Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 190: The mentality of being beaten is broken

"Army attack!"

The sound of the game starting fell.

Everyone looked at it with rapt attention.

"The wretched guard tower, wait for me to catch you."

Ye Yang said lightly.

In the past few days of black games, the basic tactics have been finalized.

Speaking of tactics, it's just that the three parties are wretched, and it will be over once he catches them.

But the skills of the four women are indeed not inferior to those of the anchors.

Even if you clear the line in a wretched manner, you will even be killed by jumping over the tower.

On the barrage, fans of the five anchors became excited.

"See, this is the price of arrogance!"

"Haha, you're amusing me to death. This is too good. I don't give money like this. I feel like I can win even if I compete!"

"That's right, it would be nice to give me one billion, haha!"


"Don't be complacent, there will be times when you won't be able to laugh anymore!"

"That's right! After Ye Shenhao reaches level 4, you will see how awesome he is!"


Ye Yang's fans also stood up to defend him.

"Okay, let's watch!"


These fans all feel that they have a chance to win. After all, no matter how good one person is, he can't compete with a group of players who are also experts!

After finishing the last wild monster and leveling up to four, Ye Yang also had a sneer on his lips.

Who says he is only one person?

Next, the form reversed instantly.

Wherever he goes, there are infinite flying divine thunders, and not even a single skill can hit him!

Kill by jumping over the tower without taking any damage!

Another harmless tower kill!

The CD of each skill and the attack interval of each defensive tower are all within his calculations. All distances, best attack routes and skill sequences naturally appear in his mind.

No one can survive where he is.

Wherever he goes, he keeps harvesting heads.

"Holy crap, is this hero so evil?"

"I didn't notice it before. Isn't this too strong? I can't even catch his shadow and the screen goes black!"

"I'm confused. This simply...unbelievable!"

"The skills are so precise that they don't look like humans!"


Several anchors were confused.

Wherever Ye Yang goes, no matter how many people there are, everyone will die.

"Hurry up and change your tactics, avoid the path he's taking, push other paths, and expand your economic advantage."

Several anchors did not dare to challenge Ye Yang's edge.

Whichever way Ye Yang grasps, he will do the opposite.

But their catching speed was not as fast as Ye Yang's.

After fighting again and again, even the wild area could no longer be defended.

It's not even ten minutes yet.

Ye Yang took the four girls and bulldozed all the way to the high ground.

The five anchors’ faces turned green at this time.

Only when you really face Ye Yang do you know how terrible the pressure is.

He'll show up almost anywhere.

As long as he is anywhere, you will die if you touch him.

This is a bit of a stretch!

The direction of the barrage has also gradually changed.

"Haha, are you dumbfounded?"

"That's right! Ye Shenhao's power is beyond your imagination!"

"Cherish your anchor's time in the competition. After the competition is over, they will have to withdraw from the circle and will no longer be able to broadcast live!"

"Ha ha……"

Ye Yang's fans were also elated at this time and felt very comfortable.



After fighting a dominator and using the army line, the highland towers of the five anchors fell one after another.

There is no doubt that he lost.


"It's okay. We have three wins out of five games. Let's ban Luna and Jing for him in the next game and see what he does."

"That's right, that's right."

Several anchors also breathed a sigh of relief when they thought of this.

No matter how good Ye Yang is, he still relies on the hero mechanism.

If you play a hero whose ceiling is not high enough, there is no point in showing off.

This result also shocked the passers-by who were paying attention to the game.

"Really or not, four girls with shining diamonds defeated five top anchors!?"

"Damn, this is too awesome, isn't it?"


"But in the next game, according to the despicable attributes of those anchors, Luna and Jing will definitely be banned. I don't know what Ye Shenhao will do next..."

"Yes, it takes one's talents to play a hero to the ceiling."

"Ye Shenhao is not only a great master, but also a martial artist. Is it possible that he is also a super genius in gaming?"

"Comparing people to each other is so irritating! I'm so envious, ahhhh!!!"


Soon, the second game begins.

"As expected, they are all banned."

Ye Yang shrugged and didn't care.

In this game, he directly chose Xuance as the jungler.

Baili Xuance can throw people directly behind him, or he can flash behind the enemy. If he plays well, he will be in the middle of a team battle almost all the time.

If you calculate it well, you won't be able to hit yourself with any skill.

But he can carry out massacres.

In this game, all five anchors showed their true heroes.

It was really frustrating to lose the last game.

If they lose again this time, they will be really embarrassed.

But the ending is still the same.

In addition to the fact that in the early stages of the laning, he jumped over the tower to kill girls a little more than in the previous game, once Ye Yang started to arrest people, it was the beginning of the collapse of the five anchors.

There's no way to stop it!

"Can this hook me!?"

"No way! He won't die!"

"I can't hit him at all!"

"Fuck, is this guy still a human!?"

"Is he a ghost? He was in the middle lane just now, why did he suddenly run to the bottom lane..."

Even though they all took out their favorite heroes, the five anchors were still in chaos and were directly beaten.

They lost the game.

"Damn! This battle is enough to be enshrined as a god!"

"Too awesome! I was so excited watching it!"

"It's really a one-person game!"

"Haha, there are five top anchors, I think it's no different from playing against human and machine."

"That's right!"


At this time, the fans of the five anchors had nothing to say.

After all, the results of the battle were in front of them, and it was meaningless to brag.

It would only increase ridicule.

The third game.

The decisive game.

The five anchors were sweating.

If they lost this game, they would have to quit the circle directly.

That was something they couldn't accept!

"Why was I so stupid to come and seek death!"

"Ah... Lao Xiong was wise at the beginning, Ah Sao, you killed us!"

Several anchors complained.

"Hey? Now you blame me. When I mentioned the 1 billion compensation, your eyes were as bright as flashlights!"

Ah Sao was also frightened at this time. After hearing this, his mentality exploded.

"That's right, it's your fault! If you hadn't insisted on pretending, we wouldn't have joined you in finding trouble with Ye Shenhao. I regret it now!"

Ah Sao was so angry that he wanted to throw his phone!

Before the game started, the five anchors started arguing with each other.

Obviously, Ye Yang's dominance in the first two games directly broke their mentality...

(First update)

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