Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 189 They are not anchors, they are just maids

In the next few days, Guan Ruoyu and the others started playing ranked games diligently. Although Ye Yang asked them to rest more, this matter involved tens of billions of yuan from the boss after all, and they all wanted to win.

On the contrary, Ye Yang was shopping and having fun every day.

He would only accompany them to play games at night when he was in the mood.

It made them feel like the emperor was not anxious, but the eunuchs were anxious... oh no, the palace maids were anxious!

Soon, the agreed time came.

In the past few days, even if Ye Yang did not spend time to promote it, various new media practitioners who wanted to get traffic and a group of editors who were not afraid of trouble had already promoted the game to the whole network.

Magic City E-sports City.

It was already full.

Now Ye Yang's appeal is much higher than that of any traffic star.

Do you think which star's influence can exceed Ma Yun's words "I am not interested in money"?

As soon as the anchors got off the car, they were surrounded by a group of media.

"A Sao! What do you think is the chance of winning today!"

"What is the chance?"

A Sao sneered: "This question is really redundant."

"Ah, it seems that you are very confident in yourselves. Then there was a rumor that you would defeat Mr. Ye's team in six minutes. Is this true?"

"Well, I just calculated the worst case scenario. Under normal circumstances, it would not take so long to defeat them."

A Sao waved his hand confidently: "Wait and see our performance!"

"One billion, here we come!"

The remaining anchors also walked into the venue with great ease, and some even whistled.

Obviously, they despised Ye Yang's team.

After a while, the extended version of Bentley Mulsanne also arrived at the venue.

"Ye Shenhao, what do you think of what A Sao's team said about defeating you in six minutes?"

The reporter asked repeatedly.

Ye Yang smiled at the camera: "I have no opinion, the facts speak for themselves."

"It seems that Mr. Ye is very confident about this game!"

The beautiful reporter looked at Ye Yang's handsome face, her heart pounding: "I wonder if Mr. Ye's remaining teammates can show up now?"


Ye Yang waved his hand.

Guan Ruoyu and others stood up one by one.

"Ah, these four are all unfamiliar! I haven't seen them before. Which platform are they from?"

The beautiful reporter was a little surprised, thinking that Ye Yang would invite a few powerful female anchors to help.

I didn't expect that although these girls were very beautiful, I didn't know them.

"Ah, these are the maids invited from my villa."

Ye Yang smiled lightly.

"That's right!"

The four girls were obviously very proud and puffed out their chests.

They stood in a row with good looks and temperament, and many viewers were bleeding from their noses.

"Fuck, four beauties! If I can date one of them, my life will not be in vain!"

"What a waste! Such super beauties, they are actually made to be maids! Evil boss!"

"Ah, I'm so envious! Ye Shenhao, you are my real father, please give me a maid as a girlfriend!!!"

"In terms of appearance, Ye Shenhao's team has completely beaten those winter melon monsters!"

"Haha, that's right, they are simply abused to scum!"


The fans of the appearance can't help licking the screen.

But when the anchors knew that these girls were actually Ye Yang's maids, they couldn't help laughing out loud.

"I thought that even if he didn't take the game seriously, he would invite a few powerful anchors to help him, haha... It seems that it won't take six minutes to find a maid."

"Yeah! Haha, it's so easy to make 1 billion!"

The anchors all relaxed and seemed very happy.

As if they had already won the game.

"Ah, this..."

The beautiful hostess didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "So that's the case. Then Ye Shenhao's maids should have very high ranks in the game!"


Ye Yang shook his head: "Let them rank higher."

"I'm Star Glory 1."

"I'm Diamond."

"I'm Star Glory 3."

"I'm Diamond 3!"

Guan Ruoyu and the others were a little shy when they mentioned this, but since the master asked them to say it, they couldn't hide it.


The beautiful reporter was stunned.

A group of Star Glory and Diamond girls, going to fight five super anchors?


Isn't it incredible?

Can they win! ?

"Hahaha, from a strategic level, Ye Shenhao's contempt has reached the pinnacle!"

"I don't know why, I laughed like a pig."


"Damn, I feel insulted!"

A Sao gritted his teeth and blushed with anger.

"Damn, this is too contemptuous of us brothers!"

Shadow also said indignantly.

"Look at him laughing so happily now. When he gets beaten up soon, you will know how embarrassed he will be when he loses money!"

"That's right!"

Several anchors looked humiliated and ugly.

They are all Hundred Star Kings after all, and they have nearly 3,000 points at the end of the peak season.

They are considered the top players in this game.

Letting a group of Diamond Star girls team up to fight them is simply...not treating them as human beings!

The interviews on both sides directly accumulated a strong smell of gunpowder.

After entering the competition venue.

Both sides also sat down.

The referee checked and found no problem, then announced that the game would begin.

The stage of banning heroes.

The anchors directly banned Luna.

When playing against Ling Shen before, Ye Yang's Luna was really superb, one against five, which made these top anchors very afraid.

After banning Luna.

The five people looked at Ye Yang sarcastically, let's see how you can show off this time!

"Damn, so shameless, right? You beat a team of four girls and banned their most proud hero! You are so cowardly!"

"That's right!"

"Alas, without Luna, Ye Shenhao is in danger this time!"

Seeing this, Ye Yang's fans were all very worried.

"Tsk, what do you mean by shameless, what do you mean by cowardly! This is the tactic! Humph!"

"That's right, you can't afford to lose!"


The fans of the five anchors mocked, these anchors promised that as long as they won Ye Yang's 1 billion, they would send tens of millions of red envelopes in the live broadcast room. /

Ye Yang was not panicked at all, and he had obviously expected this.

He directly chose a mirror.

"Ruoyu, choose a Yao to sit on your head and take you to travel the canyon!"

Ye Yang smiled faintly.


Guan Ruoyu directly chose Yao.

"A scraping mirror, a useless Yao, what a broken lineup! You are giving up on yourself! Haha, you Ye Shenhao are bound to lose this time!"

"That's right, one has no damage, and a human pendant, haha, it makes me laugh to death, if I can win, I will shave my head with a machete!"


(Chapter 2)

Thanks to book friends 3394/8893 for the invitation to climb the mountain!

Thanks to book friends 6812/9239 for the inspiration capsule!

Thanks to book friends 1108/5480, 3619/1900, 3016/6835 for the likes~

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