Super Rich: I get rich by spending money

Chapter 192: The receptionist is actually a rich girl?

"Well... okay, but this teapot is much better than before in terms of workmanship and the tea it brews. It must be expensive, right? I estimate it's worth tens of thousands!"

Ye Xuanting believes in his own judgment and asked unwillingly.

"Well, it's not cheap. Dad, you can use it. I've made money from starting a business recently, and I have to give back to my family."

Ye Yang said with a smile.

"Well, don't spend money carelessly even if you have money!"

When Ye's mother heard that a teapot cost at least tens of thousands, she felt a little distressed: "You have to save money to buy a house for yourself!"

"Ah? Didn't Zi Yan tell you when she went back?"

Ye Yang was a little surprised.

"Ah? That girl packed her luggage and went to the capital to study in college when she came back. I don't know what she said to my brother. Recently, she has been more attentive to us. She always comes to give us gifts and says thank you for taking care of Zi Yan in the magic city..."

Ye's mother was also very confused.


Ye Yang nodded and smiled, "So that's it."

Since the fact that he is a rich man has not been exposed for the time being, he will keep it a secret for a while. After all, the old people's acceptance ability is not very strong. If he tells them bit by bit, they will naturally accept it over time.

If he tells them now that his total assets are tens of billions, wouldn't it be a direct way to scare the old couple to have a heart attack.

"Hello? Xiaoyang, let me tell you."

After resolving his inner doubts, Ye's father also handed the phone to Ye's mother.


When Ye Yang heard his mother's voice, he knew that it was definitely not a good thing.

"Last time I asked your aunt Wang to introduce you to that one, but you didn't like it. This time, I asked her to find you a better one! Do you want to meet her?"

Ye's mother said in a friendly and negotiable manner.


Ye Yang scratched his brows and wanted to tell Ye's mother that he already had many girlfriends, but he would definitely be scolded for doing so.

"Okay then... I hope it's not another black potato without self-awareness this time."

"Okay, I'll let your Aunt Wang contact you later."

Mother Ye was very happy. After giving her instructions for a while, she put down the phone.


Ye Yang put his phone aside. Anyway, he was bored now, so going for afternoon tea or something would be a small change of life.

This time, Aunt Wang patted her chest and guaranteed that the quality was definitely good.

The last time, the black potato was deceived because the photoshop was too harsh.

Otherwise, she would not be introduced to Ye Yang.

"Well, okay."

Ye Yang nodded, indicating that he would trust Aunt Wang one last time.

Driving the top-of-the-line Porsche 918, one of the three great cars, Ye Yang drove to the agreed location.

It was still the same restaurant.

Ye Yang frowned, and a bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart.


The girl at the front desk obviously still remembered the handsome guy Ye Yang, and smiled at him.

The appointment was to arrive at 5:00, but now it was 4:50.

Ye Yang was not in a hurry and waited slowly.

Until 5:30, there was still no sign of the other party.

The girl at the front desk glanced over here from time to time, obviously wondering who Ye Yang was waiting for.


Ye Yang frowned, sent a message to the other party, and replied immediately.

This immediately, and I haven't seen anyone for another half an hour.

It's already six o'clock.

Ye Yang shrugged, feeling a little hungry, so he just ordered food directly.

At six o'clock, the girl at the front desk also had someone to take over her shift.

Ye Yang waved at her.

"Brother, I'm off work."

Xu Xiaoxin smiled at Ye Yang.

"I'll call you after get off work~"

Ye Yang pointed to the food on the table: "I ordered a double portion, do you want to have dinner together?"

Although this girl at the front desk is not particularly stunning, she is very sweet and has a unique temperament.

If she changed her makeup, it would be enough to amaze him now.


Xu Xiaoxin also had a good impression of Ye Yang, so she didn't refuse at this time and sat down directly.

"Who are you waiting for, handsome guy?"

"My blind date."

Ye Yang shrugged: "But I'm more than an hour late, so I won't wait for her."

"Ah? How can there be such a person? He has no sense of time! He doesn't know how to respect people at all!"

Xu Xiaoxin puffed up her face and complained for Ye Yang.

"But it's a blessing in disguise. It gives me the opportunity to treat you, a little beauty, to dinner~"

Ye Yang said half-jokingly.

"You are so good at flirting!"

Xu Xiaoxin giggled at being flirted.

"Your job shouldn't be a waiter, right?"

Ye Yang leaned closer to Xu Xiaoxin and looked at her carefully, and asked.


Xu Xiaoxin was stunned by the question, and subconsciously asked: "How did you know?"

After saying that, she reacted and stuck out her tongue mischievously.

"You're pretty good, hehe."

Xu Xiaoxin blinked: "Are you a private detective?"

Ye Yang shrugged: "I'm just an unknown thief, ready to steal your heart tonight."

Earthy love words are common, but it depends on who says them.

When a handsome guy like Ye Yang says them, most girls will be fascinated.

"Haha, you're really good! No kidding, serious talk!"

Xu Xiaoxin said seriously.


As they talked, the two sides got to know each other.

It turns out that Xu Xiaoxin's family is also well-off. She is the daughter of a chairman of a listed company.

Her father has arranged everything for her life.

She should go to the best university, wear the best clothes, and go directly to her father's company as a senior executive after graduation.

But these are not what she wants. Instead, they make her feel very constrained.

So, she took advantage of the holiday before graduation to experience the life of ordinary people.


Ye Yang gave Xu Xiaoxin a thumbs up. It turns out that there are really such daughters who come out to experience life in reality. I thought this kind of plot only appeared in novels and TV dramas!

It seems that you still have to treat everyone around you well. Maybe he is a super rich man with a hidden identity!

"Haha, what about you?"

Xu Xiaoxin asked.


Ye Yang rubbed his chin: "I'm in the same business as your dad!"

"Wow, you also run a company!"

Xu Xiaoxin's eyes lit up: "Then when you have a daughter in the future, will you force her life to be arranged like my dad?"

Ye Yang smiled and shook his head: "Of course not."

Because the money he earns can't be spent in several lifetimes, the younger generation just needs to wait for the money to be spent.

Until the two of them had almost finished eating and left their contact information.

A BMW 5 Series stopped at the entrance of the restaurant, and a girl dressed fashionably and wearing luxury goods walked down from it.

She walked into the restaurant.

Just saw Ye Yang and Xu Xiaoxin chatting and laughing.

After confirming the seat, he frowned and walked up directly: "Are you Ye Yang?"

Ye Yang glanced at the new fashion girl. After taking off the sunglasses, her whole appearance barely met the standard of good-looking. If she washed off her makeup, it was just above average.

"Are you Shi Xiaojing?"

"Heh, explain it? What's going on?"

Shi Xiaojing asked arrogantly and condescendingly.


Ye Yang sneered: "Shouldn't you give me an explanation first?"

(First update)

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