanghai underworld are here today, right?"

"If this lineup had been put together ten years ago, who wouldn’t have trembled in fear?"

"Not to mention ten years ago, even now, it’s scary to watch it. After all, although it’s difficult for them to do it openly, there are more than a thousand ways to kill a person."


Seeing the gangsters coming out of the Haitian box one after another, the guests immediately became noisy.

"This kid has hit a wall. These big guys have now formed a group. Even if he really has some background, facing the entire underworld group in Shanghai, he is probably nothing compared to them!"

"That's right. This kid is really unlucky tonight.……"

The guests all sighed.

"Young man, you are too impulsive. I am afraid his father will have to pay a lot of money for him.……"

Qian Boyan, who was walking in front, saw Ye Yang at first sight. He was struck by lightning and his hand holding the cane trembled.

"What's wrong, Master Qian?"

Zhang Jiutian and Dong Qingyang were all juniors in front of Qian Boyan, so they had to be respectful to him.

"Why is he here?……"

Qian Boyan seemed to have not heard Zhang Jiutian and Dong Qingyang's questions at all, and murmured to himself.

He narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhang Xiao, who was lying not far in front of Ye Yang, groaning and twisting. He swallowed his saliva and cursed in his heart:"This Zhang Xiao bastard is not... Mr. Ye!"

That day, he went back and asked his old friend, the leader of the Overseas Red Gang, to inquire about the news.

After a thousand inquiries, it was found out that this Mr. Ye was not just a senior executive of Hurricane Security!!!

This Mr. Ye is actually one of the core senior executives of Hurricane Security!

It is even possible that this Mr. Ye is the ultimate BOSS of the extremely mysterious Hurricane Security!

This speculation scared Qian Boyan to a cold sweat at the time!

He was also very glad that he did not really offend Ye Yang that night, but made friends with him!

Otherwise, he might be in danger now!

Seeing Ye Yang again at this time, he also had mixed feelings in his heart, but more of it was a kind of fear.

So young, he is already a senior executive of that company.

How terrible is the power behind him!

I'm afraid that just pouring out the tip of the iceberg would be enough to topple him!

"You hit my son?"

While he was stunned and shocked, Zhang Jiutian walked up to him and shouted at Ye Yang

"Yes, so what?"

Ye Yang smiled faintly:"Your son spoke rudely to me, let alone hitting him, if you don't give me an explanation today, I will beat you too!"

"Damn it!"

Everyone was shocked

"This young man!"

"That's really awesome! Even though I'm worth hundreds of billions, I don't dare to talk to Zhang Jiutian like that!"

"Too crazy! Too crazy! Young people don't know how to restrain themselves, and they will suffer big losses sooner or later!"

"Haha, is there still a need for morning and evening? I don’t even know if he can get through tonight peacefully!"

"That's right... After all, Master Zhang Jiutian is from the underworld, how can he insult others just because he wants to?"

The guests around were completely stunned by Ye Yang's words.

They didn't know how long they hadn't seen such a crazy young man.

"Good, good, you are crazy enough!!!"

Zhang Jiutian was so angry that he laughed:"Today, I won't let you go out of here lying down, I am your son!"

"Don't try to be my relative here, I don't want an unfilial descendant like you!"

Ye Yang sneered and shook his head.

(Second update)

Thanks to book friend Shuchong Da Lao for the likes. Thanks to book friend 1477/3352 for the inspiration capsule!

Thanks to book friend Uno who likes spring peanuts for the update urge talisman!

Thanks to book friend 9980/0887 for the small whip! Thank you very much!

Thanks to book friend o for the likes!

Thanks to book friend Pan Daibing for the mountain climbing invitation!

Thanks to book friend woc for the likes!

Thanks to book friend 8352/2919 for the likes~

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